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    Mangrove merupakan sumberdaya alam hayati yang penting di wilayah pesisir dan memiliki peran strategis bagi kehidupan baik secara fisik, biologis, dan ekonomis. Besarnya potensi ekosistem mangrove mendorong adanya ekploitasi sumberdaya yang berlebihan sehingga dapat mengancam kelestariannya. Bantul merupakan kabupaten di wilayah pesisir Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang memiliki ekosistem mangrove buatan dan keberadaannya sudah semakin berkembang. Perkembangan mangrove di Dusun Baros membuat banyak pihak memberikan dukungan untuk ikut serta mengembangkan kawasan tersebut. Program-program pengelolaan dan pengembangan kawasan konservasi mangrove yang tidak memperhatikan fungsi ekologis justru akan merusak keberadaan mangrove dan dapat menimbulkan permasalahan tersendiri di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada ekosistem mangrove di Dusun Baros, Desa Tirtohargo yang mempunyai tujuan yaitu, mengetahui kondisi dan status vegetasi mangrove, mengetahui nilai ekonomi total serta merumuskan strategi pengelolaan ekosistem mangrovenya. Metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan tujuan penelitian meliputi metode jalur dan petak, hemisperical photograpy, kuesioner, replacement cost, benefit transfer dan wawancara terstruktur yang kemudian dianalisis dengan SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai analisis vegetasi di mangrove Baros didominasi oleh spesies Avicennia marina dan Rhizophora mucronata dengan kondisi baik dan tingkat penutupan kanopi yang padat sebesar 77,23 %. Nilai ekonomi total ekosistem mangrove Baros sebesar Rp. 177.750.777,-/ha/tahun yang terdiri atas nilai manfaat langsung, nilai manfaat tidak langsung, nilai manfaat pilihan dan nilai manfaat keberadaan. Alternatif strategi SWOT pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove di Dusun Baros yang menjadi prioritas adalah strategi SO (Strength-Opportunity). Kata kunci: Ekosistem mangrove di Dusun Baros, kondisi dan status, valuasi ekonomi, strategi pengelolaan Mangroves are biological natural resources that are important in coastal areas and has important function either physically, biologically and economically. The large potential of the mangrove ecosystem encourages excessive exploitation of resources which can threaten its sustainability. Bantul is a district in the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta provincy coastal area that has an artificial mangrove ecosystem and its existence has been growing. The development of Baros mangrove makes many parties provide support to participate in developing the mangrove conservation area. Management and development programs for mangrove conservation areas without regard to ecological functions will actually damage the existence of mangroves and this will create its own problems in the future. This research was conducted on the mangrove ecosystem in Baros Tirtohargo village which has the goal of knowing the condition and status of mangroves vegetation, knowing the total economic value and formulating the mangrove ecosystem management strategies in Baros. The methods used to obtain research objectives include path and plot methods, hemisperical photograpy, questionnaires, replacement costs, benefit transfers and structured interviews which are then analyzed by SWOT. The results showed that the value of mangrove vegetation analysis in Baros, Tirtohargo village was dominated by Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata with good conditions and a solid canopy closure rate of 77.23%. The total economic value of Baros mangrove ecosystem is Rp. 177,750,777, - / ha / year consisting of the value of direct benefits, the value of indirect benefits, the value of the benefits of choice and the value of the benefits of existence. The alternative SWOT strategy for mangrove ecosystem management in Baros which is a priority is the SO strategy (Strength-Opportunity). Keywords: Mangrove ecosystem in Baros Tirtohargo village, conditions and status, economic valuation, management strategie

    Economic Valuation as an Instrument to Determine The Management Strategy of Baros Mangrove Forest, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    The Baros mangrove forest in Bantul Regency is now beginning to develop. Many government and private sectors programs are rolled out to support its development. The development of the Baros mangrove forest must be in accordance with the rules of conservation so that it will not damage the mangrove ecosystem. Mangrove forest has high economical and ecological value but is very vulnerable if lack of wisdom in maintaining, preserving and managing them. The involvement of government and other stakeholders are essential in determining management policies. Unawareness of society and the government to the importance of mangrove ecosystem can cause development of it becomes uncontrolled, consequently can destroy it. Mangrove forests are an important natural resource in coastal environments, and have three main functions: physical, biological, and economic functions. To quantify the functions of mangrove forests as the basis to determine the policy is required a research instrument called economic valuation. The approach of this study is the literature review from various studies before to perceive the influence of economic valuation in determining the management strategy of Baros mangrove forest in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    Economic Valuation as an Instrument to Determine The Management Strategy of Baros Mangrove Forest, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    The Baros mangrove forest in Bantul Regency is now beginning to develop. Many government and private sectors programs are rolled out to support its development. The development of the Baros mangrove forest must be in accordance with the rules of conservation so that it will not damage the mangrove ecosystem. Mangrove forest has high economical and ecological value but is very vulnerable if lack of wisdom in maintaining, preserving and managing them. The involvement of government and other stakeholders are essential in determining management policies. Unawareness of society and the government to the importance of mangrove ecosystem can cause development of it becomes uncontrolled, consequently can destroy it. Mangrove forests are an important natural resource in coastal environments, and have three main functions: physical, biological, and economic functions. To quantify the functions of mangrove forests as the basis to determine the policy is required a research instrument called economic valuation. The approach of this study is the literature review from various studies before to perceive the influence of economic valuation in determining the management strategy of Baros mangrove forest in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia