542 research outputs found

    Recognition and normalization of temporal expressions in Serbian medical narratives

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    The temporal dimension emerges as one of the essential concepts in the field of medicine, providing a basis for the proper interpretation and understanding of medically relevant information, often recorded only in unstructured texts. Automatic processing of temporal expressions involves their identification and formalization in a language understandable to computers. This paper aims to apply the existing system for automatic processing of temporal expressions in Serbian natural language texts to medical narrative texts, to evaluate the system’s efficiency in recognition and normalization of temporal expressions and to determine the degree of necessary adaptation according to the characteristics and requirements of the medical domain

    Najcitiraniji radovi istraživača srpskih stomatoloških institucija (1996-2018)

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    Introduction Citation analysis, as one of the best-known bibliometric approaches, is widely used in the evaluation of research output and assessment of research performance and impact. The purpose of this study was to identify the top cited articles published by researchers affiliated to Serbian dental institutions and to analyze their characteristics in order to describe cooperation at individual and institutional, as well as at national and international level. Material and Methods Articles that cited the most 2018 publication in the Web of Science were assessed. The analyzed aspects covered distribution of annual production, annual citations, journals, categories, countries, institutions, authors, research focuses and trends by author keywords and KeyWords Plus. Results the top cited papers were published in 60 journals from 1997 to 2016, with the mean number of 45.08 citations per article. These papers were co-authored by 449 authors, responsible for 726 authorships, affiliated to 149 institutions from 41 countries. Among the overall number of authors, 238 were from Serbia, while 211 were affiliated with international institutions. The most productive institutions were the University of Belgrade and Military Medical Academy from Serbia, whilst the international contributing institutions were primarily from the USA, England, and Italy. Conclusion the present study presented useful insight into the most influential Serbian dental institutions research, revealing the most productive actors and multidisciplinary nature of the research contribution.Uvod Citatna analiza, kao jedan od najpoznatijih bibliometrijskih pristupa, u velikoj meri se koristi prilikom procene naučnih rezultata, postignutog istraživačkog učinka I uticaja. Cilj ovoga rada bio je identifikacija najcitiranijih članaka koje su objavili istraživači povezani sa srpskim stomatološkim institutcijama, kao I analiza njihovih odlika, radi opisa ostvarene saradnje, kako na individualnom I institucionalnom, tako I na nacionalnom I internacionalnom nivou. Materijal I metode Članci sa najvećim brojem citata dobijenih u okviru baze Web of Science od datuma publikovanja do 2018. godine bili su predmet procene. Aspekti koji su analizirani obuhvatali su podatke o broju objavljenih članaka na godišnjem nivou, broju dobijenih citata u toku godine, časopisima, predmetnim kategorijama, zemljama, institucijama, autorima, ali I centralnim temama I trendovima u istraživanjima, posmatranim na osnovu ključnih reči koje je autor dodelio članku, ali I dodatnih ključnih reči, generisanih u okviru korišćene baze Web of Science (KeyWords Plus). Rezultati Posmatrana grupa najcitiranijih radova objavljena je u okviru 60 različitih časopisa, u periodu od 1997. do 2016. godine, uz 45,08 prosečan broj citata po radu. U izradi ovih članaka učestvovalo je ukupno 449 autora, odgovornih za 726 autorstava I povezanih sa 149 institucija iz 41 zemlje. Od ukupnog broja autora, 238 je iz Srbije, dok je 211 autora vezano za strane institucije. Najproduktivnije ustanove iz Srbije bile su Univerzitet u Beogradu I Vojnomedicinska akademija, dok su strane institucije koje su učestvovale u izradi radova prevashodno dolazile iz SAD-a, Engleske I Italije. Zaključak Ova studija pruža koristan uvid u to koja su istraživanja srpskih stomatoloških ustanova izvršila najveći uticaj, otkrivajući I najproduktivnije aktere I multidisciplinarnu prirodu naučnog doprinosa

    Tekstometrijske metode i TXM platforma za analizu i vizuelnu prezentaciju korpusa

