59 research outputs found

    Longitudinal multi-centre brain imaging studies: guidelines and practical tips for accurate and reproducible imaging endpoints and data sharing

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    Abstract Background Research involving brain imaging is important for understanding common brain diseases. Study endpoints can include features and measures derived from imaging modalities, providing a benchmark against which other phenotypical data can be assessed. In trials, imaging data provide objective evidence of beneficial and adverse outcomes. Multi-centre studies increase generalisability and statistical power. However, there is a lack of practical guidelines for the set-up and conduct of large neuroimaging studies. Methods We address this deficit by describing aspects of study design and other essential practical considerations that will help researchers avoid common pitfalls and data loss. Results The recommendations are grouped into seven categories: (1) planning, (2) defining the imaging endpoints, developing an imaging manual and managing the workflow, (3) performing a dummy run and testing the analysis methods, (4) acquiring the scans, (5) anonymising and transferring the data, (6) monitoring quality, and (7) using structured data and sharing data. Conclusions Implementing these steps will lead to valuable and usable data and help to avoid imaging data wastage

    Incorporating background frequency improves entropy-based residue conservation measures

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    BACKGROUND: Several entropy-based methods have been developed for scoring sequence conservation in protein multiple sequence alignments. High scoring amino acid positions may correlate with structurally or functionally important residues. However, amino acid background frequencies are usually not taken into account in these entropy-based scoring schemes. RESULTS: We demonstrate that using a relative entropy measure that incorporates amino acid background frequency results in improved performance in identifying functional sites from protein multiple sequence alignments. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the application of appropriate background frequency information may lead to more biologically relevant results in many areas of bioinformatics

    Risk indicators for severe impaired oral health among indigenous Australian young adults

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    Background Oral health impairment comprises three conceptual domains; pain, appearance and function. This study sought to: (1) estimate the prevalence of severe oral health impairment as assessed by a summary oral health impairment measure, including aspects of dental pain, dissatisfaction with dental appearance and difficulty eating, among a birth cohort of Indigenous Australian young adults (n = 442, age range 16-20 years); (2) compare prevalence according to demographic, socio-economic, behavioural, dental service utilisation and oral health outcome risk indicators; and (3) ascertain the independent contribution of those risk indicators to severe oral health impairment in this population. Methods Data were from the Aboriginal Birth Cohort (ABC) study, a prospective longitudinal investigation of Aboriginal individuals born 1987-1990 at an Australian regional hospital. Data for this analysis pertained to Wave-3 of the study only. Severe oral health impairment was defined as reported experience of toothache, poor dental appearance and food avoidance in the last 12 months. Logistic regression models were used to evaluate effects of demographic, socio-economic, behavioural, dental service utilisation and clinical oral disease indicators on severe oral health impairment. Effects were quantified as odds ratios (OR). Results The percent of participants with severe oral health impairment was 16.3 (95% CI 12.9-19.7). In the multivariate model, severe oral health impairment was associated with untreated dental decay (OR 4.0, 95% CI 1.6-9.6). In addition to that clinical indicator, greater odds of severe oral health impairment were associated with being female (OR 2.0, 95% CI 1.2-3.6), being aged 19-20 years (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.2-3.6), soft drink consumption every day or a few days a week (OR 2.6, 95% 1.2-5.6) and non-ownership of a toothbrush (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.1-3.4). Conclusions Severe oral health impairment was prevalent among this population. The findings suggest that public health strategies that address prevention and treatment of dental disease, self-regulation of soft drink consumption and ownership of oral self-care devices are needed if severe oral health impairment among Indigenous Australian young adults is to be reduced.Lisa M Jamieson, Kaye F Roberts-Thomson and Susan M Sayer

