15 research outputs found

    Effects of therapeutic ultrasound on the mechanical properties of skeletal muscles after contusion

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    CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: O ultra-som terapêutico (UST) é um recurso comumente aplicado na aceleração do reparo tecidual de lesões musculares. A absorção das ondas ultra-sônicas é determinada pela freqüência e pela intensidade, sendo que, em uma mesma intensidade, a profundidade atingida por 1MHz é maior quando comparada a 3MHz. OBJETIVO: Analisar o comportamento das propriedades mecânicas de músculos submetidos à lesão aguda por impacto e tratados com UST, utilizando as freqüências de 1 e 3MHz. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas 40 ratas Wistar (200,1±17,8g), divididas em quatro grupos: (1) controle; (2) lesão muscular sem tratamento; (3) lesão muscular tratada com UST de freqüência 1MHz (0,5W/cm²) e (4) lesão muscular tratada com UST de freqüência 3MHz (0,5W/cm²). A lesão foi provocada no músculo gastrocnêmio por mecanismo de impacto. O tratamento foi de cinco minutos diários durante seis dias consecutivos. Os músculos foram submetidos a ensaios mecânicos de tração em uma máquina universal de ensaios. RESULTADOS: As médias e desvios-padrão das propriedades mecânicas dos grupos lesionados e tratados com UST foram significativamente maiores quando comparadas ao grupo lesionado sem tratamento (p<0,05). Em destaque, a propriedade de rigidez que, com a aplicação do UST, teve acréscimo de aproximadamente 38%. CONCLUSÕES: A intervenção, por meio do UST, promoveu aumento das propriedades mecânicas nos músculos lesionados aproximando-as do grupo controle. Entretanto, não foi observada diferença significativa entre as propriedades mecânicas dos grupos tratados com ultra-som de freqüências 1MHz e 3MHz.BACKGROUND: Therapeutic ultrasound is a resource commonly applied to speed up tissue repair in muscle injuries. The absorption of the ultrasound waves is determined by their frequency and intensity. For a given intensity, the depth reached by 1MHz is greater than the depth reached by 3MHz. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the mechanical properties of muscles subjected to acute impact injury treated with therapeutic ultrasound at the frequencies of 1 and 3MHz. METHODS: Forty female Wistar rats (200.1±17.8g) were used, divided into four groups: (1) control; (2) muscle injury without treatment; (3) muscle injury treated with therapeutic ultrasound at the frequency of 1MHz (0.5W/cm²); and (4) muscle injury treated with therapeutic ultrasound at the frequency of 3MHz (0.5W/cm²). The injury was produced in the gastrocnemius muscle by means of an impact mechanism. The treatment consisted of a single five-minute session per day, for six consecutive days. The muscles were subjected to mechanical traction tests in a universal test machine. RESULTS: Means and standard deviations for the mechanical properties of the injured groups that received therapeutic ultrasound were significantly greater than those of the injured group without treatment (p<0.05). The property of stiffness should be highlighted: the application of therapeutic ultrasound increased muscle stiffness by approximately 38%. CONCLUSIONS: Therapeutic ultrasound increased the mechanical properties of the injured muscles, and brought them to a level close to the control group. However, no significant difference in mechanical properties was observed between the groups treated with ultrasound at the frequencies of 1MHz and 3MHz

    Association between sarcopenia and quality of life in quilombola elderly in Brazil

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    Luiz Sin&eacute;sio Silva Neto,1&ndash;3 Marg&ocirc; GO Karnikowski,2 Neila B Os&oacute;rio,3 Leonardo C Pereira,2 Marcilio B Mendes,1 Dayani Galato,2 Liana B Gomide Matheus,4 Jo&atilde;o Paulo C Matheus2,4 1School of Medicine, Federal University of Tocantins, Palmas, Tocantins, 2Graduate Program in Health Sciences and Technology, Ceil&acirc;ndia College, University of Brasilia, Federal District, 3Graduate Program in Education, Federal University of Tocantins, Palmas, Tocantins, 4School of Physiotherapy, Ceil&acirc;ndia College, University of Bras&iacute;lia, Federal District, Brazil Introduction: Currently, there is no single consensual definition of sarcopenia in the literature. This creates a challenge for the evaluation of its prevalence and its direct or indirect impact on the quality of life of elderly populations of different races and ethnicities. Furthermore, no studies as yet have analyzed these variables in populations of elderly subjects of the &quot;quilombola&quot; ethnic group. Objective: We aimed to verify the association between sarcopenia and quality of life in quilombola elderly using the Baumgartner and the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) criteria. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 70 male and female participants (mean age: 65.58&plusmn;6.67 years). Quality of life was evaluated using the multidimensional 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) of the Medical Outcomes Study. Sarcopenia was diagnosed according to the Baumgartner cutoff for appendicular skeletal muscle mass and the criteria recommended by the EWGSOP. Muscle mass and fat mass percentages were analyzed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, while handgrip strength (HGS) was evaluated using a hand-held dynamometer. Physical performance was assessed through a gait speed test. Results: The prevalence of sarcopenia was 15% according to the Baumgartner cutoff and 10% according to EWGSOP criteria. Quilombola elderly classified as physically active or very active were at least six times less likely to develop sarcopenia than those classified as irregularly active or sedentary. HGS was negatively associated with a diagnosis of sarcopenia according to both sets of criteria. Subjects with sarcopenia reported lower scores than those without the condition on the physical role functioning and bodily pain domains of the SF-36. Conclusion: In this sample of quilombola elderly, quality of life was negatively associated with sarcopenia, regardless of the classification criteria used. Additionally, the results showed that diagnostic criteria for sarcopenia should include reductions in lean mass in addition to measures of functioning and physical performance because some subjects showed the former symptom without any alteration of the latter two variables. The cutoff value suggested by Baumgartner criteria were less accurate than that specified by the EWGSOP criteria because they do not consider functioning and physical performance. However, Baumgartner criteria were more sensitive in detecting sarcopenia because reductions in lean mass predict alterations in strength and walking speed. Keywords: sarcopenia, quality of life, elderly, quilombola, vulnerable group