22 research outputs found

    Evaluation of absorbent materials for use as ad hoc dry decontaminants during mass casualty incidents as part of the UK’s Initial Operational Response (IOR)

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    Copyright: © 2017 Kassouf et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The UK's Initial Operational Response (IOR) is a revised process for the medical management of mass casualties potentially contaminated with hazardous materials. A critical element of the IOR is the introduction of immediate, on-scene disrobing and decontamination of casualties to limit the adverse health effects of exposure. Ad hoc cleansing of the skin with dry absorbent materials has previously been identified as a potential means of facilitating emergency decontamination. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vitro oil and water absorbency of a range of materials commonly found in the domestic and clinical environments and to determine the effectiveness of a small, but representative selection of such materials in skin decontamination, using an established ex vivo model. Five contaminants were used in the study: methyl salicylate, parathion, diethyl malonate, phorate and potassium cyanide. In vitro measurements of water and oil absorbency did not correlate with ex vivo measurements of skin decontamination. When measured ex vivo, dry decontamination was consistently more effective than a standard wet decontamination method ("rinse-wipe-rinse") for removing liquid contaminants. However, dry decontamination was ineffective against particulate contamination. Collectively, these data confirm that absorbent materials such as wound dressings and tissue paper provide an effective, generic capability for emergency removal of liquid contaminants from the skin surface, but that wet decontamination should be used for non-liquid contaminants.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes in the skin of rat, mouse, pig, guinea pig, man, and in human skin models

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    In vitro predisction of skin absorption of caffeine, testosterone and benzoic acid: a multi centre comparison study

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    To obtain better insight into the robustness of in vitro percutaneous absorption methodology, the intra- and inter-laboratory variation in this type of study was investigated in 10 European laboratories. To this purpose, the in vitro absorption of three compounds through human skin (9 laboratories) and rat skin (1 laboratory) was determined. The test materials were benzoic acid, caffeine, and testosterone, representing a range of different physico-chemical properties. All laboratories performed their studies according to a detailed protocol in which all experimental details were described and each laboratory performed at least three independent experiments for each test chemical. All laboratories assigned the absorption of benzoic acid through human skin, the highest ranking of the three compounds (overall mean flux of 16.5411.87 lg/cm2/h). The absorption of caffeine and testosterone through human skin was similar, having overall mean maximum absorption rates of 2.241.43 lg/cm2/h and 1.631.94 lg/cm2/h, respectively. In 7 out of 9 laboratories, the maximum absorption rates of caffeine were ranked higher than testosterone. No differences were observed between the mean absorption through human skin and the one rat study for benzoic acid and testosterone. For caffeine the maximum absorption rate and the total penetration through rat skin were clearly higher than the mean value for human skin. When evaluating all data, it appeared that no consistent relation existed between the diffusion cell type and the absorption of the test compounds. Skin thickness only slightly influenced the absorption of benzoic acid and caffeine. In contrast, the maximum absorption rate of testosterone was clearly higher in the laboratories using thin, dermatomed skin membranes. Testosterone is the most lipophilic compound and showed also a higher presence in the skin membrane after 24 h than the two other compounds. The results of this study indicate that the in vitro methodology for assessing skin absorption is relatively robust. A major effort was made to standardize the study performance, but, unlike in a formal validation study, not all variables were controlled. The variation observed may be largely attributed to human variability in dermal absorption and the skin source. For the most lipophilic compound, testosterone, skin thickness proved to be a critical variable