    Ambient air pollution exposure and full-term birth weight in California

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies have identified relationships between air pollution and birth weight, but have been inconsistent in identifying individual pollutants inversely associated with birth weight or elucidating susceptibility of the fetus by trimester of exposure. We examined effects of prenatal ambient pollution exposure on average birth weight and risk of low birth weight in full-term births.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We estimated average ambient air pollutant concentrations throughout pregnancy in the neighborhoods of women who delivered term singleton live births between 1996 and 2006 in California. We adjusted effect estimates of air pollutants on birth weight for infant characteristics, maternal characteristics, neighborhood socioeconomic factors, and year and season of birth.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>3,545,177 singleton births had monitoring for at least one air pollutant within a 10 km radius of the tract or ZIP Code of the mother's residence. In multivariate models, pollutants were associated with decreased birth weight; -5.4 grams (95% confidence interval -6.8 g, -4.1 g) per ppm carbon monoxide, -9.0 g (-9.6 g, -8.4 g) per pphm nitrogen dioxide, -5.7 g (-6.6 g, -4.9 g) per pphm ozone, -7.7 g (-7.9 g, -6.6 g) per 10 <it>μ</it>g/m<sup>3 </sup>particulate matter under 10 μm, -12.8 g (-14.3 g, -11.3 g) per 10 <it>μ</it>g/m<sup>3 </sup>particulate matter under 2.5 μm, and -9.3 g (-10.7 g, -7.9 g) per 10 <it>μ</it>g/m<sup>3 </sup>of coarse particulate matter. With the exception of carbon monoxide, estimates were largely unchanged after controlling for co-pollutants. Effect estimates for the third trimester largely reflect the results seen from full pregnancy exposure estimates; greater variation in results is seen in effect estimates specific to the first and second trimesters.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study indicates that maternal exposure to ambient air pollution results in modestly lower infant birth weight. A small decline in birth weight is unlikely to have clinical relevance for individual infants, and there is debate about whether a small shift in the population distribution of birth weight has broader health implications. However, the ubiquity of air pollution exposures, the responsiveness of pollutant levels to regulation, and the fact that the highest pollution levels in California are lower than those regularly experienced in other countries suggest that precautionary efforts to reduce pollutants may be beneficial for infant health from a population perspective.</p

    Patterns and correlates of tobacco control behavior among american association of pediatric dentistry members: a cross-sectional national study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To determine the tobacco-related knowledge, attitudes, and practice behaviors among US pediatric dentists.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A survey was conducted in 1998 among a national, random sample of 1500 American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry members. Chi-square tests and logistic regression with odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals assessed factors related to pediatric dentists' tobacco control behaviors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Response was 65% for the survey. Only 12% of respondents had prior tobacco prevention/cessation training. Of those untrained, 70% were willing to be trained. Less than two-thirds correctly answered any of four tobacco-related knowledge items. Over one-half agreed pediatric dentists should engage in tobacco control behaviors, but identified patient resistance as a barrier. About 24% of respondents reported always/often asking their adolescent patients about tobacco use; 73% reported always/often advising known tobacco users to quit; and 37% of respondents always/often assisting with stopping tobacco use. Feeling prepared to perform tobacco control behaviors (ORs = 1.9–2.8), a more positive attitude score (4 points) from 11 tobacco-related items (ORs = 1.5–1.8), and a higher statewide tobacco use prevalence significantly predicted performance of tobacco control behaviors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Findings suggest thatraining programs on tobacco use and dependence treatment in the pediatric dental setting may be needed to promote tobacco control behaviors for adolescent patients.</p

    Cortisol, cognition and the ageing prefrontal cortex

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    The structural and functional decline of the ageing human brain varies by brain region, cognitive function and individual. The underlying biological mechanisms are poorly understood. One potentially important mechanism is exposure to glucocorticoids (GCs; cortisol in humans); GC production is increasingly varied with age in humans, and chronic exposure to high levels is hypothesised to result in cognitive decline via cerebral remodelling. However, studies of GC exposure in humans are scarce and methodological differences confound cross-study comparison. Furthermore, there has been little focus on the effects of GCs on the frontal lobes and key white matter tracts in the ageing brain. This thesis therefore examines relationships among cortisol levels, structural brain measures and cognitive performance in 90 healthy, elderly community-dwelling males from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936. Salivary cortisol samples characterised diurnal (morning and evening) and reactive profiles (before and after a cognitive test battery). Structural variables comprised Diffusion Tensor Imaging measures of major brain tracts and a novel manual parcellation method for the frontal lobes. The latter was based on a systematic review of current manual methods in the context of putative function and cytoarchitecture. Manual frontal lobe brain parcellation conferred greater spatial and volumetric accuracy when compared to both single- and multi-atlas parcellation at the lobar level. Cognitive ability was assessed via tests of general cognitive ability, and neuropsychological tests thought to show differential sensitivity to the integrity of frontal lobe sub-regions. The majority of, but not all frontal lobe test scores shared considerable overlap with general cognitive ability, and cognitive scores correlated most consistently with the volumes of the anterior cingulate. This is discussed in light of the diverse connective profile of the cingulate and a need to integrate information over more diffuse cognitive networks according to proposed de-differentiation or compensation in ageing. Individuals with higher morning, evening or pre-test cortisol levels showed consistently negative relationships with specific regional volumes and tract integrity. Participants whose cortisol levels increased between the start and end of cognitive testing showed selectively larger regional volumes and lower tract diffusivity (correlation magnitudes <.44). The significant relationships between cortisol levels and cognition indicated that flatter diurnal slopes or higher pre-test levels related to poorer test performance. In contrast, higher levels in the morning generally correlated with better scores (correlation magnitudes <.25). Interpretation of all findings was moderated by sensitivity to type I error, given the large number of comparisons conducted. Though there were limited candidates for mediation analysis, cortisol-function relationships were partially mediated by tract integrity (but not sub-regional frontal volumes) for memory and post-error slowing. This thesis offers a novel perspective on the complex interplay among glucocorticoids, cognition and the structure of the ageing brain. The findings suggest some role for cortisol exposure in determining age-related decline in complex cognition, mediated via brain structure

