108 research outputs found

    Associations of eczema phenotypes with emotional and behavioural problems from birth until school age. The Generation R Study.

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    Background Eczema phenotypes and emotional and behavioural problems are highly prevalent in childhood, but their mutual relationship is not fully clear. Objectives To examine the associations of eczema phenotypes with school-age emotional and behavioural problems, and the bidirectional associations of eczema and emotional and behavioural problems from birth until 10 years. Methods This study among 5265 individuals was embedded in a prospective population-based cohort study. Never, early transient, mid-transient, late transient and persistent eczema phenotypes were identified based on parent-reported, physician-diagnosed eczema from age 6 months until 10 years. Emotional (internalizing) and behavioural (externalizing) problems were measured repeatedly using the Child Behavior Checklist from age 15 to 10 years. Cross-lagged models were applied for bidirectional analyses. Results All eczema phenotypes were associated with more internalizing problems and attention problems at age 10 years, compared with never having eczema: range of Z-score differences 014 [95% confidence interval (CI) 001–027] to 039 (95% CI 018–060). Children with early transient eczema had more aggressive behaviour symptoms at age 10 years (Z = 016, 95% CI 005–027). Bidirectional analysis showed that eczema at 0–2 years was associated with more internalizing and externalizing problems at ages 3–6 and 10 years, while, inversely, only internalizing problems at 0–2 years were associated with an increased risk of eczema at age 10 years. Conclusions Eczema phenotypes are very modestly associated with more somatic symptoms and attention problems at school age. Early transient eczema is associated with more aggressive behaviour symptoms. Directional effects seem to occur from early-life eczema to later-life internalizing and externalizing problems, rather than the reverse

    Are exhaled nitric oxide measurements using the portable NIOX MINO repeatable?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Exhaled nitric oxide is a non-invasive marker of airway inflammation and a portable analyser, the NIOX MINO (Aerocrine AB, Solna, Sweden), is now available. This study aimed to assess the reproducibility of the NIOX MINO measurements across age, sex and lung function for both absolute and categorical exhaled nitric oxide values in two distinct groups of children and teenagers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Paired exhaled nitric oxide readings were obtained from 494 teenagers, aged 16-18 years, enrolled in an unselected birth cohort and 65 young people, aged 6-17 years, with asthma enrolled in an interventional asthma management study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The birth cohort participants showed a high degree of variability between first and second exhaled nitric oxide readings (mean intra-participant difference 1.37 ppb, 95% limits of agreement -7.61 to 10.34 ppb), although there was very close agreement when values were categorised as low, normal, intermediate or high (kappa = 0.907, p < 0.001). Similar findings were seen in subgroup analyses by sex, lung function and asthma status. Similar findings were seen in the interventional study participants.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The reproducibility of exhaled nitric oxide is poor for absolute values but acceptable when values are categorised as low, normal, intermediate or high in children and teenagers. One measurement is therefore sufficient when using categorical exhaled nitric oxide values to direct asthma management but a mean of at least two measurements is required for absolute values.</p

    Cough quality in children: a comparison of subjective vs. bronchoscopic findings

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    BACKGROUND: Cough is the most common symptom presenting to doctors. The quality of cough (productive or wet vs dry) is used clinically as well as in epidemiology and clinical research. There is however no data on the validity of cough quality descriptors. The study aims were to compare (1) cough quality (wet/dry and brassy/non-brassy) to bronchoscopic findings of secretions and tracheomalacia respectively and, (2) parent's vs clinician's evaluation of the cough quality (wet/dry). METHODS: Cough quality of children (without a known underlying respiratory disease) undergoing elective bronchoscopy was independently evaluated by clinicians and parents. A 'blinded' clinician scored the secretions seen at bronchoscopy on pre-determined criteria and graded (1 to 6). Kappa (K) statistics was used for agreement, and inter-rater and intra-rater agreement examined on digitally recorded cough. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to determine if cough quality related to amount of airway secretions present at bronchoscopy. RESULTS: Median age of the 106 children (62 boys, 44 girls) enrolled was 2.6 years (IQR 5.7). Parent's assessment of cough quality (wet/dry) agreed with clinicians' (K = 0.75, 95%CI 0.58–0.93). When compared to bronchoscopy (bronchoscopic secretion grade 4), clinicians' cough assessment had the highest sensitivity (0.75) and specificity (0.79) and were marginally better than parent(s). The area under the ROC curve was 0.85 (95%CI 0.77–0.92). Intra-observer (K = 1.0) and inter-clinician agreement for wet/dry cough (K = 0.88, 95%CI 0.82–0.94) was very good. Weighted K for inter-rater agreement for bronchoscopic secretion grades was 0.95 (95%CI 0.87–1). Sensitivity and specificity for brassy cough (for tracheomalacia) were 0.57 and 0.81 respectively. K for both intra and inter-observer clinician agreement for brassy cough was 0.79 (95%CI 0.73–0.86). CONCLUSIONS: Dry and wet cough in children, as determined by clinicians and parents has good clinical validity. Clinicians should however be cognisant that children with dry cough may have minimal to mild airway secretions. Brassy cough determined by respiratory physicians is highly specific for tracheomalacia

    Quantification of the energy gap in young overweight children. The PIAMA birth cohort study