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    Textometric approach has long been applied as a useful method for corpus analysis in various fields of humanities and social sciences. Textometry allows the non-linear quantitative and qualitative study of digital corpora, combining lexicometric and statistical research with developed corpus technologies. In this paper, the current version of the srpELTeC corpus was analyzed within the TXM program environment to illustrate the possibilities of the textometric approach and visual presentation of the obtained results.Tekstometrijski pristup se već dugo primenjuje kao korisna metoda za analizu korpusa u različitim oblastima društveno-humanističkih nauka. Kombinu]ući leksikometri]ska i statistička istraživanja sa razvi]enim korpusnim tehnologijama, tekstometri]a omogućava nelinearno kvantitativno i kvalitativno proučavanje digitalnih korpusa. U ovom radu je s ciljem ilustrovanja mogućnosti tekstometrijskog pristupa u okviru TXM programskog okruženja izvršena analiza tekuće verzije srpELTeC korpusa, uz predstavljanje mogućnosti vizuelnog prikaza dobijenih rezultat

    Bibliometrijska analiza radova objavljenih u Stomatološkom glasniku Srbije u periodu 2002-2009. godine

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    Introduction. Serbian Dental Journal (SDJ) is a major source of formal communication for dentists in this region. The purpose of this bibliometric study was to examine articles published in SDJ in period 2002-2009, in reference to journal productivity and nature of authorships, citation patterns, most frequently cited scientific journals and the role of self-citations. Material and Methods. Bibliographic data, as well as metadata for all articles were taken from the Serbian national citation index SCIndeks. Bibliometric analysis of source articles included the number and type of article, author characteristics and cited literature. For each citation the following data was recorded: author(s), article title, journal title, monographic title, publication type, publication year and language. Results. In this period 193 articles were published and most of them were original research articles. In this period a total of 314 national and international authors cooperated, responsible for 538 authorships. The mean number of authors per article was 2.8. Most cited items in terms of publication type were journal articles (83.5 %), while the most frequently cited journals were just those most relevant in the field of dentistry. Results also indicate that the age of the cited literature is below the norm for medical literature. Conclusion. Obtained numerical indicators do not differ significantly when compared to other scientific and professional journals. However, it can be concluded that it is necessary to increase journal productivity and self-citation rate, as well as citation of current literature, up to five years old. This analysis allows evaluating patterns of scientific communication among dentists in this region, as well as journal's current management strategies in order to define useful future directions for the inclusion into the international system of scientific information exchange.Uvod. Časopis Stomatološki glasnik Srbije (SGS) je glavni izvor formalne komunikacije stomatologa s ovih prostora. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se primenom bibliometrijskih pokazatelja provere osobenosti radova objavljenih u SGS, produktivnost časopisa, priroda autorstava, obrasci citiranja, najčešće citirani naučni časopisi i uloga autocitata u periodu 2002-2009. godine. Metode rada. Podaci o objavljenim radovima i metapodaci preuzeti su iz Srpskog citatnog indeksa (SCIndeks). Bibliometrijska analiza izvornih članaka uključila je broj i tip objavljenih radova, podatke o autorima i citiranu literaturu. Za svaki citat zabeleženi su sledeći podaci: autor(i), naslov rada, časopisa i monografske publikacije, tip dokumenta, godina objavljivanja i jezik. Rezultati. U posmatranom periodu u SGS su objavljena 193 članka, od kojih većinu čine originalni naučni radovi. Kooperiralo je ukupno 314 autora iz zemlje i inostranstva, odgovornih za 538 autorstava. Prosečan broj autora po radu bio je 2,8. Najčešće citirani tip literature su članci iz časopisa (83,5%), dok su najčešće citirani naučni časopisi upravo oni najcenjeniji na polju stomatologije uopšte. Podaci o starosti citirane literature ukazuju na citiranje koje je nešto ispod norme za medicinsku literaturu. Zaključak. Dobijeni podaci se ne razlikuju značajno od numeričkih pokazatelja za druge naučne i stručne časopise. Ipak se može zaključiti da je neophodno povećati produktivnost i autocitiranost časopisa, kao i korišćenje aktuelne literature stare do pet godina. Ova analiza omogućava valorizaciju naučne komunikacije stomatologa s ovih prostora, ali i evaluaciju aktuelne strategije vođenja ovoga časopisa, kako bi se definisale korisne smernice za uključivanje u međunarodni sistem razmene naučnih informacija

