19 research outputs found

    A physical map of Brassica oleracea shows complexity of chromosomal changes following recursive paleopolyploidizations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Evolution of the Brassica species has been recursively affected by polyploidy events, and comparison to their relative, <it>Arabidopsis thaliana</it>, provides means to explore their genomic complexity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A genome-wide physical map of a rapid-cycling strain of <it>B. oleracea </it>was constructed by integrating high-information-content fingerprinting (HICF) of Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) clones with hybridization to sequence-tagged probes. Using 2907 contigs of two or more BACs, we performed several lines of comparative genomic analysis. Interspecific DNA synteny is much better preserved in euchromatin than heterochromatin, showing the qualitative difference in evolution of these respective genomic domains. About 67% of contigs can be aligned to the Arabidopsis genome, with 96.5% corresponding to euchromatic regions, and 3.5% (shown to contain repetitive sequences) to pericentromeric regions. Overgo probe hybridization data showed that contigs aligned to Arabidopsis euchromatin contain ~80% of low-copy-number genes, while genes with high copy number are much more frequently associated with pericentromeric regions. We identified 39 interchromosomal breakpoints during the diversification of <it>B. oleracea </it>and <it>Arabidopsis thaliana</it>, a relatively high level of genomic change since their divergence. Comparison of the <it>B. oleracea </it>physical map with Arabidopsis and other available eudicot genomes showed appreciable 'shadowing' produced by more ancient polyploidies, resulting in a web of relatedness among contigs which increased genomic complexity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A high-resolution genetically-anchored physical map sheds light on Brassica genome organization and advances positional cloning of specific genes, and may help to validate genome sequence assembly and alignment to chromosomes.</p> <p>All the physical mapping data is freely shared at a WebFPC site (<url>http://lulu.pgml.uga.edu/fpc/WebAGCoL/brassica/WebFPC/</url>; Temporarily password-protected: account: pgml; password: 123qwe123.</p

    Histone chaperones regulate histone exchange during transcription

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    Transcription by RNA polymerase II is accompanied by dynamic changes in chromatin, including the eviction/deposition of nucleosomes or the covalent modification of histone subunits. This study examined the role of the histone H3/H4 chaperones, Asf1 and HIR, in histone mobility during transcription, with particular focus on the histone exchange pathway, using a dual histone expression system. The results showed that the exchange of H3/H4 normally occurs during transcription by the histone chaperones. Both Asf1 and HIR are important for histone deposition but have a different effect on histone exchange. While Asf1 mediated incorporation of external H3/H4 and renewal of pre-existing histones, HIR opposed it. The balance of two opposing activities might be an important mechanism for determining current chromatin states

    Microhomology Selection for Microhomology Mediated End Joining in <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>

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    Microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) anneals short, imperfect microhomologies flanking DNA breaks, producing repair products with deletions in a Ku- and RAD52-independent fashion. Puzzlingly, MMEJ preferentially selects certain microhomologies over others, even when multiple microhomologies are available. To define rules and parameters for microhomology selection, we altered the length, the position, and the level of mismatches to the microhomologies flanking homothallic switching (HO) endonuclease-induced breaks and assessed their effect on MMEJ frequency and the types of repair product formation. We found that microhomology of eight to 20 base pairs carrying no more than 20% mismatches efficiently induced MMEJ. Deletion of MSH6 did not impact MMEJ frequency. MMEJ preferentially chose a microhomology pair that was more proximal from the break. Interestingly, MMEJ events preferentially retained the centromere proximal side of the HO break, while the sequences proximal to the telomere were frequently deleted. The asymmetry in the deletional profile among MMEJ products was reduced when HO was induced on the circular chromosome. The results provide insight into how cells search and select microhomologies for MMEJ in budding yeast

    Apn2 resolves blocked 3' ends and suppresses Top1-induced mutagenesis at genomic rNMP sites

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    Ribonucleoside monophosphates (rNMPs) mis-incorporated during DNA replication are removed by RNase H2-dependent excision repair or by topoisomerase I (Top1)-catalyzed cleavage. The cleavage of rNMPs by Top1 produces 3′ ends harboring terminal adducts, such as 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate or Top1 cleavage complex (Top1cc), and leads to frequent mutagenesis and DNA damage checkpoint induction. We surveyed a range of candidate enzymes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for potential roles in Top1-dependent genomic rNMP removal. Genetic and biochemical analyses reveal that Apn2 resolves phosphotyrosine–DNA conjugates, terminal 2′,3′-cyclic phosphates, and their hydrolyzed products. APN2 also suppresses 2-base pair (bp) slippage mutagenesis in RNH201-deficient cells. Our results define additional activities of Apn2 in resolving a wide range of 3′ end blocks and identify a role for Apn2 in maintaining genome integrity during rNMP repair

    Different roles of histone H3 lysine 4 methylation in chromatin maintenance

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    Histone H3 methyltransferases are involved in the epigenetic control of transcription and heterochromatin maintenance. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, deletion of a histone H3 methyltransferase SET1 leads to the induction of a subset of stress responsive genes in a Rad53 dependent manner. This type of induction was observed only in the absence of SET1 and not in the absence of other histone methyltransferases, SET2 or DOT1. We show that the increased expression of the stress responsive genes results from a lack of histone H3 lysine (K) 4 methylation. The loss of mono-methylation on H3 K4 is necessary to increase the expression of the stress responsive genes, while the loss of di- or tri-methylation induced by deletion of either RRM domain of Set1 or the upstream effector molecules hardly affected their expression. These results suggest that mono- and multiple methylation of H3 K4 have different roles. The mono-methylation of H3 K4 might be required for the global integrity of chromatin structure, which is normally monitored by the Rad53 dependent chromatin surveillance system

    Endoscopic Treatment of Jejunal Heterotopic Gastric Mucosa that Caused Recurrent Intussusception

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    Heterotopic gastric mucosa (HGM) is a rare anomaly in the small bowel and may be the cause of intussusception when it gets a lead point in the jejunum. All cases of intussusception due to intestinal HGM have been treated with surgical resection. A 5-year-old girl presented with chief complaints of vomiting and abdominal pain for 2 weeks. A computed tomography scan of the abdomen showed intussusception at the proximal jejunal loops. Three air reductions and one saline reduction were attempted without success. She continued to be symptomatic, and endoscopic evaluation was performed. Enteroscopy revealed some variable-sized polypoid mucosal lesions with erosions on the proximal jejunum. Endoscopic mucosal resection was performed using a snare. The resected tissues histologically showed a hyperplastic polyp arising from the HGM. Her symptoms did not recur within 1 year after the treatment. Our case showed that enteroscopy could be useful for the diagnosis and management of jejunal intussusception caused by HGM