6 research outputs found

    Compromiso organizacional y satisfacción laboral: un estudio exploratorio en unidades de salud familiar portuguesas

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    Explorou-se a relação entre compromisso organizacional e satisfação laboral nos colaboradores de unidades de saúde familiar. Participaram seis unidades de saúde familiar do norte de Portugal e 105 profissionais (médico, enfermeiros e secretários clínicos). Utilizaram-se as adaptações portuguesas da Escala do Compromisso Organizacional de Meyer & Allen (1997) e do Questionário de Satisfação com o Trabalho (Spector, 1985). Os resultados sugerem associação positiva entre compromisso organizacional e satisfação laboral. Os profissionais estão moderadamente satisfeitos e comprometidos com as unidades de saúde familiar, sendo a natureza do trabalho, a relação com os colegas e a comunicação os aspectos mais satisfatórios, e as recompensas o mais insatisfatório. A componente afetiva do compromisso evidencia-se, salientando o envolvimento e a identificação dos profissionais com o projeto unidades de saúde familiar. O modelo de regressão linear revelou-se significativo, o compromisso organizacional explica 22,7% da variância da satisfação com o trabalho. Para esta amostra, o compromisso organizacional prediz a satisfação com o trabalho.This study explored the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction among workers in family health units. Six family health units in the North of Portugal participated, including 105 health professionals (physicians, nurses, and clinical secretaries). The study used the Portuguese adaptations of the Organizational Commitment Scale by Meyer & Allen (1997) and the Job Satisfaction Survey (Spector, 1985). The results suggest a positive association between organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The professionals are moderately satisfied and committed to the family health units; the most satisfactory aspects are the nature of the work, relationship to coworkers, and communication, while pay is the most unsatisfactory. The affective component of the commitment appears, highlighting the professionals' involvement in (and identification with) the family health units project. The linear regression model proved significant, and organizational commitment explains 22.7% of the variance in job satisfaction. For this sample, organizational commitment predicts job satisfaction.Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr Ricardo Jorgeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Scientific Explorations for Deep-Sea Fishes in Brazil: The Known Knowns, the Known Unknowns, and the Unknown Unknowns

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    The deep sea is the largest and one of the most extreme environments on Earth. It is estimated that 10–15% of all fish species are dwelling in the deep sea, most of which have unique morphological and physiological adaptations. Biological expeditions to sample the deep ocean off Brazil started with the British HMS Challenger Expedition (1872–1876), followed by a few fishery stations made by the German RV Ernst Haeckel (1966) and the North-American MIV Oregon II (1957–1975), the cruises of the French RVs Marion Dufresne (1987) and Thalassa (1999, 2000), the Brazilian RV Atlântico Sul (1996–1999), the FV Diadorim and FV Soloncy Moura (1996–2002), OSB Astro Garoupa (2003), and, more recently, the American RV Luke Thomas and Seward Johnson (2009, 2011), the French RV Antea (2015, 2017), and the Brazilian RV Alpha Crucis. A total of 712 species of deep-sea fishes were recorded, including five species of Myxini, six species of Holocephali, 81 species of Elasmobrachii, and 620 species of Actinopteri. As in other parts of the world, the Brazilian deep-sea ichthyofauna struggles under severe anthropogenic impacts caused by the commercial fishing, and the extraction of oil and gas. The deep ocean is a delicate environment and its recovery is considerably slower than an equivalent in shallow water habitat. Therefore, increasing the research efforts is needed to avoid that part of its diversity disappear without our accurate knowledge.https://nsuworks.nova.edu/occ_facbooks/1102/thumbnail.jp

    Resultados de Pesquisa em Nutrição de Aves no Brasil: Resumo dos Ultimos 5 anos Results of Poultry Nutrition Research in Brazil: A Summary of the Last 5 years

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    Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as pesquisas brasileiras na área de nutrição avícola, entre 1994 a l999. Nesse período, foi publicado um total de 496 trabalhos, com uma média de 82,7 trabalhos/ ano. Os trabalhos na área de nutrição revelaram que 64,52% foram realizados com frangos de corte; 24,19%, com poedoiras e aves de reposição; 3,93%, com matrizes pesadas; e 7,66%, com outras aves. Com relação às publicações em forma de resumos expandidos, foram publicados 226 e 163 resumos, nos Anais das Reuniões Anuais da Fundação APINCO de Ciência e Tecnologia Avícolas e da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, respectivamente. Na Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia e no Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia foram publicados, respectivamente, 65 e 34 trabalhos completos. Os pesquisadores das instituições UFV, UNESP-Jaboticabal e UFRGS publicaram no total 104, 92 e 46 trabalhos. As pesquisas concentraram-se principalmente nas áreas de proteína/aminoácidos (21,77%), avaliação de alimentos (21,77%), minerais (19,15%) e aditivos (16,33%).<br>A literature review of the papers published in the area of poultry nutrition was done considering Brazilian publications from the period of 1994 to 1999. During this period a total of 496 papers were published, with an average of 82. 7 papers/year. The publications in nutrition revealed that 64. 52% were made with broiler chickens, 24. 19% with laying hens and replacement birds, 3.93% with broiler breeders and 7.66% with other type of birds. Considering the publications in the form of summary, 226 and 163, were published in the Proceedings of Fundação APINCO de Ciência e Tecnologia Avícola and Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, respectively. In the Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia and Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia were published, 65 and 34 papers, respectively. Researches in the Universities UFV, UNESP-Jaboticabal and UFRGS, accounted for a total 104, 92 and 46 papers, respectively. The papers in poultry nutrition concentrated mainly in the area of protein/amino acid (21.77%), feedstuffs evaluation (21.77%), minerals (19.15%) and additives (16.33%)