    Developmental delays and dental caries in low-income preschoolers in the USA: a pilot cross-sectional study and preliminary explanatory model

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    Abstract Background Anecdotal evidence suggests that low-income preschoolers with developmental delays are at increased risk for dental caries and poor oral health, but there are no published studies based on empirical data. The purpose of this pilot study was two-fold: to examine the relationship between developmental delays and dental caries in low-income preschoolers and to present a preliminary explanatory model on the determinants of caries for enrollees in Head Start, a U.S. school readiness program for low-income preschool-aged children. Methods Data were collected on preschoolers ages 3–5 years at two Head Start centers in Washington, USA (N = 115). The predictor variable was developmental delay status (no/yes). The outcome variable was the prevalence of decayed, missing, and filled surfaces (dmfs) on primary teeth. We used multiple variable Poisson regression models to test the hypothesis that within a population of low-income preschoolers, those with developmental delays would have increased dmfs prevalence than those without developmental delays. Results Seventeen percent of preschoolers had a developmental delay and 51.3% of preschoolers had ≥1 dmfs. Preschoolers with developmental delays had a dmfs prevalence ratio that was 1.26 times as high as preschoolers without developmental delays (95% CI: 1.01, 1.58; P < .04). Other factors associated with increased dmfs prevalence ratios included: not having a dental home (P = .01); low caregiver education (P < .001); and living in a non-fluoridated community (P < .001). Conclusions Our pilot data suggest that developmental delays among low-income preschoolers are associated with increased primary tooth dmfs. Additional research is needed to further examine this relationship. Future interventions and policies should focus on caries prevention strategies within settings like Head Start classrooms that serve low-income preschool-aged children with additional targeted home- and community-based interventions for those with developmental delays

    Hospital emergency department visits by ambulance for nontraumatic tooth pain in the USA

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    Jonathan D Shenkin,1 John Warren,2 Charles Spanbauer,3 Elaye Okunseri,4 Aniko Szabo,3 Christopher Okunseri4 1Department of Health Policy and Health Services Research, Boston University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA; 2Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry, University of Iowa, College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics, Iowa City, IA, USA; 3Division of Biostatistics, Institute of Health and Society, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA; 4Department of Clinical Services, Marquette University School of Dentistry, Milwaukee, WI, USA Objective: This study examined the prevalence of ambulance use for nontraumatic tooth pain (NTP) visit to emergency departments (EDs) and the factors associated with ambulance use for NTP in the USA. Materials and methods: Data from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care survey conducted in the USA from 2003 to 2012 were analyzed. Descriptive statistics were obtained, and multivariable logistic regression was used to determine associations with ambulance use for NTP. Results: The total proportion of ED visits due to NTP by ambulance was 1.1%, lowest in 2008 (0.43%) and highest in 2011 (2.28%). The proportion of ED visits due to NTP by ambulance was highest among public insurance enrollees (1.9%), Hispanics (2.3%) and those aged 45&ndash;64 years (2.7%). In the multivariable analysis, those aged 45&ndash;64 years had approximately four times higher odds of an ED visit for NTP by ambulance compared to those aged 25&ndash;44 years. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that transport to EDs by ambulance for NTP does occur at a measurable rate and adults aged 45&ndash;64 years had significantly higher odds of ED visits for NTP by ambulance. Keywords: adults, dental caries, toothache, emergency department service