22 research outputs found

    Optimal foraging and fitness in Columbian ground squirrels

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    Optimal diets were determined for each of 109 individual Columbian ground squirrels ( Spermophilus columbianus ) at two sites in northwestern Montana. Body mass, daily activity time, and vegetation consumption rates for individuals were measured in the field, along with the average water content of vegetation at each ground squirrel colony. I also measured stomach and caecal capacity and turnover rate of plant food through the digestive tract for individuals in the laboratory to construct regressions of digestive capacity as a function of individual body mass. Finally, I obtained literature estimates of average daily energy requirements as a function of body mass and digestible energy content of vegetation. These data were used to construct a linear programming diet model for each individual. The model for each individual was used to predict the proportion of two food types (monocots and dicots) that maximized daily energy intake, given time and digestive constraints on foraging. Individuals were classified as “optimal” or “deviating”, depending on whether their observed diet was significantly different from their predicted optimal diet. I determined the consequences of selecting an optimal diet for energy intake and fitness. As expected, daily energy intake calculated for deviators (based on their observed diet proportion) was less than that for optimal foragers. Deviating foragers do not appear to compensate for their lower calculated energy intake through other factors such as body size or physiological efficiency of processing food. Growth rate, yearly survivorship, and litter size increase with calculated energy intake, and optimal foragers have six times the reproductive success of deviators by age three. Optimal foraging behavior, therefore, appears to confer a considerable fitness advantage.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47783/1/442_2004_Article_BF00318534.pd

    Age and sex influence marmot antipredator behavior during periods of heightened risk

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    Animals adjust their antipredator behavior according to environmental variation in risk, and to account for their ability to respond to threats. Intrinsic factors that influence an animal’s ability to respond to predators (e.g., age, body condition) should explain variation in antipredator behavior. For example, a juvenile might allocate more time to vigilance than an adult because mortality as a result of predation is often high for this age class; however, the relationship between age/vulnerability and antipredator behavior is not always clear or as predicted. We explored the influence of intrinsic factors on yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) antipredator behavior using data pooled from 4 years of experiments. We hypothesized that inherently vulnerable animals (e.g., young, males, and individuals in poor condition) would exhibit more antipredator behavior prior to and immediately following conspecific alarm calls. As expected, males and yearlings suppressed foraging more than females and adults following alarm call playbacks. In contrast to predictions, animals in better condition respond more than animals in below average condition. Interestingly, these intrinsic properties did not influence baseline time budgets; animals of all ages, sexes, and condition levels devoted comparable amounts of time to foraging prior to alarm calls. Our results support the hypothesis that inherent differences in vulnerability influence antipredator behavior; furthermore, it appears that a crucial, but poorly acknowledged, interaction exists between risk and state-dependence. Elevated risk may be required to reveal the workings of state-dependent behavior, and studies of antipredator behavior in a single context may draw incomplete conclusions about age- or sex-specific strategies

    Sibling recognition in thirteen-lined ground squirrels: effects of genetic relatedness, rearing association, and olfaction

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    I investigated sibling-sibling recognition in captive thirteen-lined ground squirrels ( Spermophilus tridecemlineatus ) by cross-fostering lab-born pups shortly after birth. When young reached about 45 days of age, I observed dyadic interactions in a test arena of pairs from four relatedness X rearing groups, and recorded the frequency of “exploratory” encounters between individuals. Sibs-reared together and nonsibs-reared together exhibited significantly fewer exploratory encounters than either sibs-reared apart or nonsibsreared apart. Young reared together were equally exploratory, regadless of relatedness; similarly, young reared apart, whether they were sibs or nonsibs, showed similar levels of exploration. Thus, the differential treatment of siblings in the lab appears to be based on rearing association and not genetic relatedness per se. I interpret this recognition based on association (rearing familiarity) in the context of the species' social organization and compare my results on S. tridecemlineatus with similar studies on S. beldingi, S. parryii , and S. richardsonii . I also used an olfactory impairment technique (zinc sulfate) and found that differential treatment in thirteen-lined ground squirrels was influenced by olfactory cues.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46871/1/265_2004_Article_BF00299622.pd

    Scent communication by female Columbian ground squirrels, Urocitellus columbianus

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    Scent-marking is a frequent behaviour of highly social ground squirrels and might play an important role in their social dynamics. Female Columbian ground squirrels exhibit considerable scent-marking during the reproductive period. We examined how gestating and lactating females responded to jugal gland scent-marks of same-sexed and opposite-sexed conspecifics with attention to genetic relatedness and the geographical location of the territory of individuals. We tested the dear-enemy, threat-level and kin-discrimination hypotheses to explain patterns of scent-marking. Females sniffed the scent of non-neighbouring males significantly longer than other types of scent categories and tended to over mark the scent of females more than the scent of males. Furthermore, females sniffed significantly longer at scents during gestation than during lactation. We concluded that scent-marking mainly functioned in the defence of female territories and for protection of pups against infanticidal females (threat-level hypothesis). Our results were also in accordance with the kin-discrimination hypothesis, because greater attention was paid to the marks of non-kin females. Kin females might not pose an infanticidal threat, perhaps explaining greater tolerance among related reproductive females. We concluded that scent-marking may be a relatively low-cost means of territorial defence, as well as a means of communication of aspects of individual identity

    Sociality of Columbian ground squirrels in relation to their seasonal energy intake

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    Seasonal energy intake was estimated for ten populations of Columbian ground squirrels ( Spermophilus columbianus ) in northwestern Montana. We calculated daily energy intake for an average ground squirrel in each population using measurements of feeding time, consumption rates of different vegetation types (monocots vs. dicots), and the proportion of monocots and dicots in the diet. These daily energy intakes were multiplied by the length of the plant growing season for each population to estimate seasonal energy intake, i.e. over the ground squirrel active season. Amicable interaction rates measured for each population varied with seasonal energy intake, but not with environmental heterogeneity, sex ratio, or the ratio of adults to juveniles. In particular, amicable interactions among adult-juvenile and juvenile-juvenile pairs increased as seasonal energy intake decreased. The proportion of females breeding as yearlings increased as seasonal energy intake increased. This suggests that “harsh” environments reduce the energy available for juvenile growth and development, leading to delayed dispersal and age at first reproduction. These responses may promote the formation of kin groups and increased amicable interactions within those groups. The length of the plant growing season may determine environmental “harshness” across elevational gradients, but at a particular elevation, “harshness” may depend on factors determining daily food intake.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47787/1/442_2004_Article_BF00317200.pd