21 research outputs found

    Comparison of three Gobiidae (Teleostei) life history strategies over their geographical range

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    This article summarizes the latest knowledge on the ecology of three gobies. The authors compile data published by various scientists who carried out their research under different conditions, using a variety of methods for collecting data and processing the results. The relationship between population structure and different environmental conditions was considered for three goby species Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas, 1770), P. microps (Kroyer, 1838) and Gobius niger Linnaeus, 1758, in different geographical areas, notably the Mediterranean (Gulf of Lions and Adriatic) and cold temperate Atlantic (north of the English Channel) parts. In the three species, the life cycles in the Mediterranean, favoured by the local hydroclimate, are "contracted" (growth is rapid and reproductive effort emphasized) whereas, in the Atlantic, life cycles are "protracted" with growth and reproduction equivalent or less intense. Irrespective of the geographical location of the species, its reproductive success is very much same.Cet article résume les connaissances sur l'écologie de trois gobies. Les auteurs compilent les données publiées par divers chercheurs qui ont entrepris leurs études sous différentes conditions en utilisant une variété de méthodes d'échantillonnage pour la récolte et le traitement des données. Les interrelations entre les variables et les processus démographiques des espèces étudiées, Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas, 1770), P. microps (Krøyer, 1838) et Gobius niger Linnaeus, 1758, et les conditions environnementales des milieux qu'elles occupent sur la majeure partie de leurs aires de répartition biogéographique sont considérées; les secteurs Méditerranée (golfe du Lion, Adriatique) et Atlantique tempéré froid (au nord de la Manche) sont plus particulièrement pris en compte. Les populations des trois espèces, favorisées par l'hydroclimat local, présentent en Méditerranée un cycle vital tendant vers sa «contractionå durant lequel la croissance est rapide et l'effort reproducteur accentué, alors que celui-ci est plutôt « dilatéå chez celles vivant en Atlantique, avec une croissance et une reproduction relativement égales ou moins intenses. Quelle que soit la position géographique de l'espèce, le succès reproductif reste très voisin

    Biodiversité et dynamique des peuplements ichtyiques de la mangrove de Guaratuba, Brésil

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    The Bay of Guaratuba, whose area is approximately 45 km(2), is a basin, situated to the south of Brazil (25 degrees 52' S; 48 degrees 39' W) and connected to the Atlantic ocean. In its northern part, a region of mangrove is found, under the influence of seasonal fluvial contributions, dominated by Laguncularia racemosa. The depth exceeds 6 m in some places. According to the period of the year, salinity varies between 3 and 37, and temperature between 15 and 28 degrees C. Several of the present fish species are exploited by commercial and recreational fisheries. This work describes characteristics of the fish populations occupying this mangrove, and temporal and spatial evolution of populations of the main species from available data on their biology. Between September 1993 and August 1996, fish samplings have been undertaken monthly by trawl, according to the same fishing effort (20 min), in channels of this ecosystem. Size, numerical abundance and weight of each individual of species were measured, as well as surface and bottom temperatures and bottom salinity. Species richness, Shannon-Weaver's diversity index were calculated and abundances were processed by the multivaried analysis. The global species richness is 61 species, distributed in 28 families; the better represented species are Sciaenidae (10), Gerreidae (5), Carangidae (5), Ariidae (4), Haemulidae (3), Serranidae (3), Bothidae (3). Each year, the number of species varies between 41 and 44, and a group of eight species represents between 80 to 90 % of the density and 75 % of the biomass. The constancy of this dominance is the main characteristic of this fish assemblage. The most represented species in abundance is Pomadasys corvinaeformis is the first two years, then Stellifer rastrifer. The group of eight main species is shared by 15 species in total, of which 13 for the density and 14 for the biomass. The most important monthly catches take place in winter season, during which one observes a decrease of water temperature and an increase of salinity. These species, however, being likely to be replaced by others according to the year or the season; one never finds the same composition in the assemblage which pre serves always the same structures. Seasonal differences between seasons under marine (winter) and continental (summer) influences play a major role on the dynamics of fish in the Guaratuba mangrove. This ecosystem plays a functional role in the achievement of the life cycle of many permanent or temporary species. Those having succeeded to reach high levels of abundance are not represented in a uniform way in the course of the year, even when they reside permanently in the ecosystem. Periodic displacement strategies for self regulation of stocks abundance, are necessary mechanisms for these populations. which thus success to coexist in occupying the mangrove.A partir de pêches mensuelles d'échantillonnage effectuées entre septembre 1993 et août 1996 dans les chenaux de la mangrove de la baie de Guaratuba, Brésil, nous avons répertorié un total de 61 espèces de poissons d'origine marine, en majorité de petites tailles. L'organisation de l'assemblage conserve toujours la même structure générale, à laquelle 15 espèces ont principalement participé. Chaque année, huit espèces sur les 15 sont responsables de 80 % de l'abondance relative. Les paramètres abiotiques et les descripteurs de l'assemblage varient au cours du temps. En été, l'influence continentale est plus élevée qu'en hiver. Entre ces deux saisons, en automne, la diversité connaît des variations plus fortes que pendant le reste de l'année, alors que la richesse spécifique atteint sa valeur maximale. Sur une période plus étendue. de la fin de l'automne au début du printemps, tout en reflétant les variations qui s'exercent selon l'année, l'abondance relative des effectifs atteint des valeurs maximales. Les mouvements de sortie et d'entrée génésiques et trophiques des différentes populations de poissons occupant la mangrove, mettent en évidence le rôle joué par cet écosystème en tant que lieu d'accueil temporaire ou permanent pour des espèces principalement d'origine thalassiqu