    Rectified ethanol production cost analysis

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    This paper deals with the impact of the most important factors of the total production costs in bioethanol production. The most influential factors are: total investment costs, price of raw materials (price of biomass, enzymes, yeast), and energy costs. Taking into account these factors, a procedure for estimation total production costs was establish. In order to gain insight into the relationship of production and selling price of bioethanol, price of bioethanol for some countries of the European Union and the United States are given

    Impact of leachate filtration on slope failure potential of landfill side walls

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    The most common method for organized solid waste disposal, in middle and low income countries, is certainly the use of landfills. Although design of those structures has been improved significantly during the last decades, there are still potential hazards that require attention. In this paper, one of the many possible hazardous scenarios has been investigated. In the event of heavy precipitation leachate head is rising in the body of active landfill presuming there is no daily cover above the body. Due to leachate drainage malfunction, leachate head can rise above the design criteria value. With the landfill sidewall geomembrane previously damaged, or poorly built, gravity will drive the leachate through porous side walls of landfill. Gravity-driven groundwater flow will influence the distribution of effective stress in the body of a side wall. Effective stress, in turn, influences the potential for shear slope failure which can be quantified using the Coulomb failure potential. For evaluation of the effects of leachate filtration, we formulate a two-dimensional, steady state, poroelastic model. Steady state filtration model is formulated for unsaturated/saturated porous media. For the illustration, leachate flow field, total body force field and effective stress field are calculated in a landfill side wall. Based on this results Coulomb failure potential field is calculated for the body of a side wall. In most parts leachate flow significantly increases the value of the failure potential, while shifting the locus of greatest values towards the toe of the outer slope of a side wall

    Leading dental journals availability through academic network of Serbia

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    In the last century a great progress was noted in all scientific disciplines. With the increasing number of scientific research, researchers and investment, the number of publications has grown exponentially. Besides, the development of information technologies and the emergence of the Internet, communication between scientists as well as the traditional roles assigned to the institutions responsible for information processing and provision has been changed. Due to the rapidly increasing subscription rates, libraries, although the primary participants in the scholarly communication process, lose their ability to meet user information needs. In order to overcome commercialization of scholarly publishing, libraries intensify use of different electronic resources, coordinate acquisition policy and form consortia. In November 2001, leading research libraries in Serbia launched an initiative to form the Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition of Serbian Libraries (KoBSON). Subscribed services, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Serbia, currently include over 35,000 scientific journals, about 40,000 books and several citation databases. In the field of Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Medicine, 73.4% of total number of the most relevant dental journals is available in electronic form to Serbian academic community. This article presents a comprehensive overview of basic information about available journals: impact factor, productivity, publication continuity and frequency, language, services that they are available through, size of archives and existing formats. At present Serbian academic institutions have access to more than two thirds of the world’s most relevant dental journals, which justifies the Consortium founders’ initial idea of wide accessibility of scientific information and requires greater involvement of librarians in introducing available services to researchers in order to ensure their full utilization

    Ultra-low thermal conductivity in organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite CH3NH3PbI3

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    We report on the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity of single crystalline and polycrystalline organometallic perovskite CH3NH3PbI3. The comparable absolute values and temperature dependence of the two sample's morphologies indicate the minor role of the grain boundaries on the heat transport. Theoretical modelling demonstrates the importance of the resonant scattering in both specimens. The interaction between phonon waves and rotational degrees of freedom of CH3NH3+ sub-lattice emerges as the dominant mechanism for attenuation of heat transport and for ultralow thermal conductivity of 0.5 W/(Km) at room temperature

    Rate of Convergence of Tikhonov Method of Regularization for Constrained Linear Equations with Operators Having Closed Ranges

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    We derive the estimates of the rate of convergence of the Tikhonov method of regularization for a constrained operator linear equation. In case that the range of the corresponding operator is closed, the estimate is of the same order as the estimates for a linear equation without constraints