27 research outputs found

    Application of Two-Part Statistics for Comparison of Sequence Variant Counts

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    Investigation of microbial communities, particularly human associated communities, is significantly enhanced by the vast amounts of sequence data produced by high throughput sequencing technologies. However, these data create high-dimensional complex data sets that consist of a large proportion of zeros, non-negative skewed counts, and frequently, limited number of samples. These features distinguish sequence data from other forms of high-dimensional data, and are not adequately addressed by statistical approaches in common use. Ultimately, medical studies may identify targeted interventions or treatments, but lack of analytic tools for feature selection and identification of taxa responsible for differences between groups, is hindering advancement. The objective of this paper is to examine the application of a two-part statistic to identify taxa that differ between two groups. The advantages of the two-part statistic over common statistical tests applied to sequence count datasets are discussed. Results from the t-test, the Wilcoxon test, and the two-part test are compared using sequence counts from microbial ecology studies in cystic fibrosis and from cenote samples. We show superior performance of the two-part statistic for analysis of sequence data. The improved performance in microbial ecology studies was independent of study type and sequence technology used

    Leptin Reduces the Expression and Increases the Phosphorylation of the Negative Regulators of GLUT4 Traffic TBC1D1 and TBC1D4 in Muscle of ob/ob Mice

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    Leptin improves insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle. Our goal was to determine whether proteins controlling GLUT4 traffic are altered by leptin deficiency and in vivo leptin administration in skeletal muscle of wild type and ob/ob mice. Leptin-deficient ob/ob mice were divided in three groups: control, leptin-treated (1 mg/kg/d) and leptin pair-fed ob/ob mice. Microarray analysis revealed that 1,546 and 1,127 genes were regulated by leptin deficiency and leptin treatment, respectively. Among these, we identified 24 genes involved in intracellular vesicle-mediated transport in ob/ob mice. TBC1 domain family, member 1 (Tbc1d1), a negative regulator of GLUT4 translocation, was up-regulated (P = 0.001) in ob/ob mice as compared to wild types. Importantly, leptin treatment reduced the transcript levels of Tbc1d1 (P<0.001) and Tbc1d4 (P = 0.004) in the leptin-treated ob/ob as compared to pair-fed ob/ob animals. In addition, phosphorylation levels of TBC1D1 and TBC1D4 were enhanced in leptin-treated ob/ob as compared to control ob/ob (P = 0.015 and P = 0.023, respectively) and pair-fed ob/ob (P = 0.036 and P = 0.034, respectively) mice. Despite similar GLUT4 protein expression in wild type and ob/ob groups a different immunolocalization of this protein was evidenced in muscle sections. Leptin treatment increased GLUT4 immunoreactivity in gastrocnemius and extensor digitorum longus sections of leptin-treated ob/ob mice. Moreover, GLUT4 protein detected in immunoprecipitates from TBC1D4 was reduced by leptin replacement compared to control ob/ob (P = 0.013) and pair-fed ob/ob (P = 0.037) mice. Our findings suggest that leptin enhances the intracellular GLUT4 transport in skeletal muscle of ob/ob animals by reducing the expression and activity of the negative regulators of GLUT4 traffic TBC1D1 and TBC1D4

    Current opinion on the role of testosterone in the development of prostate cancer: a dynamic model

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    Background: Since the landmark study conducted by Huggins and Hodges in 1941, a failure to distinguish between the role of testosterone in prostate cancer development and progression has led to the prevailing opinion that high levels of testosterone increase the risk of prostate cancer. To date, this claim remains unproven. Presentation of the Hypothesis: We present a novel dynamic mode of the relationship between testosterone and prostate cancer by hypothesizing that the magnitude of age-related declines in testosterone, rather than a static level of testosterone measured at a single point, may trigger and promote the development of prostate cancer. Testing of the Hypothesis: Although not easily testable currently, prospective cohort studies with population-representative samples and repeated measurements of testosterone or retrospective cohorts with stored blood samples from different ages are warranted in future to test the hypothesis. Implications of the Hypothesis: Our dynamic model can satisfactorily explain the observed age patterns of prostate cancer incidence, the apparent conflicts in epidemiological findings on testosterone and risk of prostate cancer, racial disparities in prostate cancer incidence, risk factors associated with prostate cancer, and the role of testosterone in prostate cancer progression. Our dynamic model may also have implications for testosterone replacement therapy

    Water-soluble atmospheric organic matter in fog: Exact masses and chemical formula identification by ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry

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    The detailed molecular composition of water-soluble atmospheric organic matter (AOM) contained in fog water was studied by use of electrospray ionization ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. We identified 1368 individual molecular masses in the range of 100−400 Da from negative-ion spectra obtained after reversed-phase extraction with a hydrophilic solid phase sorbent. The detected organic anions are multifunctional with a variety of oxygenated functional groups. We observe organic nitrogen, organic sulfur, and organic nitrogen−sulfur compounds as well as many species with only C, H, and O elemental composition. Analysis of the double bond equivalents (DBE = the number of rings plus the number of double bonds to carbon) suggests that these compound structures range from highly aliphatic to aromatic with DBE values of 1−11. The compounds range in their extent of oxidation with oxygen to carbon ratios from 0.2 to 2 with an average value of 0.43. Several homologous series of compounds and multifunctional oligomers were identified in this AOM. The high extent of homologous series of compounds likely originates from primary components that have become oxidized. The multifunctional oligomers appear to represent atmospheric processing of primary and secondary compounds. The isolated water-soluble components identified here are amphiphilic, meaning that they contain both hydrophilic oxygenated functional groups and hydrophobic aliphatic and aromatic structural moieties. Despite the high number of compounds with very high oxygen content, 60% of assigned chemical formulas have measured organic mass-to-organic carbon ratios ≤2.25 (ranging from 1.25 to 3.5). Because the results reported here are not quantitative, an average ratio cannot be determined