29 research outputs found

    An acetylated form of histone H2A.Z regulates chromosome architecture in Schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    Histone variant H2A.Z has a conserved role in genome stability, although it remains unclear how this is mediated. Here we demonstrate that the fission yeast Swr1 ATPase inserts H2A.Z (Pht1) into chromatin and Kat5 acetyltransferase (Mst1) acetylates it. Deletion or an unacetylatable mutation of Pht1 leads to genome instability, primarily caused by chromosome entanglement and breakage at anaphase. This leads to the loss of telomere-proximal markers, though telomere protection and repeat length are unaffected by the absence of Pht1. Strikingly, the chromosome entanglement in pht1Delta anaphase cells can be rescued by forcing chromosome condensation before anaphase onset. We show that the condensin complex, required for the maintenance of anaphase chromosome condensation, prematurely dissociates from chromatin in the absence of Pht1. This and other findings suggest an important role for H2A.Z in the architecture of anaphase chromosomes

    Effects of DNA supercoiling on chromatin architecture

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    Disruptions in chromatin structure are necessary for the regulation of eukaryotic genomes, from remodelling of nucleosomes at the base pair level through to large-scale chromatin domains that are hundreds of kilobases in size. RNA polymerase is a powerful motor which, prevented from turning with the tight helical pitch of the DNA, generates over-wound DNA ahead of itself and under-wound DNA behind. Mounting evidence supports a central role for transcription-dependent DNA supercoiling in disrupting chromatin structure at all scales. This supercoiling changes the properties of the DNA helix in a manner that substantially alters the binding specificity of DNA binding proteins and complexes, including nucleosomes, polymerases, topoisomerases and transcription factors. For example, transient over-wound DNA destabilises nucleosome core particles ahead of a transcribing polymerase, whereas under-wound DNA facilitates pre-initiation complex formation, transcription factor binding and nucleosome core particle association behind the transcribing polymerase. Importantly, DNA supercoiling can also dissipate through DNA, even in a chromatinised context, to influence both local elements and large chromatin domains. We propose a model in which changes in unconstrained DNA supercoiling influences higher levels of chromatin organisation through the additive effects of DNA supercoiling on both DNA-protein and DNA-nucleosome interactions. This model links small-scale changes in DNA and chromatin to the higher-order fibre and large-scale chromatin structures, providing a mechanism relating gene regulation to chromatin architecture in vivo

    Structures of human phosphofructokinase-1 and atomic basis of cancer-associated mutations

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    Phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK1), the “gatekeeper” of glycolysis, catalyses the committed step of the glycolytic pathway by converting fructose 6-phosphate (F6P) to fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. Allosteric activation and inhibition of PFK1 by over 10 metabolites and in response to hormonal signaling fine-tune glycolytic flux to meet energy requirements(1). Mutations inhibiting PFK1 activity cause glycogen storage disease type VII, also known as Tarui disease(2), and mice deficient in muscle PFK1 have decreased fat stores(3). Additionally, PFK1 is suggested to have important roles in metabolic reprograming in cancer(4,5). Despite its critical role in glucose flux, the biologically relevant crystal structure of the mammalian PFK1 tetramer has not been determined. We report here the first structures of the mammalian PFK1 tetramer, for the human platelet isoform (PFKP), in complex with ATP-Mg(2+) and ADP at 3.1 and 3.4 Å, respectively. The structures reveal substantial conformational changes in the enzyme upon nucleotide hydrolysis as well as a unique tetramer interface. Mutations of residues in this interface can affect tetramer formation, enzyme catalysis and regulation, indicating the functional importance of the tetramer. With altered glycolytic flux being a hallmark of cancers(6), these new structures allow a molecular understanding of the functional consequences of somatic PFK1 mutations identified in human cancers. We characterized three of these mutations and show they have distinct effects on allosteric regulation of PFKP activity and lactate production. The PFKP structural blueprint for somatic mutations as well as the catalytic site can guide therapeutic targeting of PFK1 activity to control dysregulated glycolysis in disease