57,045 research outputs found

    Some Weyl modules of the algebraic groups of type E6E_6

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    Let GG be a simple algebraic group of type E6E_6 over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0p>0. We determine the submodule structure of the Weyl modul es with highest weight rω1r\omega_1 for 0rp10\leq r\leq p-1, where ω1\omega_1 is the fundamental weight of the standard 2727-dimensional module. In the process, the structures of other Weyl modules with highest weights linked to rω1r\omega_1 are also found. %We also give some computations for the Weyl modules with highest weights %of the form r(ω1+ω6)r(\omega_1+\omega_6), which arise in the study of %the graph automorphism and associated twisted finite groups.Comment: 25 page

    A non extensive approach for DNA breaking by ionizing radiation

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    Tsallis entropy and a maximum entropy principle allows to reproduce experimental data of DNA double strand breaking by electron and neutron radiation. Analytic results for the probability of finding a DNA segment of length l are obtained reproducing quite well the fragment distribution function experimentally obtained

    Adjunctive strategies in the management of resistant, 'undilatable' coronary lesions after successfully crossing a CTO with a guidewire.

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    Successful revascularisation of chronic total occlusions (CTOs) remains one of the greatest challenges in the era of contemporary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Such lesions are encountered with increasing frequency in current clinical practice. A predictable increase in the future burden of CTO management can be anticipated given the ageing population, increased rates of renal failure, graft failure and diabetes mellitus. Given recent advances and developments in CTO PCI management, successful recanalisation can be anticipated in the majority of procedures undertaken at high-volume centres when performed by expert operators. Despite advances in device technology, the management of resistant, calcific lesions remains one of the greatest challenges in successful CTO intervention. Established techniques to modify calcific lesions include the use of high-pressure non-compliant balloon dilation, cutting-balloons, anchor balloons and high speed rotational atherectomy (HSRA). Novel approaches have proven to be safe and technically feasible where standard approaches have failed. A step-wise progression of strategies is demonstrated, from well-recognised techniques to techniques that should only be considered when standard manoeuvres have proven unsuccessful. These methods will be described in the setting of clinical examples and include use of very high-pressure non-compliant balloon dilation, intentional balloon rupture with vessel dissection or balloon assisted micro-dissection (BAM), excimer coronary laser atherectomy (ECLA) and use of HSRA in various 'offlabel' settings

    Structured Traversal of Search Trees in Constraint-logic Object-oriented Programming

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    In this paper, we propose an explicit, non-strict representation of search trees in constraint-logic object-oriented programming. Our search tree representation includes both the non-deterministic and deterministic behaviour during execution of an application. Introducing such a representation facilitates the use of various search strategies. In order to demonstrate the applicability of our approach, we incorporate explicit search trees into the virtual machine of the constraint-logic object-oriented programming language Muli. We then exemplarily implement three search algorithms that traverse the search tree on-demand: depth-first search, breadth-first search, and iterative deepening depth-first search. In particular, the last two strategies allow for a complete search, which is novel in constraint-logic object-oriented programming and highlights our main contribution. Finally, we compare the implemented strategies using several benchmarks.Comment: Part of DECLARE 19 proceeding

    A low-cost airborne platform for ecological monitoring

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    This work documents the development of an aerial environmental monitoring platform based on a paramotor, dubbed robofoil. Significant advantages are achieved in safety, durability, ease of use and flexibility by employing an inflated wing. The aircraft is easy to fly, has near vertical ascent into wind and an intrinsic fail-safe. The ability to control the wing angle of attack and interchange wings according to weather or mission requirements makes this platform truly flexible. With an onboard autopilot and manual override, the vehicle is intuitive to fly and has a short learning curve for the user. With flight speeds ranging from 0 to 40 knots, the vehicle is well-suited to targeted surveillance as well as being resilient to gusty conditions. With a high payload capability, the platform can carry fuel for flights in excess of an hour in the current version. We have established that it is possible to use genetic programming, a machine learning technique, to evolve application-specific systems purely through training. Our eventual aim is for the design, construction details and software used for robofoil to be made fully open

    Mechanical Systems with Symmetry, Variational Principles, and Integration Algorithms

