5 research outputs found

    Interleukin-17 production and T helper 17 cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in response to ocular lysate in patients with birdshot chorioretinopathy

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    PURPOSE: To determine the cytokine response to ocular lysates of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients with birdshot chorioretinopathy (BSCR). METHODS: In the PBMCs of 19 patients with BSCR, T cell cytokine production in response to human retina and choroid lysates was analyzed with flow cytometry and compared to the responses against skin lysates. Five patients had active disease and had not yet been treated (naĂŻve to systemic therapy); 14 patients had either immunomodulatory therapy (IMT) or inactive disease (referred as inactive/IMT). The PBMCs of 11 HLA-A29-positive healthy individuals were used as controls. RESULTS: The levels of interleukin-17 (IL-17) in supernatant of cultures stimulated with retina lysate were higher in patients with active BSCR compared to the HLA-A29 positive controls. The levels of other T cell cytokines (IL-10 and interferon-Îł [IFN-Îł]) in PBMC cultures did not change significantly after stimulation with ocular lysate. The frequency of CD4(+) IL-17(+) (T helper 17 [Th17]) T cells but not of CD4(+) IFN-Îł (Th1) T cells was elevated in the PBMCs of patients with active BSCR stimulated by retina lysates compared to skin lysates. CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that PBMCs exhibit an IL-17-mediated immune response to retina lysate in patients with active disease naĂŻve to systemic therapy. This is accompanied by the enrichment of IL-17-producing CD4(+) T cells. These findings support the current concept of chronic Th17-cell mediated inflammation and provide evidence that links the Th17 signatures to ocular-specific immune responses in BSCR

    Detection of choroid-and retina-antigen reactive CD8(+) and CD4(+) T lymphocytes in the vitreous fluid of patients with birdshot chorioretinopathy

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    Birdshot chorioretinopathy (BSCR), a progressive form of non-infectious uveitis, is the strongest HLAassociated disease described to date, with >95% of the patients displaying HLA-A29. Since indirect evidence indicates the involvement of T cells in the etiopathology of the disease, we now isolated, cultured and analyzed the vitreous fluid-infiltrating T cells from two BSCR patients with respect to their phenotype, cytokine profile, clonal distribution and antigen specificity. Phenotypic analyses revealed the predominant presence of both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in vitreous fluid. Further analyses on short term expanded and cloned T cells suggested that eye-infiltrating T cells generally displayed a Thl like cytokine profile with secretion of high levels of IFN-gamma and TNE-alpha. In one patient an oligoclonal CD4 (+)and CD8(+) T cell infiltration, with a moderate to strongly skewed TCR VII usage was suggestive for an antigen driven infiltration/expansion. Indeed, a number of intraocular CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells responded to crude retinal and choroidal lysates. These results, which demonstrate for the first time the existence of eye-antigen-specific T cells in the vitreous fluid of BSCR patients, substantiate the current view on the role of eye-antigen specific T cells in the etiopathology of BSCR. 2014 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Redundancy and Complementarity between ERAP1 and ERAP2 revealed by their effects on the behcet’s disease-associated HLA-B*51 peptidome

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    The endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidases ERAP1 and ERAP2 trim peptides to be loaded onto HLA molecules, including the main risk factor for Behçet's disease HLA-B*51. ERAP1 is also a risk factor among HLA-B*51-positive individuals, whereas no association is known with ERAP2. This study addressed the mutual relationships between both enzymes in the processing of an HLA-bound peptidome, interrogating their differential association with Behçet's disease. CRISPR/Cas9 was used to generate knock outs of ERAP1, ERAP2 or both from transfectant 721.221-HLA-B*51:01 cells. The surface expression of HLA-B*51 was reduced in all cases. The effects of depleting each or both enzymes on the B*51:01 peptidome were analyzed by quantitative label-free mass spectrometry. Substantial quantitative alterations of peptide length, subpeptidome balance, N-terminal residue usage, affinity and presentation of noncanonical ligands were observed. These effects were often different in the presence or absence of the other enzyme, revealing their mutual dependence. In the absence of ERAP1, ERAP2 showed similar and significant processing of B*51:01 ligands, indicating functional redundancy. The high overlap between the peptidomes of wildtype and double KO cells indicates that a large majority of B*51:01 ligands are present in the ER even in the absence of ERAP1/ERAP2. These results indicate that both enzymes have distinct, but complementary and partially redundant effects on the B*51:01 peptidome, leading to its optimization and maximal surface expression. The distinct effects of both enzymes on the HLA-B*51 peptidome provide a basis for their differential association with Behçet's disease and suggest a pathogenetic role of the B*51:01 peptidome

    Ankylosing spondylitis: an autoimmune or autoinflammatory disease?

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    Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder of unknown aetiology. Unlike other systemic autoimmune diseases, in AS, the innate immune system has a dominant role characterized by aberrant activity of innate and innate-like immune cells, including γδ T cells, group 3 innate lymphoid cells, neutrophils, mucosal-associated invariant T cells and mast cells, at sites predisposed to the disease. The intestine is involved in disease manifestations, as it is at the forefront of the interaction between the mucosal-associated immune cells and the intestinal microbiota. Similarly, biomechanical factors, such as entheseal micro-trauma, might also be involved in the pathogenesis of the articular manifestation of AS, and sentinel immune cells located in the entheses could provide links between local damage, genetic predisposition and the development of chronic inflammation. Although these elements might support the autoinflammatory nature of AS, studies demonstrating the presence of autoantibodies (such as anti-CD74, anti-sclerostin and anti-noggin antibodies) and evidence of activation and clonal expansion of T cell populations support an autoimmune component to the disease. This Review presents the evidence for autoinflammation and the evidence for autoimmunity in AS and, by discussing the pathophysiological factors associated with each, aims to reconcile the two hypotheses.</p