14 research outputs found

    Father's occupational exposure to carcinogenic agents and childhood acute leukemia: a new method to assess exposure (a case-control study)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Medical research has not been able to establish whether a father's occupational exposures are associated with the development of acute leukemia (AL) in their offspring. The studies conducted have weaknesses that have generated a misclassification of such exposure. Occupations and exposures to substances associated with childhood cancer are not very frequently encountered in the general population; thus, the reported risks are both inconsistent and inaccurate. In this study, to assess exposure we used a new method, an exposure index, which took into consideration the industrial branch, specific position, use of protective equipment, substances at work, degree of contact with such substances, and time of exposure. This index allowed us to obtain a grade, which permitted the identification of individuals according to their level of exposure to known or potentially carcinogenic agents that are not necessarily specifically identified as risk factors for leukemia. The aim of this study was to determine the association between a father's occupational exposure to carcinogenic agents and the presence of AL in their offspring.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From 1999 to 2000, a case-control study was performed with 193 children who reside in Mexico City and had been diagnosed with AL. The initial sample-size calculation was 150 children per group, assessed with an expected odds ratio (OR) of three and a minimum exposure frequency of 15.8%. These children were matched by age, sex, and institution with 193 pediatric surgical patients at secondary-care hospitals. A questionnaire was used to determine each child's background and the characteristics of the father's occupation(s). In order to determine the level of exposure to carcinogenic agents, a previously validated exposure index (occupational exposure index, OEI) was used. The consistency and validity of the index were assessed by a questionnaire comparison, the sensory recognition of the work area, and an expert's opinion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The adjusted ORs and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were 1.69 (0.98, 2.92) during the preconception period; 1.98 (1.13, 3.45) during the index pregnancy; 2.11 (1.17, 3.78) during breastfeeding period; 2.17 (1.28, 3.66) after birth; and 2.06 (1.24, 3.42) for global exposure.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first study in which an OEI was used to assess a father's occupational exposure to carcinogenic agents as a risk factor for the development of childhood AL in his offspring. From our results, we conclude that children whose fathers have been exposed to a high level of carcinogenic agents seem to have a greater risk of developing acute leukemia. However, confounding factors cannot be disregarded due to an incomplete control for confounding.</p

    Can environmental or occupational hazards alter the sex ratio at birth? A systematic review

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    More than 100 studies have examined whether environmental or occupational exposures of parents affect the sex ratio of their offspring at birth. For this review, we searched Medline and Web of Science using the terms ‘sex ratio at birth’ and ‘sex ratio and exposure’ for all dates, and reviewed bibliographies of relevant studies to find additional articles. This review focuses on exposures that have been the subject of at least four studies including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, pesticides, lead and other metals, radiation, boron, and g-forces. For paternal exposures, only dioxins and PCBs were consistently associated with sex ratios higher or lower than the expected 1.06. Dioxins were associated with a decreased proportion of male births, whereas PCBs were associated with an increased proportion of male births. There was limited evidence for a decrease in the proportion of male births after paternal exposure to DBCP, lead, methylmercury, non-ionizing radiation, ionizing radiation treatment for childhood cancer, boron, or g-forces. Few studies have found higher or lower sex ratios associated with maternal exposures. Studies in humans and animals have found a reduction in the number of male births associated with lower male fertility, but the mechanism by which environmental hazards might change the sex ratio has not yet been established

    Respostas metabólicas à suplementação com frutose em exercício de força de membros inferiores Metabolic responses to fructose supplementation in strength exercise of lower limbs

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    A frutose, por seu metabolismo independente da insulina, realiza significativas alterações no metabolismo hepático, promovendo um entorno metabólico favorável ao metabolismo tanto da glicose como dos lipídios, durante o exercício. Essa condição tem sido bastante estudada em exercício de endurance; no entanto, nenhum estudo sobre a suplementação com frutose no exercício de força (EF) foi encontrado. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos agudos da adição de frutose a um suplemento de glicose sobre o metabolismo de lipídios em EF. Vinte homens treinados ingeriram suplemento de glicose (G) ou glicose mais frutose (G+F), 15 minutos antes de realizar exercício de força (10 séries de 10 repetições). Os sujeitos foram testados em ordem randômica em um desenho cruzado e com uma semana de intervalo em duas condições experimentais: EF+(G) e EF+(G+F). A análise dos resultados mostrou que os valores de triglicérides durante o exercício foram maiores (p < 0,05) quando os sujeitos foram suplementados com G+F do que quando suplementados apenas com G. Ao final do exercício, os valores de ácidos graxos livres foram maiores quando os sujeitos foram suplementados G+F (p < 0,05). A glicemia foi menor durante o exercício e maior na recuperação (p < 0,05) para essa condição. O comportamento da insulina não diferiu entre os experimentos durante o exercício de força (p > 0,05), mas foi maior em G+F que em G (p < 0,05) durante a recuperação. A percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) foi menor (p < 0,05) para a suplementação com G+F do que com G. Em conclusão, a suplementação com G+F afeta positivamente o metabolismo de lipídios durante o exercício de força e favorece seu metabolismo imediatamente após o esforço, proporcionando condição metabólica que reflete em uma condição que afeta favoravelmente a PSE.<br>Due to its insulin-independent metabolism, fructose promotes significant changes in liver metabolism, promoting a metabolic surrounding favorable to the glucose as well as lipids metabolism during the exercise. This condition has been widely studied in endurance exercises; however, none study about fructose supplementation in strength exercise (SE) was found. This study aimed to assess the acute effects of the fructose addition to a glucose supplement on lipid metabolism in strength exercise. Twenty trained male subjects ingested a glucose (G) or glucose plus fuctose (G+F) supplement, 15 minutes before practicing a strength exercise (10 sets of 10 repetitions). The subjects were tested randomly in a crossover design and with a week of pause in two experimental conditions: SE+(G) and SE+(G+F). The analysis of the results showed that values of triglycerides during the exercise were higher (p < 0.05) when the subjects were supplemented with G+F than when they were supplemented only with G. By the end of the exercise the values of free fatty acid were higher when in G+F (p < 0.05). Glycemia was lower during the exercise and higher in the recovery (p < 0.05) in this condition. Insulin values did not differ among the experiments during strength exercises (p > 0.05), but they were higher in G+F than in G (p < 0.05) during recovery. Perceived exertion (PE) was lower (p < 0.05) in G+F than in G. It can be concluded that the G+F supplementation positively affects the lipid metabolism during the strength exercise and favors its metabolism immediately after the effort, promoting a metabolic condition that reflects on a condition that favorably affects the PE