26 research outputs found

    Two Dimensional Window Exchange Umbrella Sampling for Transmembrane Helix Assembly

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    The method of window exchange umbrella sampling molecular dynamics (WEUSMD) with a pre-optimized parameter set was recently used to obtain the most probable conformations and the energetics of transmembrane (TM) helix assembly of a generic TM sequence. When applied to glycophorin A TM domain (GpA-TM) using the restraint potentials along the helix-helix distance, however, tight interfacial packing of GpA-TM resulted in insufficient conformational sampling at short helix-helix separation. This sampling issue is addressed by extending the WEUSMD into two dimensions with the restraint potentials along the helix-helix distance and crossing angle. The two-dimensional WEUSMD results demonstrate that the incomplete sampling in the one-dimensional WEUSMD arises from high barriers along the crossing angle between the GpA-TM helices. Together with the faster convergence in both the assembled conformations and the potential of mean force, the 2D-WEUSMD can be a general and efficient approach in computational studies of TM helix assembly

    Non-linear Behavior and Loading Capability of the Spring Support in Lateral Response

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    Berechnung der Schrauben-, Teller- und Ringfedern

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    Effect of load reduction mechanisms on loads and blade bearing movements of wind turbines

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    The power control of wind turbines is usually realized via a change in the pitch angle of the rotor blades. Pitching facilitates the exact control of the turbines and the reliable deceleration of the rotor when required. Pitch movements can moreover be used for load control. One of these methods is called individual pitch control (IPC). IPC controls the blades individually and brings about a significant reduction in the fatigue loads and extreme loads placed on the structural components, while at the same time reducing the yield of the turbine only slightly. The lower loads reduce material costs, and thus, the cost of energy (CoE) is reduced, despite the slight reduction in yield. The method is nevertheless not used everywhere since the additional movement cycles put the rotor blade bearings in particular under stress. Special attention must be paid to small amplitude oscillating movements, which carry a high risk of inducing surface damage in the rolling contacts of the blade bearings. This paper uses a cycle analysis of the IWT7.5-164 reference turbine to illustrate the differences in the movement patterns of wind turbine blade bearings with and without IPC. Moreover, model calculations with single contacts are used to show which of the movement patterns carries a risk of inducing surface damage. The use of IPC leads to the expected load reduction at the blade root. In current literature, IPC is usually assumed to have a negative influence on the life expectancy of blade bearings, but the findings of this study contradict this. The summed blade bearing movement is increased, although the number of very small pitch angles occurring is reduced. This reduction reduces the risk of wear in the blade bearings