46 research outputs found

    Activating Generalized Fuzzy Implications from Galois Connections

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    This paper deals with the relation between fuzzy implications and Galois connections, trying to raise the awareness that the fuzzy implications are indispensable to generalise Formal Concept Analysis. The concrete goal of the paper is to make evident that Galois connections, which are at the heart of some of the generalizations of Formal Concept Analysis, can be interpreted as fuzzy incidents. Thus knowledge processing, discovery, exploration and visualization as well as data mining are new research areas for fuzzy implications as they are areas where Formal Concept Analysis has a niche.F.J. Valverde-Albacete—was partially supported by EU FP7 project LiMoSINe, (contract 288024). C. Peláez-Moreno—was partially supported by the Spanish Government-CICYT project 2011-268007/TEC.Publicad

    From fuzzy to annotated semantic web languages

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    The aim of this chapter is to present a detailed, selfcontained and comprehensive account of the state of the art in representing and reasoning with fuzzy knowledge in Semantic Web Languages such as triple languages RDF/RDFS, conceptual languages of the OWL 2 family and rule languages. We further show how one may generalise them to so-called annotation domains, that cover also e.g. temporal and provenance extensions

    Hypotheses Tests Using Non-asymptotic Fuzzy Estimators and Fuzzy Critical Values

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    Part 4: Fuzzy Algebra/SystemsInternational audienceIn fuzzy hypothesis testing we use fuzzy test statistics produced by fuzzy estimators and fuzzy critical values. In this paper we use the non-asymptotic fuzzy estimators in fuzzy hypothesis testing. These are triangular shaped fuzzy numbers that generalize the fuzzy estimators based on confidence intervals in such a way that eliminates discontinuities and ensures compact support. Our approach is particularly useful in critical situations, where subtle fuzzy comparisons between almost equal statistical quantities have to be made. In such cases the hypotheses tests that use non-asymptotic fuzzy estimators give better results than the previous approaches, since they give us the possibility of partial rejection or not of H0H_0

    Modelling and Indexing of Fuzzy Complex Shapes

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    At the conceptual stage of design, designers have only vague ideas of initial shapes that they gradually refine. A tool that supports conceptual design should capture such imprecise features but current CAD systems that are based on precise geometry and topology information cannot satisfy this requirement. The fuzzy set approach is particularly suitable for handling imprecise information by providing a set of solutions with different, user-specified preference degrees. We therefore choose this approach to address the imprecise design problem in a solid modelling system. Design data need to be stored in a database and accessed in later design process because of the iterative nature of design. This paper presents the representation, construction and display approaches for fuzzy shapes. We also discuss techniques for indexing and retrieving of fuzzy shapes in an object relational database with a fuzzy processing module

    Infrared thermography applied to the evaluation of metabolic heat loss of chicks fed with different energy densities

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    Brazil must comply with international quality standards and animal welfare requirements in order to maintain its position as world's largest exporter of poultry meat. With the scenario of global climate change there is the forecast of occurrence of extreme events with characteristics of both excess cold and heat for several regions of the country. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of using images of infrared thermography to evaluate the loss of sensible heat in young broilers fed different dietary energy levels. Twenty birds were reared in a house with appropriate brooding using infrared lamps. Birds were distributed in a completely randomized experimental into two treatments: T1 (control diet with 2950 kcal ME/kg-1), and T2 (high-energy diet with 3950 kcal ME/kg-1). Infrared thermographic images of the birds were recorded for four consecutive days. One bird was randomly chosen per treatment, and had special images taken and analyzed. Average surface temperature of the body area was calculated using the surface temperature recorded at 100 spots (50 at the front and 50 at the lateral side of the bird's body). Mean surface temperature of the flock was calculated recording 100 spots on the group of birds. Total radiant heat loss was calculated based on the average data of surface temperature. The results indicated that the young broilers fed the high-energy diet presented a metabolic energy loss equivalent to 0.64 kcal h-1, while the birds fed with the control diet lost 2.18 kcal h-1. This finding confirms that oil supplementation to the diet reduces bird heat loss. The infrared camera was able to record young broilers' surface temperature variation when birds were fed diets with different energy contents