15 research outputs found

    Polymeric materials for transient and soft electronic devices

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    Transient electronics is a class of electronic devices designed to maintain stable operation for a desired and preset amount of time; and, undergo fast and complete degradation and deconstruction once transiency is triggered. Understanding the mechanism and controlling the destruction rate of transient electronics is of significant importance in design of application-specific devices. One major concern with transient electronics is the typical mismatch in mechanical properties of substrate materials and those for electronic components, resulting in malfunction when the device is subjected to a mechanical load. This dissertation investigates destruction mechanism of transient electronics, as well as studies potential solutions to minimize failure caused by the aforementioned mechanical mismatch between the materials. Few potential applications of transient materials/electronics are then discussed while their performance is analyzed. The first study was intended to control the transiency of devices containing colloidal metal particles as electronic components, through the dissolution behavior of the substrate. It was observed that the physical circuit-substrate interactions were the dominating factor in the overall transiency behavior of the device. Presented in second study, are investigations of electronic attributes of transient soft bioelectronic circuits subjected to mechanical force; also, the influence of substrate’s transiency on the loss of functionality in triggered devices. The experimental results suggest that there exists a correlation between electronic properties of circuits and applied mechanical strain. A correlation was also observed between the dissolution behavior of the substrate and loss of functionality of the electronic device. The third study is focused on design and implementation of a material system that exhibits active transiency by undergoing secondary reactions in acidic solvents. This system produces micro-bubbles when triggered, bubbles expedite transiency of the system by facilitating redispersion of conductive materials. The forth study was intended to address the failure caused by mechanical load in the polymer metal systems. We studied mechanical-electrical correlations in pre-strained flexible electronics and quantified the effect of pre-straining on the lifespan and failure of the system. Presented in the fifth study is a transient Li-ion battery based on polymeric constituents, exhibiting two-fold increase in potential and approximately three orders of magnitude faster transiency rate compare to other transient systems reported in the literature. Transiency in this device is achieved through a hybrid approach of redispersion of insoluble, and dissolution of soluble components. The sixth study is intended to design and implement polymer-based interpenetrating network films (IPNFs) with programmable degradation and release kinetics which controlled release of therapeutic proteins or vaccines. Finally, the seventh study is focused on implementing a transient film as a potential platform for printed circuit board, which allows full recovery of the electronic components. This study was aimed to diminish the hazards and environmental pollutions associated with waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

    Polymeric materials for transient and soft electronic devices

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    Transient electronics is a class of electronic devices designed to maintain stable operation for a desired and preset amount of time; and, undergo fast and complete degradation and deconstruction once transiency is triggered. Understanding the mechanism and controlling the destruction rate of transient electronics is of significant importance in design of application-specific devices. One major concern with transient electronics is the typical mismatch in mechanical properties of substrate materials and those for electronic components, resulting in malfunction when the device is subjected to a mechanical load. This dissertation investigates destruction mechanism of transient electronics, as well as studies potential solutions to minimize failure caused by the aforementioned mechanical mismatch between the materials. Few potential applications of transient materials/electronics are then discussed while their performance is analyzed. The first study was intended to control the transiency of devices containing colloidal metal particles as electronic components, through the dissolution behavior of the substrate. It was observed that the physical circuit-substrate interactions were the dominating factor in the overall transiency behavior of the device. Presented in second study, are investigations of electronic attributes of transient soft bioelectronic circuits subjected to mechanical force; also, the influence of substrate’s transiency on the loss of functionality in triggered devices. The experimental results suggest that there exists a correlation between electronic properties of circuits and applied mechanical strain. A correlation was also observed between the dissolution behavior of the substrate and loss of functionality of the electronic device. The third study is focused on design and implementation of a material system that exhibits active transiency by undergoing secondary reactions in acidic solvents. This system produces micro-bubbles when triggered, bubbles expedite transiency of the system by facilitating redispersion of conductive materials. The forth study was intended to address the failure caused by mechanical load in the polymer metal systems. We studied mechanical-electrical correlations in pre-strained flexible electronics and quantified the effect of pre-straining on the lifespan and failure of the system. Presented in the fifth study is a transient Li-ion battery based on polymeric constituents, exhibiting two-fold increase in potential and approximately three orders of magnitude faster transiency rate compare to other transient systems reported in the literature. Transiency in this device is achieved through a hybrid approach of redispersion of insoluble, and dissolution of soluble components. The sixth study is intended to design and implement polymer-based interpenetrating network films (IPNFs) with programmable degradation and release kinetics which controlled release of therapeutic proteins or vaccines. Finally, the seventh study is focused on implementing a transient film as a potential platform for printed circuit board, which allows full recovery of the electronic components. This study was aimed to diminish the hazards and environmental pollutions associated with waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).</p

