1,309 research outputs found

    Decoding the Design Principles of Amino Acids and the Chemical Logic of Protein Sequences

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    That only 20 amino acids occur naturally accounting for the structural and functional diversity of proteins remains a mystery. We show here that this is a consequence of the action of a symmetry group, identify the presence of hydrogen bond donor groups, presence of sp3 hybridized [gamma] carbons, absence of [delta] carbons and linearity as properties central to side chain design and quantify the chemical logic of protein sequences

    When are extremely metal-deficient galaxies extremely metal-deficient?

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    Extremely metal-deficient (XMD) galaxies, by definition, have oxygen abundances \le 1/10 solar, and form a very small fraction of the local gas-rich, star-forming dwarf galaxy population. We examine their positions in the luminousity-metallicity (L-Z) and mass-metallicity (M-Z) planes, with respect to the L-Z and M-Z relations of other gas-rich, star-forming dwarf galaxies, viz., blue compact galaxies (BCGs) and dwarf irregular (dI) galaxies. We find that while the metallicities of some low-luminousity XMD galaxies are consistent with those expected from the L-Z relation, other XMD galaxies are deviant. We determine the 95 per cent confidence interval around the L-Z relation for BCGs, and find that its lower boundary is given by 12 + log(O/H) = -0.177 M_{B} + 4.87. We suggest that a galaxy should be regarded as XMD, in a statistically significant manner, only if it lies below this boundary in the L-Z plane. Of our sample of XMD galaxies, we find that more than half are XMD by this criterion. We also determine the gas mass fractions and chemical yields of galaxies in all three samples. We find that the effective chemical yield increases with increasing baryonic mass, consistent with what is expected if outflows of metal-enriched gas are important in determining the effective yield. XMD galaxies have lower effective yield than BCG/dI galaxies of similar baryonic mass. Motivated by the fact that interactions are common in XMD galaxies, we suggest that improved (tidally-driven) mixing of the interstellar media (ISM) in XMD galaxies leads to a lowering of both, the measured metallicity and the calculated effective yield. We suggest that XMD galaxies are deviant from the L-Z relation because of a combination of being gas-rich (i.e., having processed less gas into stars) and having more uniform mixing of metals in their ISM.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Representations through a monoid on the set of fuzzy implications

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    Fuzzy implications are one of the most important fuzzy logic connectives. In this work, we conduct a systematic algebraic study on the set II of all fuzzy implications. To this end, we propose a binary operation, denoted by ⊛, which makes (I,⊛I,⊛) a non-idempotent monoid. While this operation does not give a group structure, we determine the largest subgroup SS of this monoid and using its representation define a group action of SS that partitions II into equivalence classes. Based on these equivalence classes, we obtain a hitherto unknown representations of the two main families of fuzzy implications, viz., the f- and g-implications

    A prospective study on prescribing pattern of drugs in geriatric patients in the department of medicine in a tertiary care center

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    Background: India stands at 3rd position with large elderly population in the world. Elderly population has special problems related to health, social support, and economic security. Comorbidities in elderly people are frequent, which require use of multiple medications which increases the number of inappropriate medications    noncompliance, economic burden, adverse drug reactions (ADRs), and drug interactions. The overall incidence of ADR is two to three times higher due to physiological and pharmacological variations. Currently used screening tools for inappropriate prescription in old age are: Beers criteria and inappropriate prescribing in the elderly tool (IPET).Methods: A prospective observational study of elderly patients of either sex admitted in the medicine ward, conducted from May 2019-November 2019. A total of 102 prescriptions were collected and analysed. Data was analysed using Microsoft excel.Results: In this study most of the patients (67 out of 102) were in the age group 65-70 years with male population (73%) dominance. Most of the patient were admitted due to cardiovascular (35.84%) and respiratory system (14.15%) disorder. Anti-diabetics (17.64%) followed by anti-microbials (14.24%) were the most commonly prescribed medicines in this study. Our study revealed poly pharmacy in geriatric patients with an average number of drugs per prescription being 6.07. According to BEER’s criteria 3.47% of total drugs prescribed were inappropriateConclusions:  In this study most of the patients had co morbid conditions, cardiovascular disease and diabetes being the common cause led to polypharmacy. A high number of potential prescription errors were found.

