22 research outputs found

    Carbonate xenoliths hosted by the Mesoproterozoic Siddanpalli Kimberlite Cluster (Eastern Dharwar craton): Implications for the geodynamic evolution of southern India and its diamond and uranium metallogenesis

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    A number of limestone and metasomatised carbonate xenoliths occur in the 1,090 Ma Siddanpalli kimberlite cluster, Raichur kimberlite Field, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India. These xenoliths are inferred to have been derived from the carbonate horizons of the Kurnool (Palnad) and Bhima Proterozoic basins and provide evidence for a connection between these basins in the geological past. A revised Mesoproterozoic age is proposed for the Bhima and Kurnool (Palnad) basins based on this kimberlite association and is in agreement with similar proposals made recently for the Chattisgarh and Upper Vindhyan sediments in Central India. The observed Bhima–Kurnool interbasinal uplift may have been caused by: (1) extension- or plume-related mafic alkaline magmatism that included the emplacement of the southern Indian kimberlites at *1.1 Ga, (2) mantle plume-related doming of the peninsular India during the Cretaceous, or (3) Quaternary differential uplift in this region. It is not possible, with the currently available geological information to constrain the exact timing of this uplift. The deep erosion of primary diamond sources in the Raichur kimberlite Field in the upper reaches of the Krishna River caused by this uplift could be the elusive source of the alluvial diamonds of the Krishna valley. Mesoproterozoic sedimentary basins can host world class unconformity-type uranium deposits. In light of its inferred Mesoproterozoic age, a more detailed stratigraphic and metallogenic analysis of the Kurnool basin is suggested for uranium exploration

    Dissociation chemistry of hydrogen-deficient radical peptide anions

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    The fragmentation chemistry of anionic deprotonated hydrogen-deficient radical peptides is investigated. Homolytic photodissociation of carbon-iodine bonds with 266 nm light is used to generate the radical species, which are subsequently subjected to collisional activation to induce further dissociation. The charges do not play a central role in the fragmentation chemistry; hence deprotonated peptides that fragment via radical directed dissociation do so via mechanisms which have been reported previously for protonated peptides. However, charge polarity does influence the overall fragmentation of the peptide. For example, the absence of mobile protons favors radical directed dissociation for singly deprotonated peptides. Similarly, a favorable dissociation mechanism initiated at the N-terminus is more notable for anionic peptides where the N-terminus is not protonated (which inhibits the mechanism). In addition, collisional activation of the anionic peptides containing carbon-iodine bonds leads to homolytic cleavage and generation of the radical species, which is not observed for protonated peptides presumably due to competition from lower energy dissociation channels. Finally, for multiply deprotonated radical peptides, electron detachment becomes a competitive channel both during the initial photoactivation and following subsequent collisional activation of the radical. Possible mechanisms that might account for this novel collision-induced electron detachment are discussed

    The Mechanism Behind Top-Down UVPD Experiments: Making Sense of Apparent Contradictions

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    Top-down ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) allows greater sequence coverage than any other currently available method, often fracturing the vast majority of peptide bonds in whole proteins. At the same time, UVPD can be used to dissociate noncovalent complexes assembled from multiple proteins without breaking any covalent bonds. Although the utility of these experiments is unquestioned, the mechanism underlying these seemingly contradictory results has been the subject of many discussions. Herein, some fundamental considerations of photochemistry are briefly summarized within the context of a proposed mechanism that rationalizes the experimental results obtained by UVPD. Considerations for future instrument design, in terms of wavelength choice and power, are briefly discussed. Graphical Abstract á…Ÿ

    Inadequate Knowledge of Neonatal Danger Signs among Recently Delivered Women in Southwestern Rural Uganda: A Community Survey

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    Early detection of neonatal illness is an important step towards improving newborn survival. Every year an estimated 3.07 million children die during their first month of life and about one-third of these deaths occur during the first 24 hours. Ninety-eight percent of all neonatal deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries like Uganda. Inadequate progress has been made globally to reduce the amount of neonatal deaths that would be required to meet Millennium Development Goal 4. Poor knowledge of newborn danger signs delays care seeking. The aim of this study was to explore the knowledge of key newborn danger signs among mothers in southwestern Uganda