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    This paper studies variational principles for mechanical systems with symmetry and their applications to integration algorithms. We recall some general features of how to reduce variational principles in the presence of a symmetry group along with general features of integration algorithms for mechanical systems. Then we describe some integration algorithms based directly on variational principles using a discretization technique of Veselov. The general idea for these variational integrators is to directly discretize Hamilton’s principle rather than the equations of motion in a way that preserves the original systems invariants, notably the symplectic form and, via a discrete version of Noether’s theorem, the momentum map. The resulting mechanical integrators are second-order accurate, implicit, symplectic-momentum algorithms. We apply these integrators to the rigid body and the double spherical pendulum to show that the techniques are competitive with existing integrators

    Polynomials for Crystal Frameworks and the Rigid Unit Mode Spectrum

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    To each discrete translationally periodic bar-joint framework \C in \bR^d we associate a matrix-valued function \Phi_\C(z) defined on the d-torus. The rigid unit mode spectrum \Omega(\C) of \C is defined in terms of the multi-phases of phase-periodic infinitesimal flexes and is shown to correspond to the singular points of the function z \to \rank \Phi_\C(z) and also to the set of wave vectors of harmonic excitations which have vanishing energy in the long wavelength limit. To a crystal framework in Maxwell counting equilibrium, which corresponds to \Phi_\C(z) being square, the determinant of \Phi_\C(z) gives rise to a unique multi-variable polynomial p_\C(z_1,\dots,z_d). For ideal zeolites the algebraic variety of zeros of p_\C(z) on the d-torus coincides with the RUM spectrum. The matrix function is related to other aspects of idealised framework rigidity and flexibility and in particular leads to an explicit formula for the number of supercell-periodic floppy modes. In the case of certain zeolite frameworks in dimensions 2 and 3 direct proofs are given to show the maximal floppy mode property (order NN). In particular this is the case for the cubic symmetry sodalite framework and some other idealised zeolites.Comment: Final version with new examples and figures, and with clearer streamlined proof

    Homozygous disruption of P450 side-chain cleavage (CYP11A1) is associated with prematurity, complete 46,XY sex reversal, and severe adrenal failure

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    Disruption of the P450 side-chain cleavage cytochrome (P450scc) enzyme due to deleterious mutations of the CYP11A1 gene is thought to be incompatible with fetal survival because of impaired progesterone production by the fetoplacental unit. We present a 46, XY patient with a homozygous disruption of CYP11A1.The child was born prematurely with complete sex reversal and severe adrenal insufficiency. Laboratory data showed diminished or absent steroidogenesis in all pathways. Molecular genetic analysis of the CYP11A1 gene revealed a homozygous single nucleotide deletion leading to a premature termination at codon position 288. This mutation will delete highly conserved regions of the P450scc enzyme and thus is predicted to lead to a nonfunctional protein. Both healthy parents were heterozygous for this mutation.Our report demonstrates that severe disruption of P450scc can be compatible with survival in rare instances. Furthermore, defects in this enzyme are inherited in an autosomal-recessive fashion, and heterozygote carriers can be healthy and fertile. The possibility of P450scc-independent pathways of steroid synthesis in addition to the current concept of luteoplacental shift of progesterone synthesis in humans has to be questioned

    Terahertz imaging of sub-wavelength particles with Zenneck surface waves

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    Impact of sub-wavelength-size dielectric particles on Zenneck surface waves on planar metallic antennas is investigated at terahertz (THz) frequencies with THz near-field probe microscopy. Perturbations of the surface waves show the particle presence, despite its sub-wavelength size. The experimental configuration, which utilizes excitation of surface waves at metallic edges, is suitable for THz imaging of dielectric sub-wavelength size objects. As a proof of concept, the effects of a small strontium titanate rectangular particle and a titanium dioxide sphere on the surface field of a bow-tie antenna are experimentally detected and verified using full-wave simulations

    A model to assess customer alignment through customer experience concepts

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    Business and Information Technology Alignment (BITA) has been one of the main concerns of IT and Business executives and directors due to its importance to overall company performance, especially today in the age of digital transformation. For BITA has been developed several models which in general has focused in the implementation of alignment strategies for the internal operation of the organizations and in the measurement of this internal alignment, but, there is still a big gap in measurement models of the alignment with the external environment of the organizations. In this paper is presented the design and application of a maturity measurement model for BITA with the customers, where the customers are actors of the external environment of the companies. The proposed model involves evaluation criteria and business practices which the companies ideally do for improve the relationship with their customers.Comment: 12 pages, Preprint version, BIS 2019 International Workshops, Seville, Spain, June 26 to 28, 2019, Revised Paper