528 research outputs found

    Testing gene-environment interactions for rare and/or common variants in sequencing association studies.

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    The risk of many complex diseases is determined by a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Advanced next generation sequencing technology makes identification of gene-environment (GE) interactions for both common and rare variants possible. However, most existing methods focus on testing the main effects of common and/or rare genetic variants. There are limited methods developed to test the effects of GE interactions for rare variants only or rare and common variants simultaneously. In this study, we develop novel approaches to test the effects of GE interactions of rare and/or common risk, and/or protective variants in sequencing association studies. We propose two approaches: 1) testing the effects of an optimally weighted combination of GE interactions for rare variants (TOW-GE); 2) testing the effects of a weighted combination of GE interactions for both rare and common variants (variable weight TOW-GE, VW-TOW-GE). Extensive simulation studies based on the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 data show that the type I error rates of the proposed methods are well controlled. Compared to the existing interaction sequence kernel association test (ISKAT), TOW-GE is more powerful when there are GE interactions\u27 effects for rare risk and/or protective variants; VW-TOW-GE is more powerful when there are GE interactions\u27 effects for both rare and common risk and protective variants. Both TOW-GE and VW-TOW-GE are robust to the directions of effects of causal GE interactions. We demonstrate the applications of TOW-GE and VW-TOW-GE using an imputed data from the COPDGene Study

    Anisotropic Deformation in the Compressions of Single Crystalline Copper Nanoparticles

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    Atomistic simulations are performed to probe the anisotropic deformation in the compressions of face-centred-cubic metallic nanoparticles. In the elastic regime, the compressive load-depth behaviors can be characterized by the classical Hertzian model or flat punch model, depending on the surface configuration beneath indenter. On the onset of plasticity, atomic-scale surface steps serve as the source of heterogeneous dislocation in nanoparticle, which is distinct from indenting bulk materials. Under [111] compression, the gliding of jogged dislocation takes over the dominant plastic deformation. The plasticity is governed by nucleation and exhaustion of extended dislocation ribbons in [110] compression. Twin boundary migration mainly sustain the plastic deformation under [112] compression. This study is helpful to extract the mechanical properties of metallic nanoparticles and understand their anisotropic deformation behaviors.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamic discrete choice under rational inattention

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    We adopt the posterior-based approach to study dynamic discrete choice problems under rational inattention. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions to characterize the solution for the additive class of uniformly posterior-separable cost functions. We propose an efficient algorithm to solve these conditions and apply our model to explain phenomena such as status quo bias, confirmation bias, and belief polarization. A key condition for our approach to work is the concavity of the difference between the generalized entropy of the current posterior and the discounted generalized entropy of the prior beliefs about the future states.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A-x4OcNpyM8hJaWBaQu7WPQBSKpeP4Hg/viewFirst author draf

    Study on Dust Removal Technology of Explosive Water Mist in Drill and Blast Tunnelling

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    In view of the problem that high concentration of dust is easily generated during rock tunnel drilling and blasting construction, explosive water mist to reduce dust is given in this paper. Water bag is set up on tunnel face and explosive water mist is used to reduce blasting dust concentration. With the help of numerical simulation software FLUENT and combined with theoretical analysis, The key parameters of explosion fog and dust reduction technology are obtained: water bag spacing, blasting time difference, water bag layout position, etc., which provides a theoretical basis for practical application of the technology. At the same time, combined with the field test of Huangtai tunnel blasting, the dust concentration with and without water mist was measured, respectively. The results show that the maximum dust removal rate of the tunnel section under the dust removal measures with water mist can reach 80.85%, the average dust removal rate can reach 65.16%. So, the dust removal effect is remarkable


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    The mol­ecular structure of the title compound, [Al(CH3)2(C22H26NO)], displays a monomer with the AlIII atom in a distorted tetra­hedral environment defined by two methyl groups and the N and O atoms of the chelating ketiminate anion. The O—Al—N bite angle of the chelating ligand is 94.14 (9)°. The O—C—C—C—N backbone of the ligand is nearly coplanar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.029 Å) and the Al atom deviates significantly from the mean plane by 0.525 (3) Å. In the crystal, weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions are observed