    Engineering Curriculum in Support of Industry 4.0

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    The paper discusses how multiphysics simulations and applications are being used to build essential skills in preparation for entry into an Industry 4.0 workforce. In a highly networked and collaborative human/machine cyberspace, some important competencies for engineering graduates include the ability to: (1) explore design options and results easily between suites of software, (2) predict and visualize performance of complex problems in the beginning phase of the design process, and (3) identify and optimize key parameters prior to fabrication. We describe how integrated project- and inquiry-based learning in the context of a simulation environment and across the curriculum is improving student readiness and transition into industry. Our paper offers a template of how to transition into a curriculum that produces newly minted engineers better equipped to engage in complex design. Examples of project assignments, assessment methods, and student work are discussed as well as future plans.</p

    Engineering Curriculum in Support of Industry 4.0

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    The paper discusses how multiphysics simulations and applications are being used to build essential skills in preparation for entry into an Industry 4.0 workforce. In a highly networked and collaborative human/machine cyberspace, some important competencies for engineering graduates include the ability to: (1) explore design options and results easily between suites of software, (2) predict and visualize performance of complex problems in the beginning phase of the design process, and (3) identify and optimize key parameters prior to fabrication. We describe how integrated project- and inquiry-based learning in the context of a simulation environment and across the curriculum is improving student readiness and transition into industry. Our paper offers a template of how to transition into a curriculum that produces newly minted engineers better equipped to engage in complex design. Examples of project assignments, assessment methods, and student work are discussed as well as future plans

    Transient Electronics as Sustainable Systems: From Fundamentals to Applications

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    The unique attribute of transient technology is that it promotes the potential for the design and implementation of sustainable systems through their capability to fully or partially disintegrate after a predefined period of stable operation. Transient electronics have a wide range of potential applications as biomedical implants, environmental sensors, and hardware-secured devices. Controlled disintegration of such systems without the need for harsh solvents is a step toward realizing green and sustainable electronics. In this short review, recent progress in the development of transient electronics is studied. First, an overview of the transient materials, both the substrate and electronic component, is described. Second, the mechanisms under which transiency occurs, including aqueous dissolution and thermal degradation, are reported. Third, manufacturing techniques for the fabrication of transient electronics are reviewed. And last, various transient electronic devices and their applications are discussed.This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: Jamshidi, Reihaneh, Mehrnoosh Taghavimehr, Yuanfen Chen, Nicole Hashemi, and Reza Montazami. "Transient Electronics as Sustainable Systems: From Fundamentals to Applications." Advanced Sustainable Systems 6, no. 2 (2022): 2100057, which has been published in final form at DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202100057. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. Copyright 2021 The Authors. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Posted with permission.

