25 research outputs found

    Beschikbaarheid van meetwaarden uit het Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit voor de periode 1976-1990

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    The Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network is operational since 1976. This report presents an overview of the measurement sites and the availability of data from the sites for the period 1977-1990 as far as available in the automated data base of the laboratory for Air Research. Overviews are presented for the following components [in brackets the starting year of the monitoring activity is geven]: - gaseous components: CO [1977], NOx 1977], O3 [1977] and SO2 [1976 ; - aerosols etc.: black smoke 1987], acidifying compounds [1987], metals [1987], tsp [1987 ; - chemical composition of precipitation: bulk components [1978], microcomponents [1983 ; - meteorological parameters: global radiation [1977], temperature [1987], wind direction [1977], wind speed [1977].<br

    Availability of measurement results from the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network for the period 1976-1990

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    The Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network is operational since 1976. This report presents an overview of the measurement sites and the availability of data from the sites for the period 1977-1990 as far as available in the automated data base of the laboratory for Air Research. Overviews are presented for the following components [in brackets the starting year of the monitoring activity is geven]: - gaseous components: CO [1977], NOx 1977], O3 [1977] and SO2 [1976 ; - aerosols etc.: black smoke 1987], acidifying compounds [1987], metals [1987], tsp [1987 ; - chemical composition of precipitation: bulk components [1978], microcomponents [1983 ; - meteorological parameters: global radiation [1977], temperature [1987], wind direction [1977], wind speed [1977].DGM/

    Mental Health as Civic Virtue: Psychological Definitions of Citizenship in the Netherlands (1900-1985).

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    This chapter discusses how, in the netherlands from around 1900 until the mid-1980s, the idea of ‘citizenship’ acquired new definitions in the context of developing ‘mental hygiene’ and outpatient mental health care. Formulating views about the position of individuals in modern society and their potential for self-development, psychiatrists and other mental health workers linked mental health with ideals of democratic citizenship. Thus, they were involved in the liberal-democratic project of promoting not only productive, responsible, and adaptive citizens, but also autonomous, self-conscious, and emancipated members of an open society.keywordsmental healthmental health carewelfare statepublic mental healthcivic virtuethese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves