1,187 research outputs found

    Potential bronchoconstrictor stimuli in acid fog.

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    Acid fog is complex and contains multiple stimuli that may be capable of inducing bronchoconstriction. These stimuli include sulfuric and niric acids, the principal inorganic acids present; sulfites, formed in the atmosphere as a reaction product of sulfur dioxide and water droplets; fog water itself, a hypoosmolar aerosol; the organic acid hydroxymethanesulfonate, the bisulfite adduct of formaldehyde; and gaseous pollutants, e.g., sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, ozone. Given this complexity, evaluation of the respiratory health effects of naturally occurring acid fog requires assessment of the bronchoconstrictor potency of each component stimulus and possible interactions among these stimuli. We summarize the results of three studies that involve characterization of the bronchoconstrictor potency of acid fog stimuli and/or their interaction in subjects with asthma. The results of the first study indicate that titratable acidity appears to be a more important stimulus to bronchoconstriction than is pH. The results of the second study demonstrate that sulfite species are capable of inducing bronchoconstriction, especially when inhaled at acid pH. The results of the third study suggest that acidity can potentiate hypoosmolar fog-induced bronchoconstriction

    Structurally similar allosteric modulators of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors exhibit five distinct pharmacological effects.

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    Activation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) is associated with the binding of agonists such as acetylcholine to an extracellular site that is located at the interface between two adjacent receptor subunits. More recently, there has been considerable interest in compounds, such as positive and negative allosteric modulators (PAMs and NAMs), that are able to modulate nAChR function by binding to distinct allosteric sites. Here we examined a series of compounds differing only in methyl substitution of a single aromatic ring. This series of compounds includes a previously described α7-selective allosteric agonist, cis-cis-4-p-tolyl-3a,4,5,9b-tetrahydro-3H-cyclopenta[c]quinoline-8-sulfonamide (4MP-TQS), together with all other possible combinations of methyl substitution at a phenyl ring (18 additional compounds). Studies conducted with this series of compounds have revealed five distinct pharmacological effects on α7 nAChRs. These five effects can be summarized as: 1) nondesensitizing activation (allosteric agonists), 2) potentiation associated with minimal effects on receptor desensitization (type I PAMs), 3) potentiation associated with reduced desensitization (type II PAMs), 4) noncompetitive antagonism (NAMs), and 5) compounds that have no effect on orthosteric agonist responses but block allosteric modulation (silent allosteric modulators (SAMs)). Several lines of experimental evidence are consistent with all of these compounds acting at a common, transmembrane allosteric site. Notably, all of these chemically similar compounds that have been classified as nondesensitizing allosteric agonists or as nondesensitizing (type II) PAMs are cis-cis-diastereoisomers, whereas all of the NAMs, SAMs, and type I PAMs are cis-trans-diastereoisomers. Our data illustrate the remarkable pharmacological diversity of allosteric modulators acting on nAChRs

    Regioselective Dihalohydration Reactions of Propargylic Alcohols: Gold-Catalyzed and Non-Catalyzed Reactions

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    The regioselective conversion of propargylic alcohols into previously unreported α,α-diiodo-ÎČ-hydroxyketones was achieved by treatment with N-iodosuccinimide in the presence of a gold catalyst. The corresponding α,α-dichloro-ÎČ-hydroxyketones were obtained by treatment with trichloroisocyanuric acid in the absence of a catalyst. The latter reaction can be extended to other alkynols. These transformations can be used to prepare potentially useful halogenated building blocks. Preliminary mechanistic studies suggest that the reaction involves participation of the acetonitrile solvent in the formation of a 5-halo-1,3-oxazine intermediate

    Catalytic electrophilic halogenation of silyl-protected and terminal alkynes: trapping gold(I) acetylides vs. a bronsted acid-promoted reaction

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    In the presence of a cationic gold(I) catalyst and N-halosuccinimide, both trimethylsilyl-protected and terminal alkynes are converted into alkynyl halides. Further experiments showed that silyl-protected alkynes undergo electrophilic iodination and bromination under BrĂžnsted acid catalysis, whilst terminal alkynes require a cationic gold catalyst. The former reactions probably proceed via activation of the electrophile, whilst the latter reactions proceed via a gold(I) acetylide intermediate. Gold-catalysed halogenation was further combined with gold-catalysed hydration and subsequent annulation to provide convenient routes to iodomethyl ketones and five-membered aromatic heterocycles

    Furfurylamines from biomass: Transaminase catalysed upgrading of furfurals

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    Furfural is recognised as an attractive platform molecule for the production of solvents, plastics, resins and fuel additives. Furfurylamines have many applications as monomers in biopolymer synthesis and for the preparation of pharmacologically active compounds, although preparation via traditional synthetic routes is not straightforward due to by-product formation and sensitivity of the furan ring to reductive conditions. In this work transaminases (TAms) have been investigated as a mild sustainable method for the amination of furfural and derivatives to access furfurylamines. Preliminary screening with a recently reported colorimetric assay highlighted that a range of furfurals were readily accepted by several transaminases and the use of different amine donors was then investigated. Multistep synthetic routes were required to synthesise furfurylamine derivatives for use as analytical standards, highlighting the benefits of using a one step biocatalytic route. To demonstrate the potential of using TAms for the production of furfurals, the amination of selected compounds was then investigated on a preparative scale

    Aminopolyols from Carbohydrates: Amination of Sugars and Sugar‐Derived Tetrahydrofurans with Transaminases

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    Carbohydrates are the major component of biomass and have unique potential as a sustainable source of building blocks for chemicals, materials, and biofuels because of their low cost, ready availability, and stereochemical diversity. With a view to upgrading carbohydrates to access valuable nitrogen‐containing sugar‐like compounds such as aminopolyols, biocatalytic aminations using transaminase enzymes (TAms) have been investigated as a sustainable alternative to traditional synthetic strategies. Demonstrated here is the reaction of TAms with sugar‐derived tetrahydrofuran (THF) aldehydes, obtained from the regioselective dehydration of biomass‐derived sugars, to provide access to cyclic aminodiols in high yields. In a preliminary study we have also established the direct transamination of sugars to give acyclic aminopolyols. Notably, the reaction of the ketose d‐fructose proceeds with complete stereoselectivity to yield valuable aminosugars in high purity

    Direct Conversion of Hydrazones to Amines using Transaminases

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    Transaminase enzymes (TAms) have been widely used for the amination of aldehydes and ketones, often resulting in optically pure products. In this work, transaminases were directly reacted with hydrazones in a novel approach to form amine products. Several substrates were investigated, including those with furan and phenyl moieties. It was determined that the amine yields increased when an additional electrophile was added to the reaction mixture, suggesting that they can sequester the hydrazine released in the reaction. Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (PLP), a cofactor for transaminases, and polyethylene glycol (PEG)-aldehydes were both found to increase the yield of amine formed. Notably, the amination of (S)-(−)-1-amino-2-(methoxymethyl)pyrrolidine (SAMP) hydrazones gave promising results as a method to form chiral ÎČ-substituted amines in good yield

    One-pot, two-step transaminase and transketolase synthesis of L-gluco-heptulose from L-arabinose

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    The use of biocatalysis for the synthesis of high value added chemical building blocks derived from biomass is becoming an increasingly important application for future sustainable technologies. The synthesis of a higher value chemical from L-arabinose, the predominant monosaccharide obtained from sugar beet pulp, is demonstrated here via a transketolase and transaminase coupled reaction. Thermostable transketolases derived from Deinococcus geothermalis and Dei nococcus radiodurans catalysed the synthesis of L-gluco-heptulose from L-arabinose and ÎČ-hydroxypyruvate at elevated temperatures with high conversions. ÎČ-Hydroxypyruvate, a commercially expensive compound used in the transketolase reaction, was generated in situ from L-serine and α-ketoglutaric acid via a thermostable transaminase, also from Deinococcus geothermalis. The two steps were investigated and implemented in a one-pot system for the sustainable and efficient production of L-gluco-heptulose

    The influence of allosteric modulators and transmembrane mutations on desensitisation and activation of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

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    Acetylcholine activates nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) by binding at an extracellular orthosteric site. Previous studies have described several positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) that are selective for homomeric α7 nAChRs. These include type I PAMs, which exert little or no effect on the rate of receptor desensitisation, and type II PAMs, which cause a dramatic loss of agonist-induced desensitisation. Here we report evidence that transmembrane mutations in α7 nAChRs have diverse effects on receptor activation and desensitisation by allosteric ligands. It has been reported previously that the L247T mutation, located toward the middle of the second transmembrane domain (at the 9' position), confers reduced levels of desensitisation. In contrast, the M260L mutation, located higher up in the TM2 domain (at the 22' position), does not show any difference in desensitisation compared to wild-type receptors. We have found that in receptors containing the L247T mutation, both type I PAMs and type II PAMs are converted into non-desensitising agonists. In contrast, in receptors containing the M260L mutation, this effect is seen only with type II PAMs. These findings, indicating that the M260L mutation has a selective effect on type II PAMs, have been confirmed both with previously described PAMs and also with a series of novel α7-selective PAMs. The novel PAMs examined in this study have close chemical similarity but diverse pharmacological properties. For example, they include compounds displaying effects on receptor desensitisation that are typical of classical type I and type II PAMs but, in addition, they include compounds with intermediate properties

    Engineering transketolase to accept both unnatural donor and acceptor substrates and produce α‐hydroxyketones

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    A narrow substrate range is a major limitation in exploiting enzymes more widely as catalysts in synthetic organic chemistry. For enzymes using two substrates, the simultaneous optimisation of both substrate specificities is also required for the rapid expansion of accepted substrates. Transketolase (TK) catalyses the reversible transfer of a C2‐ketol unit from a donor substrate to an aldehyde acceptor and suffers the limitation of narrow substrate scope for industrial applications. Herein, TK from Escherichia coli was engineered to accept both pyruvate, as a novel donor substrate, and unnatural acceptor aldehydes, including propanal, pentanal, hexanal and 3‐formylbenzoic acid (FBA). Twenty single‐mutant variants were first designed and characterised experimentally. Beneficial mutations were then recombined to construct a small library. Screening of this library identified the best variant with a 9.2‐fold improvement in the yield towards pyruvate and propionaldehyde, relative to wild‐type (WT). Pentanal and hexanal were used as acceptors to determine stereoselectivities of the reactions, which were found to be higher than 98% enantiomeric excess (ee) for the S configuration. Three variants were identified to be active for the reaction between pyruvate and 3‐FBA. The best variant was able to convert 47% of substrate into product within 24 h, whereas no conversion was observed for WT. Docking experiments suggested a cooperation between the mutations responsible for donor and acceptor recognition, which would promote the activity towards both the acceptor and donor. The variants obtained have the potential to be used for developing catalytic pathways to a diverse range of high‐value products