    Transient bioelectronics: Electronic properties of silver microparticle-based circuits on polymeric substrates subjected to mechanical load

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    Transient soft bioelectronics are capable of forming conformal contacts with curvilinear surfaces of biological host tissues and organs. Such systems are often subject to continuous static and dynamic loads from the biological host. In this article, we present investigation of electronic attributes of transient soft bioelectronic circuits subjected to mechanical force and influence of substrate's transiency on the transiency of the whole device; also, characterize and quantify loss of functionality in triggered devices. Variations in the electrical conductivity of circuits as a function of applied mechanical load was used as a means to deduce electronic characteristics under stress. The experimental results suggest that there exists a correlation between electronic properties of circuits and applied mechanical strain; no clear correlation was, however, observed between electronic properties of circuits and frequency of the applied dynamic load. Control over transiency rate of identical circuits utilizing the transiency characteristics of the poly(vinyl alcohol)l‐based substrates is also studied and demonstrated

    Study of mechanics of physically transient electronics: A step toward controlled transiency

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    Transient electronics is a class of electronic devices designed to maintain stable operation for a desired and preset amount of time; and, undergo fast and complete degradation and deconstruction once transiency is triggered. Controlled and programmed transiency in solvent-triggered devices is strongly dependent on chemical and physical interactions between the solvent and the device, as well as those within the device itself, among its constituent components. Mechanics of transiency of prototypical transient circuits demonstrate strong dependence of the transiency characteristics on that of the substrate. In the present study, we demonstrate the control of transiency through the dissolution behavior of a substrate for the devices with electronic parts composed of colloidal units. It is observed that the physical circuit–substrate interactions are the dominating factors in defining the overall transiency behavior of the device

    Soft Ionic Electroactive Polymer Actuators with Tunable Non-Linear Angular Deformation

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    The most rational approach to fabricate soft robotics is the implementation of soft actuators. Conventional soft electromechanical actuators exhibit linear or circular deformation, based on their design. This study presents the use of conjugated polymers, Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) to locally vary ion permeability of the ionic electroactive polymer actuators and manipulate ion motion through means of structural design to realize intrinsic angular deformation. Such angular deformations are closer to biomimetic systems and have potential applications in bio-robotics. Electrochemical studies reveal that the mechanism of actuation is mainly associated with the charging of electric double layer (EDL) capacitors by ion accumulation and the PEDOT:PSS layer’s expansion by ion interchange and penetration. Dependence of actuator deformation on structural design is studied experimentally and conclusions are verified by analytical and finite element method modeling. The results suggest that the ion-material interactions are considerably dominated by the design of the drop-cast PEDOT:PSS on Nafion

    Transient Electronics as Sustainable Systems: From Fundamentals to Applications

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    The unique attribute of transient technology is that it promotes the potential for the design and implementation of sustainable systems through their capability to fully or partially disintegrate after a predefined period of stable operation. Transient electronics have a wide range of potential applications as biomedical implants, environmental sensors, and hardware‐secured devices. Controlled disintegration of such systems without the need for harsh solvents is a step toward realizing green and sustainable electronics. In this short review, recent progress in the development of transient electronics is studied. First, an overview of the transient materials, both the substrate and electronic component, is described. Second, the mechanisms under which transiency occurs, including aqueous dissolution and thermal degradation, are reported. Third, manufacturing techniques for the fabrication of transient electronics are reviewed. And last, various transient electronic devices and their applications are discussed.This is the published version of the following article: Jamshidi, Reihaneh, Mehrnoosh Taghavimehr, Yuanfen Chen, Nicole Hashemi, and Reza Montazami. "Transient Electronics as Sustainable Systems: From Fundamentals to Applications." Advanced Sustainable Systems: 2100057. DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202100057. Posted with permission.</p

    Physical–chemical hybrid transiency: A fully transient li-ion battery based on insoluble active materials

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    Transient Li-ion batteries based on polymeric constituents are presented, exhibiting a twofold increase in the potential and approximately three orders of magnitude faster transiency rate compared to other transient systems reported in the literature. The battery takes advantage of a close variation of the active materials used in conventional Li-ion batteries and can achieve and maintain a potential of >2.5 V. All materials are deposited form polymer-based emulsions and the transiency is achieved through a hybrid approach of redispersion of insoluble, and dissolution of soluble components in approximately 30 min. The presented proof of concept has paramount potentials in military and hardware security applications