    Use of mangrove habitat for reproductive activity by the fish assemblage in the Guaratuba Bay, Brazil

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    The role played by a southwestern Atlantic mangrove in the breeding activity of estuarine fishes was evaluated. This fish assemblage represented 85 % of the total catches of the experimental fishery surveyed between 1993 and 1997. To evaluate the maturation and spawning processes, qualitative (macroscopic stages of maturation) and quantitative (gonadosomatic index) attributes were considered which were combined in a reproductive activity index. Four types of occupation were found in the mangrove, according to the reproductive patterns presented by each species. It was estimated that the Guaratuba mangrove is used as a spawning site - either regularly or occasionally - by about 40 % of the species, that make up 41 % to 46 % of the total abundance of this fish assemblage. However, besides the spawning species, the mangrove attracts other species at advanced stages of maturation. The use of mangrove habitat for reproductive activity by the species is 52 to 57 % of the total fish abundance. Spring and summer are the seasons most associated with the maturation and spawning processes. Although most of the assemblage is formed by species that do not permanently inhabit the system, the Guaratuba mangrove is a significant site for the life cycle of estuarine and marine species occupying this coastal region.Le rôle joué par la mangrove d'une baie de l'Atlantique sud-ouest dans l'activité reproductive de la communauté de poissons a été étudié. Ces espèces représentent 85 % de l'abondance totale des pêches expérimentales entreprises de 1993 à 1997. Pour évaluer les processus de maturation et de ponte, les stades macroscopiques de maturation des gonades et l'indice gonadosomatique ont été considérés puis combinés en un indice d'activité reproductrice. Quatre modes d'occupation de la mangrove ont été répertoriés selon les modalités de reproduction de chaque espèce. La mangrove de Guaratuba est considérée comme un site de ponte, de façon régulière ou temporaire, pour environ 40 % des espèces constituant 41 à 46 % de l'abondance totale de l'assemblage. Cependant, à côté des espèces effectuant leur ponte dans la mangrove, ce milieu attire d'autres espèces dont le degré de maturation sexuelle est avancé. La contribution de la mangrove à l'activité reproductrice du peuplement de poissons s’élève à 52 et 57 % de l'abondance totale. Les processus de maturation et de ponte s'expriment principalement au printemps et en été. Bien que de nombreuses espèces n'occupent pas en permanence la mangrove de Guaratuba, celle-ci constitue un site d'accueil important pour les espèces habitant la région estuarienne et littorale

    Does the use of ozonized water influence the chemical characteristics of organic cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)?

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    The aim of this study was to assess the influence of different cultivation procedures (conventional and organic), different sanitizers (ozone and chlorine) during the post-harvest storage of cabbages hybrid Fuyutoyo (Brassica oleracea var. capitata ). The cabbage plants were purchased directly from producers. At the end of the cropping cycle, which occurred 120 days after sowing, crop harvesting was carried out and the plants were immediately sanitized with water, chlorine and ozone. After cleansing, the cabbage plants were stored in a cooling chamber at 5 \ub0C between 12 and 20 days. To predict the effect of commercialization, the cabbage head were removed between 12 and 20 days from the cooling chamber, one part was analyzed and the rest maintained in a local temperature (22\ub12 \ub0C) for 4 days. The biochemical analysis of the following were determined: total phenols, total flavonoids, vitamin C, total chlorophyll, nitrate, polyamines and antioxidant activity after 0, 12 and 20 days storage and 4 days at room temperature (12+4 and 20+4 days of storage), for market analysis. The biochemical analyses showed no statistical differences between conventional and organic cabbages. Thus, the consumption of organic or conventional cabbage provide the same content of antioxidant compounds analyzed and the sanitizing procedure (ozonated water ) did not modify the antioxidant capacity of the plant