9 research outputs found

    Case Report - Malrotation of the gut manifested during pregnancy

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    The diagnosis of intestinal obstruction during pregnancy poses problems, as vomiting which is an important symptom of the obstruction can be attributed to hyperemesis of pregnancy and radiological investigation are avoided during this period. A case of intestinal obstruction due to volvulus resulting from congenital malrotation of the gut is reported here. The patient first presented during pregnancy. The case emphasises the need for thorough investigations in a case of persistent vomiting in pregnancy

    Case Report - Ruptured True Aneurysm of The Splenic Artery: An Unusual Cause of Haemoperitoneum

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    True aneurysm of the splenic artery is rare. Two cases of ruptured true aneurysm are presented. The first patient was a 62-year-old female who presented within 6 hours of the onset of symptoms. The other was a 27-year-old nonalcoholic male patient who was admitted in a state of shock after 2 days of observation in a peripheral hospital. Both patients had haemoperitoneum and were subjected to exploratory laparotomy. Anuerysmectomy was performed in both the patients in addition to left splenopancreatectomy in the first case and splenectomy in the second. However, due to the prolonged preoperative shock, the second patient succumbed on the third postoperative day

    Breast Gangrene in an HIV-Positive Patient

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    Esophageal cancer research today and tomorrow: Lessons from algae and other perspectives

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    Intestinal Obstruction

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