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    Background: Overweight develops gradually as a result of a long term surplus on the balance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Aim of this study was to quantify the positive energy balance responsible for excess body weight gain (energy gap) in young overweight children. Methods. Reported data on weight and height were used of 2190 Dutch children participating in the PIAMA birth cohort study. Accumulated body energy was estimated from the weight gain observed between age 2 and age 5-7. Energy gap was calculated as the difference in positive energy balance between children with and without overweight assuming an energy efficiency of 50%. Results: Ten percent of the children were overweight at the age of 5-7 years. For these children, median weight gain during 4-years follow-up was 13.3 kg, as compared to 8.5 kg in the group of children who had a normal weight at the end of the study. A daily energy gap of 289-320 kJ (69-77 kcal) was responsible for the excess weight gain or weight maintenance in the majority of the children who were overweight at the age of 5-7 years. The increase in daily energy requirement to maintain the 4.8 kilograms excess weight gain among overweight children at the end of the study was approximately 1371 kJ. Conclusions: An energy gap of about 289-320 kJ per day over a number of years can make the difference between normal weight and overweight in young children. Closing the energy gap in overweight children can be achieved by r

    Comorbidities of obesity in school children: a cross-sectional study in the PIAMA birth cohort

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is ample evidence that childhood overweight is associated with increased risk of chronic disease in adulthood. The aim of this study was to investigate associations between childhood overweight and common childhood health problems.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were used from a general population sample of 3960 8-year-old children, participating in the Dutch PIAMA birth cohort study. Weight and height, measured by the investigators, were used to define BMI status (thinness, normal weight, moderate overweight, obesity). BMI status was studied cross-sectionally in relation to the following parental reported outcomes: a general health index, GP visits, school absenteeism due to illness, health-related functional limitations, doctor diagnosed respiratory infections and use of antibiotics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Obesity was significantly associated with a lower general health score, more GP visits, more school absenteeism and more health-related limitations, (adjusted odds ratios around 2.0 for most outcomes). Obesity was also significantly associated with bronchitis (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI): 5.29 (2.58;10.85) and with the use of antibiotics (aOR (95%CI): 1.79 (1.09;2.93)). Associations with flu/serious cold, ear infection and throat infection were positive, but not statistically significant. Moderate overweight was not significantly associated with the health outcomes studied.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Childhood obesity is not merely a risk factor for disease in adulthood, but obese children may experience more illness and health related problems already in childhood. The high prevalence of the outcomes studied implies a high burden of disease in terms of absolute numbers of sick children.</p

    Prescription of respiratory medication without an asthma diagnosis in children: a population based study

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    Background. In pre-school children a diagnosis of asthma is not easily made and only a minority of wheezing children will develop persistent atopic asthma. According to the general consensus a diagnosis of asthma becomes more certain with increasing age. Therefore the congruence between asthma medication use and doctor-diagnosed asthma is expected to increase with age. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between prescribing of asthma medication and doctor-diagnosed asthma in children age 0-17. Methods. We studied all 74,580 children below 18 years of age, belonging to 95 GP practices within the second Dutch national survey of general practice (DNSGP-2), in which GPs registered all physician-patient contacts during the year 2001. Status on prescribing of asthma medication (at least one prescription for beta2-agonists, inhaled corticosteroids, cromones or montelukast) and doctor-diagnosed asthma (coded according to the International Classification of Primary Care) was determined. Results. In total 7.5% of children received asthma medication and 4.1% had a diagnosis of asthma. Only 49% of all children receiving asthma medication was diagnosed as an asthmatic. Subgroup analyses on age, gender and therapy groups showed that the Positive Predictive Value (PPV) differs significantly between therapy groups only. The likelihood of having doctor-diagnosed asthma increased when a child received combination therapy of short acting beta2-agonists and inhaled corticosteroids (PPV = 0.64) and with the number of prescriptions (3 prescriptions or more, PPV = 0.66). Both prescribing of asthma medication and doctor-diagnosed asthma declined with age but the congruence between the two measures did not increase with age. Conclusion. In this study, less than half of all children receiving asthma medication had a registered diagnosis of asthma. Detailed subgroup analyses show that a diagnosis of asthma was present in at most 66%, even in groups of children treated intensively with asthma medication. Although age strongly influences the chance of being treated, remarkably, the congruence between prescribing of asthma medication and doctor-diagnosed asthma does not increase with age


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    Economic recession and global mettle down have brought the question of insurance company investment to the forefront. Growing attention has shifted to the pattern of investments by the insurance and question of how to evaluate such investments. The aim of this research is to evaluate investment compositions which are made by life insurance companies in Indonesia, as well as to know the effects on the performance of Insurance companies

    NIOX VERO: Individualized Asthma Management in Clinical Practice

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    As we move toward an era of precision medicine, novel biomarkers of disease will enable the identification and personalized treatment of new endotypes. In asthma, fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) serves as a surrogate marker of airway inflammation that often correlates with the presence of sputum eosinophils. The increase in FeNO is driven by an upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) by cytokines, which are released as a result of type-2 airway inflammation. Scientific evidence supports using FeNO in routine clinical practice. In steroid-naive patients and in patients with mild asthma, FeNO levels decrease within days after corticosteroid treatment in a dose-dependent fashion and increase after steroid withdrawal. In difficult asthma, FeNO testing correlates with anti-inflammatory therapy compliance. Assessing adherence by FeNO testing can remove the confrontational aspect of questioning a patient about compliance and change the conversation to one of goal setting and ways to improve disease management. However, the most important aspect of incorporating FeNO in asthma management is the reduction in the risk of exacerbations. In a recent primary care study, reduction of exacerbation rates and improved symptom control without increasing overall inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) use were demonstrated when a FeNO-guided anti-inflammatory treatment algorithm was assessed and compared to the standard care. A truly personalized asthma management approach—showing reduction of exacerbation rates, overall use of ICS and neonatal hospitalizations—was demonstrated when FeNO testing was applied as part of the treatment algorithm that managed asthma during pregnancy. The aim of this article is to describe how FeNO and the NIOX VERO® analyzer can help to optimize diagnosis and treatment choices and to aid in the monitoring and improvement of clinical asthma outcomes in children and adults