4,091 research outputs found

    The pattern of childhood in the western Cape

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    An analysis of poisoning cases treated at the Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital dUring 1987 and of calls received on the poisons line is presented. Treatment of 1116 children was undertaken and 922 telephone calls were logged. Of the patients treated, 60% had ingested a drug and 30% had drunk paraffin. The high prevalence of paraffin poisoning in the western Cape is examined. Constant vigilance must be maintained if childhood poisoning is to be prevented.S Afr Med J 1990; 78: 22-2

    The changing trends of childhood poisoning at a tertiary children’s hospital in South Africa

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    Context. Information on childhood poisoning in the developingworld, including South Africa, is scarce, despite its contribution tomorbidity and mortality.Objective. We describe the profile of children with exposuresand poisonings presenting to Red Cross War Memorial Children’sHospital (RCWMCH) in Cape Town, South Africa, from 2003 to2008 and compare the trends of causative agents over the past twodecades.Methods. Cases were identified by review of the RCWMCH caserecords.Results. Of the total incidents (N=2 872), paraffin (kerosene)was the commonest agent (n=692, 24%) with 124 poisoningsincluding two deaths. Drugs were the most common toxin group(n=988, 34%), including 139 single-drug poisonings with 5deaths; 4 associated with traditional medicine use. Householdcleaning product incidents (n=302, 10%) resulted in 29 singleproductpoisonings with no deaths. Pesticide incidents (n=311,10%) included 6 deaths; 203 (65%) incidents were due toorganophosphates or carbamates. The suburban distribution ofthe main toxin groups varied. Comparing 1987 and 2008, thenumber of incidents decreased from 1 116 to 447; drug and paraffinincidents decreased respectively (from 673 to 150 and from 332 to87), household cleaning products and cosmetics increased (21 to69) and pesticide incidents increased (7 to 69).Conclusion. Despite a decrease in the overall number of incidentsover two decades at RCWMCH, paraffin and drugs remainthe principal agents responsible for paediatric exposures andpoisonings, with increasing incidents due to household cleaningproducts and pesticides. Identification of these toxin groups comingfrom specific suburbs allows for targeted prevention initiatives

    Treatment and outcomes of UK and German patients with relapsed intracranial germ cell tumors following uniform first-line therapy

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    We aimed to retrospectively assess treatments/outcomes, including the value of high-dose-chemotherapy and autologous-stem-cell-rescue (HDC + AuSCR) and re-irradiation, in a large, European patient-cohort with relapsed intracranial germ-cell-tumors (GCTs) receiving uniform first-line therapy, including radiotherapy as standard-of-care. Fifty-eight UK/German patients (48 male/10 female) with relapsed intracranial-GCTs [13 germinoma/45 non-germinomatous GCT (NGGCT)] treated 1996-2010 as per the SIOP-CNS-GCT-96 protocol were evaluated. For germinoma, six patients relapsed with germinoma and five with NGGCT (one palliative, one teratoma patient excluded). Five-year overall-survival (OS) for the whole-group (n = 11) was 55%. Four of six germinoma relapses and two of five relapsing with NGGCT were salvaged; patients were salvaged with either standard-dose-chemotherapy (SDC) and re-irradiation or HDC + AuSCR with/without re-irradiation. Of 45 relapsed NGGCT patients, 13 were excluded (three non-protocol adherence, five teratoma, five palliation). Five-year OS for the remaining 32 relapsed malignant NGGCT patients treated with curative intent was 9% (95%CI: 2-26%). By treatment received, 5-year OS for the 10 patients receiving SDC and 22 patients treated with intention for HDC + AuSCR was 0% (0-0%) and 14% (3-36%), respectively. The three relapsed NGGCT survivors had raised HCG markers alone; two received additional irradiation. Patients with relapsed germinoma had better 5-year OS than those with relapsed NGGCT (55 vs. 9%; p = 0.007). Patients with relapsed germinoma were salvaged both with SDC and re-irradiation or HDC + AuSCR with/without re-irradiation; both represent valid treatment options. Outcomes for malignant relapse following initial diagnosis of NGGCT were exceptionally poor; the few survivors received thiotepa-based HDC + AuSCR, which is a treatment option at first malignant relapse for such patients, with further surgery/irradiation where feasible

    Association of limbic system-associated membrane protein (LSAMP) to male completed suicide

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated volumetric abnormalities in limbic structures of suicide victims. The morphological changes might be caused by some inherited neurodevelopmental defect, such as failure to form proper axonal connections due to genetically determined dysfunction of neurite guidance molecules. Limbic system-associated membrane protein (LSAMP) is a neuronal adhesive molecule, preferentially expressed in developing limbic system neuronal dendrites and somata. Some evidence for the association between LSAMP gene and behavior has come from both animal as well as human studies but further investigation is required. In current study, polymorphic loci in human LSAMP gene were examined in order to reveal any associations between genetic variation in <it>LSAMP </it>and suicidal behaviour.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>DNA was obtained from 288 male suicide victims and 327 healthy male volunteers. Thirty SNPs from LSAMP gene and adjacent region were selected by Tagger algorithm implemented in Haploview 3.32. Genotyping was performed using the SNPlex™ (Applied Biosystems) platform. Data was analyzed by Genemapper 3.7, Haploview 3.32 and SPSS 13.0.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Chi square test revealed four allelic variants (rs2918215, rs2918213, rs9874470 and rs4821129) located in the intronic region of the gene to be associated with suicide, major alleles being overrepresented in suicide group. However, the associations did not survive multiple correction test. Defining the haplotype blocks using confidence interval algorithm implemented in Haploview 3.32, we failed to detect any associated haplotypes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Despite a considerable amount of investigation on the nature of suicidal behaviour, its aetiology and pathogenesis remain unknown. This study examined the variability in LSAMP gene in relation to completed suicide. Our results indicate that LSAMP might play a role in pathoaetiology of suicidal behaviour but further studies are needed to understand its exact contribution.</p

