34 research outputs found

    Purines and the Anti-Epileptic Actions of Ketogenic Diets

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    Ketogenic diets are high in fat and low in carbohydrates and represent a well-established and effective treatmentalternative to anti-epileptic drugs. Ketogenic diets are used for the management of a variety of difficult-to-treat or intractableseizure disorders, especially pediatric refractory epilepsy. However, it has been shown that this dietary therapycan reduce seizures in people of all ages, and ketogenic diets are being applied to other prevalent medical conditions suchas diabetes. Although used effectively to treat epilepsy for nearly 90 years, the mechanism(s) by which ketogenic dietswork to reduce seizures remain ill-understood. One mechanism receiving increased attention is based on findings that ketogenicdiets increase the brain energy molecule ATP, and may also increase the levels and actions of the related endogenousinhibitory neuromodulator adenosine. ATP and adenosine have both been identified as important modulators of seizures;seizures increase the actions of these purines, these purines regulate epileptic activity in brain, adenosine receptorantagonists are pro-convulsant, and adenosinergic mechanisms have been implicated previously in the actions of approvedanti-epileptic therapeutics. Here we will review recent literature and describe findings that shed light on mechanistic relationshipsbetween ketogenic diets and the purines ATP and adenosine. These emerging mechanisms hold great promisefor the effective therapeutic management of epileptic seizures and other neurological conditions

    Glutathione and glutamate in schizophrenia: a 7T MRS study

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    In schizophrenia, abnormal neural metabolite concentrations may arise from cortical damage following neuroinflammatory processes implicated in acute episodes. Inflammation is associated with increased glutamate, whereas the antioxidant glutathione may protect against inflammation-induced oxidative stress. We hypothesized that patients with stable schizophrenia would exhibit a reduction in glutathione, glutamate and/or glutamine in the cerebral cortex, consistent with a postinflammatory response, and that this reduction would be most marked in patients with residual schizophrenia an early stage with positive psychotic symptoms has progressed to a late stage characterised by long-term negative symptoms and impairments. We recruited 28 patients with stable schizophrenia and 45 healthy participants matched for age, gender and parental socio-economic status. We measured glutathione, glutamate and glutamine concentrations in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), left insula, and visual cortex using 7T proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS). Glutathione and glutamate were significantly correlated in all three voxels. Glutamine concentrations across the three voxels were significantly correlated with each other. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) produced three clear components: an ACC glutathione-glutamate component; an insula-visual glutathione-glutamate component; and a glutamine component. Patients with stable schizophrenia had significantly lower scores on the ACC glutathione-glutamate component, an effect almost entirely leveraged by the sub-group of patients with residual schizophrenia. All three metabolite concentration values in the ACC were significantly reduced in this group. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that excito-toxicity during the acute phase of illness leads to reduced glutathione and glutamate in the residual phase of the illness

    Detecting functional magnetic resonance imaging activation in white matter: Interhemispheric transfer across the corpus callosum

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is generally believed that activation in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is restricted to gray matter. Despite this, a number of studies have reported white matter activation, particularly when the corpus callosum is targeted using interhemispheric transfer tasks. These findings suggest that fMRI signals may not be neatly confined to gray matter tissue. In the current experiment, 4 T fMRI was employed to evaluate whether it is possible to detect white matter activation. We used an interhemispheric transfer task modelled after neurological studies of callosal disconnection. It was hypothesized that white matter activation could be detected using fMRI.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both group and individual data were considered. At liberal statistical thresholds (p < 0.005, uncorrected), group level activation was detected in the isthmus of the corpus callosum. This region connects the superior parietal cortices, which have been implicated previously in interhemispheric transfer. At the individual level, five of the 24 subjects (21%) had activation clusters that were located primarily within the corpus callosum. Consistent with the group results, the clusters of all five subjects were located in posterior callosal regions. The signal time courses for these clusters were comparable to those observed for task related gray matter activation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings support the idea that, despite the inherent challenges, fMRI activation can be detected in the corpus callosum at the individual level. Future work is needed to determine whether the detection of this activation can be improved by utilizing higher spatial resolution, optimizing acquisition parameters, and analyzing the data with tissue specific models of the hemodynamic response. The ability to detect white matter fMRI activation expands the scope of basic and clinical brain mapping research, and provides a new approach for understanding brain connectivity.</p

    Linking early-life NMDAR hypofunction and oxidative stress in schizophrenia pathogenesis.

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    Molecular, genetic and pathological evidence suggests that deficits in GABAergic parvalbumin-positive interneurons contribute to schizophrenia pathophysiology through alterations in the brain's excitation-inhibition balance that result in impaired behaviour and cognition. Although the factors that trigger these deficits are diverse, there is increasing evidence that they converge on a common pathological hub that involves NMDA receptor hypofunction and oxidative stress. These factors have been separately linked to schizophrenia pathogenesis, but evidence now suggests that they are mechanistically interdependent and contribute to a common schizophrenia-associated pathology