22 research outputs found

    Stochastically Fluctuating Black-Hole Geometry, Hawking Radiation and the Trans-Planckian Problem

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    We study the propagation of null rays and massless fields in a black hole fluctuating geometry. The metric fluctuations are induced by a small oscillating incoming flux of energy. The flux also induces black hole mass oscillations around its average value. We assume that the metric fluctuations are described by a statistical ensemble. The stochastic variables are the phases and the amplitudes of Fourier modes of the fluctuations. By averaging over these variables, we obtain an effective propagation for massless fields which is characterized by a critical length defined by the amplitude of the metric fluctuations: Smooth wave packets with respect to this length are not significantly affected when they are propagated forward in time. Concomitantly, we find that the asymptotic properties of Hawking radiation are not severely modified. However, backward propagated wave packets are dissipated by the metric fluctuations once their blue shifted frequency reaches the inverse critical length. All these properties bear many resemblences with those obtained in models for black hole radiation based on a modified dispersion relation. This strongly suggests that the physical origin of these models, which were introduced to confront the trans-Planckian problem, comes from the fluctuations of the black hole geometry.Comment: 32 page

    Work-related allergy in medical doctors: atopy, exposure to domestic animals, eczema induced by common chemicals and membership of the surgical profession as potential risk factors

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    Purpose To investigate the risk factors associated with work-related allergy-like symptoms in medical doctors. Methods Self-administered questionnaire survey and CAP test were conducted among medical school students in the 4th grade of their 6-year medical course in 1993–1996 and 1999–2001. Follow-up questionnaires were sent in 2004 to the graduates. These questionnaires enquired into personal and family history of allergic diseases, lifestyle, history of allergy-like symptoms including work-relatedness and occupational history as medical doctors. Relationships between allergy-like symptoms and relevant factors were evaluated by multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results Of 261 respondents at the follow-up survey, 139 (53.3%) and 54 (20.7%) had a history of any allergy-like symptoms and any work-related allergy-like symptoms, respectively. Female gender and family history of allergic diseases were signiWcantly associated with any allergy-like symptoms. Personal history of allergic disease, exposure to domestic animals, eczema caused by rubber gloves, metallic accessories, or cosmetics during schooling days, and membership of the surgical profession were signiW- cant risk factors for work-related allergy-like symptoms. On the contrary, to work-related allergy-like symptoms, gender, age, and smoking status were not signiWcantly related, and consumption of prepared foods was inversely related. Conclusions Personal history of atopy and eczema induced by common goods and the history of keeping domestic animals may be predictors of work-related allergy-like symptoms in doctors. After graduation from medical school, physicians start with exposure to various allergens and irritants at work, which relate to work-related allergy-like symptoms, especially for surgeons