    The scalar gluonium correlator: large-beta_0 and beyond

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    The investigation of the scalar gluonium correlator is interesting because it carries the quantum numbers of the vacuum and the relevant hadronic current is related to the anomalous trace of the QCD energy-momentum tensor in the chiral limit. After reviewing the purely perturbative corrections known up to next-next-to-leading order, the behaviour of the correlator is studied to all orders by means of the large-beta_0 approximation. Similar to the QCD Adler function, the large-order behaviour is governed by the leading ultraviolet renormalon pole. The structure of infrared renormalon poles, being related to the operator product expansion are also discussed, as well as a low-energy theorem for the correlator that provides a relation to the renormalisation group invariant gluon condensate, and the vacuum matrix element of the trace of the QCD energy-momentum tensor.Comment: 14 pages, references added, discussion of IR renormalon pole at u=3 extended, similar version to appear in JHE

    Whole home exercise intervention for depression in older care home residents (the OPERA study) : a process evaluation

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    Background: The ‘Older People’s Exercise intervention in Residential and nursing Accommodation’ (OPERA) cluster randomised trial evaluated the impact of training for care home staff together with twice-weekly, physiotherapist-led exercise classes on depressive symptoms in care home residents, but found no effect. We report a process evaluation exploring potential explanations for the lack of effect. Methods: The OPERA trial included over 1,000 residents in 78 care homes in the UK. We used a mixed methods approach including quantitative data collected from all homes. In eight case study homes, we carried out repeated periods of observation and interviews with residents, care staff and managers. At the end of the intervention, we held focus groups with OPERA research staff. We reported our first findings before the trial outcome was known. Results: Homes showed large variations in activity at baseline and throughout the trial. Overall attendance rate at the group exercise sessions was low (50%). We considered two issues that might explain the negative outcome: whether the intervention changed the culture of the homes, and whether the residents engaged with the intervention. We found low levels of staff training, few home champions for the intervention and a culture that prioritised protecting residents from harm over encouraging activity. The trial team delivered 3,191 exercise groups but only 36% of participants attended at least 1 group per week and depressed residents attended significantly fewer groups than those who were not depressed. Residents were very frail and therefore most groups only included seated exercises. Conclusions: The intervention did not change the culture of the homes and, in the case study homes, activity levels did not change outside the exercise groups. Residents did not engage in the exercise groups at a sufficient level, and this was particularly true for those with depressive symptoms at baseline. The physical and mental frailty of care home residents may make it impossible to deliver a sufficiently intense exercise intervention to impact on depressive symptoms

    Simplified mathematical model of proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on horizon fuel cell stack

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    This paper presents a simplified zero-dimensional mathematical model for a self-humidifying proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stack of 1 kW. The model incorporates major electric and thermodynamic variables and parameters involved in the operation of the PEM fuel cell under different operational conditions. Influence of each of these parameters and variables upon the operation and the performance of the PEM fuel cell are investigated. The mathematical equations are modeled by using Matlab–Simulink tools in order to simulate the operation of the developed model with a commercial available 1 kW horizon PEM fuel cell stack (H-1000), which is used for the purposes of model validation and tuning of the developed model. The model can be extrapolated to higher wattage fuel cells of similar arrangements. New equation is presented to determine the impact of using air to supply the PEM fuel cell instead of pure oxygen upon the concentration losses and the output voltage when useful current is drawn from it

    Interstellar Dust Close to the Sun

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    The low density interstellar medium (ISM) close to the Sun and inside of the heliosphere provides a unique laboratory for studying interstellar dust grains. Grain characteristics in the nearby ISM are obtained from observations of interstellar gas and dust inside of the heliosphere and the interstellar gas towards nearby stars. Comparison between the gas composition and solar abundances suggests that grains are dominated by olivines and possibly some form of iron oxide. Measurements of the interstellar Ne/O ratio by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer spacecraft indicate that a high fraction of interstellar oxygen in the ISM must be depleted onto dust grains. Local interstellar abundances are consistent with grain destruction in ~150 km/s interstellar shocks, provided that the carbonaceous component is hydrogenated amorphous carbon and carbon abundances are correct. Variations in relative abundances of refractories in gas suggest variations in the history of grain destruction in nearby ISM. The large observed grains, > 1 micron, may indicate a nearby reservoir of denser ISM. Theoretical three-dimensional models of the interaction between interstellar dust grains and the solar wind predict that plumes of about 0.18 micron dust grains form around the heliosphere.Comment: 2011 AGOS Taiwan meeting; accepted for publication in Earth, Planets and Spac