    Study of anti-inflammatory activity of Ficus racemosa linn stem bark extract in albino rats

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    Background: Inflammation is part of the complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli. Though there are standard anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, diclofenac, etc., these are not free of side effects. This has led to an increase in demand for natural products with anti-inflammatory activity having less side effects. Hence the study was conducted to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of ethanolic extract of Ficus racemose (EEFR) in albino rats.Methods: Healthy albino rats of either sex were divided into 4 groups of 6 animals each. Group1-control, group 2-diclofenac sodium 2 mg/kg and group 3 and 4 EEFR (200 and 400 mg/kg respectively), anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated by Carrageenan induced paw oedema: formalin induced-peritonitis and cotton pellet induced granuloma model for in vivo activity and protein denaturation test for in vitro activity.Results: EEFR exhibited significant in vitro (p<0.001) anti-inflammatory effect at the dose of 200 and 400 mg/kg. EEFR produced 61.37% inhibition at the dose of 400 mg/kg and diclofenac (standard drug) produced 62.95% of inhibition after 3 hours of drug treatment in carrageenan induced paw oedema. The exudate volume was decreased in formalin induced peritonitis by EEFR and diclofenac significantly (p<0.001). In cotton pellet induced granuloma EEFR (400 mg/kg) and diclofenac showed decreased formation of granuloma by 28.36% and 28.00% (p<0.001) respectively.Conclusions: EEFR has significant anti-inflammatory activity in both acute and chronic model in a dose dependant manner in comparison with standard drug

    Introducing a Framework to Capture and Reuse Tacit Knowledge in Software Project Management

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    In rapidly growing global companies, comprehensive training programs as well as in depth sharing of knowledge are essential factors to maintain the quality of human capital despite rapid expansion. Different dimensions of Knowledge management address the need and approach to leverage dispersed knowledge in order to make it visible and accessible for everyone to improve organizational performance. However, there has been a scarcity of successful and holistic models that define and categorize tacit knowledge in order to capture and distribute it for the benefit of others. This paper focuses on developing a framework in order to capture experiences regarding software project management and to provide a platform for managers to inherit knowledge from and bequeath their learning to others at large organizations. In order to build up and enhance the framework, the majority of information was gleaned from intensive interviews with top software project managers at Infosys, a well-known global company in the field of software development and consulting services. The final framework we developed can act as a comprehensive data-repository for capturing, storing, searching, and distributing tacit knowledge of project managers

    Surgical management of fractures of distal end radius using uniplanar external fixator augmented with percutaneous kirschner wire fixation

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    Background: Distal end radius fractures is one of the most common fractures of the upper limb especially in the elderly population, accounting for about 17% of all upper limb fractures. Surgical stabilization of these fractures remains a challenge even today. Although the recent trend is towards internal fixation with locking plates, the external fixator itself has its own advantages in the treatment of these fractures.Methods: This study is a prospective, time bound, hospital based study conducted in Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Bangalore, between November 2014 to April 2016. The study included 30 cases of distal end radius fractures that were operated with the closed reduction and uniplanar external fixator augmented with k-wire for distal end radius by the principle of ligamentotaxis.Results: In our study, 14 (46.6 %) patients had excellent results. Whereas, 11 (36.7%) patients had good results and 3 (10%) had fair and only 2 (6.7%) patients had poor results. Most of the fractures united by 12 weeks. Complications associated with the study was stiffness, malunion, sudeck’s  osteodystrophy and pin tract infection. Conclusions: The uniplanar external fixator augmented with k-wire is a good choice in the treatment of distal end radius fractures  in terms of providing a good functional outcome if proper preoperative planning, good reduction and surgical technique are followed, leading to high rate of bone union, minimal soft tissue damage and complications