62 research outputs found

    Comparative Pathogenesis of Three Human and Zoonotic SARS-CoV Strains in Cynomolgus Macaques

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic was characterized by increased pathogenicity in the elderly due to an early exacerbated innate host response. SARS-CoV is a zoonotic pathogen that entered the human population through an intermediate host like the palm civet. To prevent future introductions of zoonotic SARS-CoV strains and subsequent transmission into the human population, heterologous disease models are needed to test the efficacy of vaccines and therapeutics against both late human and zoonotic isolates. Here we show that both human and zoonotic SARS-CoV strains can infect cynomolgus macaques and resulted in radiological as well as histopathological changes similar to those seen in mild human cases. Viral replication was higher in animals infected with a late human phase isolate compared to a zoonotic isolate. While there were significant differences in the number of host genes differentially regulated during the host responses between the three SARS-CoV strains, the top pathways and functions were similar and only apparent early during infection with the majority of genes associated with interferon signaling pathways. This study characterizes critical disease models in the evaluation and licensure of therapeutic strategies against SARS-CoV for human use

    Being Ready to Treat Ebola Virus Disease Patients

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    An unprecedented number of health care professionals from a variety of clinical settings, in a wide range of countries are thinking about, preparing for and caring for Ebola virus disease (EVD) patients. Guidance documents on infection prevention and control (IPC) practice and clinical care have been produced by organizations with EVD experience.1–3 The World Health Organization (WHO) produces guidance for implementation across a wide range of resource settings. Medecin Sans Frontiùres produces guidance for medical team activities across the outbreak. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) focus on measures which can be taken by the United States health system and extrapolated by others involved in preparedness and response. There are no short cuts to clinical preparedness for EVD. These documents and their revisions should be reviewed carefully. As important as guidance documents are, many lessons must be learned from specific hands-on experience. The WHO has mobilized clinical consultants in support of EVD response in each of the affected countries in West Africa. This short list of key points attempts to consolidate practical lessons learned that do not always percolate into technical documents. Having landed in unconstrained, resource-limited settings at the start of local EVD clinical operations in an outbreak, and more established EVD care centers, we hope that others might adopt some of these lessons and avoid some of the risks inherent to the steep learning curve associated with delivering EVD care. The points are geared toward the daily care of patients as opposed to the critical mechanics of establishing a care center and developing its procedures. They are focused on the outbreak setting and also have relevance to the referral hospital setting

    Nothing Lasts Forever: Environmental Discourses on the Collapse of Past Societies

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    The study of the collapse of past societies raises many questions for the theory and practice of archaeology. Interest in collapse extends as well into the natural sciences and environmental and sustainability policy. Despite a range of approaches to collapse, the predominant paradigm is environmental collapse, which I argue obscures recognition of the dynamic role of social processes that lie at the heart of human communities. These environmental discourses, together with confusion over terminology and the concepts of collapse, have created widespread aporia about collapse and resulted in the creation of mixed messages about complex historical and social processes

    Accurate computation of moist available potential energy with the Munkres algorithm

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    The moist available potential energy (MAPE) of a domain of air is defined as the maximum amount of kinetic energy that can be released through reversible adiabatic motions of its air parcels. The MAPE can be calculated using a parcel‐moving algorithm that finds the minimum enthalpy state for a given set of thermodynamic assumptions. However, the parcel‐moving algorithms proposed previously do not always find the minimum enthalpy state. In this article, we apply the Munkres algorithm to find the exact minimum enthalpy state and compare this exact algorithm with four inexact algorithms, including a new divide‐and‐conquer algorithm. The divide‐and‐conquer algorithm performs well in practice, while being simpler and faster than the Munkres algorithm, and it is recommended for future calculation of MAPE when the exact result is not required. Keywords: Poisson Equation, Laplacian growth, Diffusion Field, analytic solution, ramified network, Golden rati

    The human role in the age of information

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    Age of automation entails freedom from most of the common working roles. Signs are changes in employment, unemployment, professional structures, relevance of services, entertainment industry, working hours, and the nature of social relations. Warnings are suggested against voluntaristic interventions, neglect of social, historical relations. New approaches are required in the fields of lifelong education and in the education of socially disadvantaged people. The changes in evolutionary inherited motivations and life styles are critical challenges to mankind. Open society and lessons of system control are recommended. © 2013 Springer-Verlag London
