67 research outputs found

    Expression of Tas1 Taste Receptors in Mammalian Spermatozoa: Functional Role of Tas1r1 in Regulating Basal Ca2+ and cAMP Concentrations in Spermatozoa

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    Background: During their transit through the female genital tract, sperm have to recognize and discriminate numerous chemical compounds. However, our current knowledge of the molecular identity of appropriate chemosensory receptor proteins in sperm is still rudimentary. Considering that members of the Tas1r family of taste receptors are able to discriminate between a broad diversity of hydrophilic chemosensory substances, the expression of taste receptors in mammalian spermatozoa was examined. Methodology/Principal Findings: The present manuscript documents that Tas1r1 and Tas1r3, which form the functional receptor for monosodium glutamate (umami) in taste buds on the tongue, are expressed in murine and human spermatozoa, where their localization is restricted to distinct segments of the flagellum and the acrosomal cap of the sperm head. Employing a Tas1r1-deficient mCherry reporter mouse strain, we found that Tas1r1 gene deletion resulted in spermatogenic abnormalities. In addition, a significant increase in spontaneous acrosomal reaction was observed in Tas1r1 null mutant sperm whereas acrosomal secretion triggered by isolated zona pellucida or the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 was not different from wild-type spermatozoa. Remarkably, cytosolic Ca2+ levels in freshly isolated Tas1r1-deficient sperm were significantly higher compared to wild-type cells. Moreover, a significantly higher basal cAMP concentration was detected in freshly isolated Tas1r1-deficient epididymal spermatozoa, whereas upon inhibition of phosphodiesterase or sperm capacitation, the amount of cAMP was not different between both genotypes. Conclusions/Significance: Since Ca2+ and cAMP control fundamental processes during the sequential process of fertilization, we propose that the identified taste receptors and coupled signaling cascades keep sperm in a chronically quiescent state until they arrive in the vicinity of the egg - either by constitutive receptor activity and/or by tonic receptor activation by gradients of diverse chemical compounds in different compartments of the female reproductive tract

    Chancen und Grenzen einer Friedenserziehung im Schulfach Politik/Sozialkunde

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    Frieden ist eine wichtige Kategorie der politischen Bildung. Der Beitrag versucht, den fachlichen Beitrag des Schulfachs Politik/Sozialkunde für die Aufgaben der Friedenserziehung zu bestimmen. Der Politikunterricht hat die Aufgabe, den politischen Prozess und das Handeln der Akteure in aktuellen Konfliktfällen zu rekonstruieren und zu interpretieren. Die Anschaulichkeit der Politik wird durch unterrichtliche Fallanalysen erhöht. Der friedenspädagogische Ertrag des Politikunterrichts liegt darin, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler eine reflektierende Einstellung gegenüber den Akteuren gewinnen können

    A comparison of methods for assessing total arterial compliance

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    There are several methods of assessing total arterial compliance (TAC) based on the two element Windkessel model, which is a ratio of pressure and volume, but the optimal technique is unclear. In this study, three methods of estimating TAC were compared to determine which was the most robust in a large group of patients with and without cardiovascular risk. In all, 320 patients (170 men; age 55 +/- 10) were studied; TAC was determined by the pulse-pressure method (PPM), the area method (AM) and the stroke volume/pulse-pressure method (SVPP). We obtained arterial waveforms using radial applanation tonometry, dimensions using two-dimensional echocardiography and flow data by Doppler. Clinical data, risk factors, echo parameters and TAC by all three methods were then compared. TAC (mlmmHg(-1)) by the PPM was 1.24 +/- 0.51, by the AM 1.84 +/- 0.90 and by the SVPP 1.96 +/- 0.76 (