42 research outputs found

    Ganader铆a resiliente: por qu茅 es el futuro y no solo una nueva moda

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    La resiliencia es la habilidad que permite a las explotaciones y los sistemas ganaderos continuar su actividad frente a las crecientes crisis y tendencias que les afectan. Se describen 5 principios clave para conseguir sistemas ganaderos m谩s resilientes, aunque para garantizar el futuro del sector es fundamental que las administraciones p煤blicas ajusten las pol铆ticas a sus necesidades.Publishe

    Evoluci贸n de la sostenibilidad de sistemas ganaderos de pastoreo del Pirineo Aragon茅s

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    Este estudio evidencia una transici贸n hacia pr谩cticas agr铆colas m谩s sostenibles, como el incremento del per铆odo de pastoreo y la reducci贸n de alimentos comprados. No obstante, la creciente dependencia de subvenciones eclipsa dichas mejoras a nivel de explotaci贸n, trasladando la insostenible dependencia del sistema socioecon贸mico global en recursos no renovablesAgradecimientos: Contrato predoctoral y beca de movilidad del Gobierno de Arag贸

    Evolution of pastoral livestock farming on arid rangelands in the last 15 years

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    Livestock farming in arid rangelands constitute a key component in the agricultural sector, particularly in developing countries. Farms have rapidly changed in recent decades, which has resulted in the modification of their structure, management and economic performance. Nowadays, livestock production in arid rangelands is threatened by climate change, coupled with the impact of complex interactions among social, economic and political factors. The present study analyses the main changes that have occurred on farms in the arid rangelands of south Tunisia from 2004 to 2019 and discusses the factors that explain the geographical patterns of such changes. Data were collected through face-to-face questionnaires with 73 farmers in two years (2004 and 2019). Information included farm structure and management, resources use and economic performance. Multivariate statistical methods analysed the differences in farms typologies between dates and the different pathways of change. Results showed that most farms increased herd size and cereal area for feeding the sheep, and reduced the time spent in rangelands. These changes could be partly explained as a response to decreasing gross margins per livestock unit and the deployment of policies fostering the use of agriculture-based feed resources. Despite these general trends, the variability among pathways of change was wide. Few farms kept using rangelands by focusing on sheep or camel production. Small sheep farms intensified the use of off-farm feeds in the north of the study area, where ecological conditions favoured agriculture. Feed supplementation allowed herd size and animal production to increase, with a substantial risk of susceptibility to market fluctuations. The economic results showed that camel farming combined with small ruminant species can lead to a similar profitability to, or even higher than, large farms that focus solely on sheep and rely on feed supplementation. We conclude that the current situation of livestock farming in arid rangelands remains fragile and their long-term viability is uncertain.Publishe

    Adopci贸n de innovaciones en las explotaciones extensivas de vacas de carne

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    En las 煤ltimas d茅cadas los sistemas ganaderos de zonas de monta帽a han experimentado notables cambios tanto en la orientaci贸n productiva como en las estructuras de producci贸n, el uso de los recursos y la organizaci贸n del trabajo. En este contexto de cambio, la adopci贸n de innovaciones suele mejorar la capacidad de respuesta de las explotaciones ante los diversos retos a los que se enfrentan. Los objetivos de nuestro trabajo fueron analizar, en primer lugar, la intenci贸n de adopci贸n real de diversas innovaciones en las ganader铆as de vacuno de carne en zonas de monta帽a, y en segundo lugar, determinar el inter茅s de los ganaderos en las distintas 谩reas de innovaci贸n, y los factores que motivar铆an este inter茅s

    Dependence on the socio-economic system impairs the sustainability of pasture-based animal agriculture

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    Livestock systems contribution to environmental change is controversial. Pasture-based systems are considered a sustainable alternative due to their adaptation to the use of local natural resources. However, they have limited productivity per product unit and, in Europe, depend on public economic support. Furthermore, they are heterogeneous in farm structure and resources use, which may determine their sustainability. We use emergy accounting to assess the sustainability of mountain pasture-based cattle systems and analyse the variability among farms. Emergy accounting assesses the sustainability performance of complex systems (i.e., farming systems) and their interaction with other systems (i.e., the environment and the socio-economic system) focusing on the origin, quality and quantity of the energy required for the system to function. Results show that pasture-based systems largely use local natural renewable resources but depend largely on the wider socio-economic system given their reliance on public economic support and purchased animal feeds. This economic dependence turns out in most farms largely using non-renewable resources. Increasing self-produced feeds and grazing on natural pastures can reduce the dependence on the socio-economic system and improve farm sustainability.La investigaci贸n que ha conducido a estos resultados ha recibido financiaci贸n del programa de investigaci贸n e innovaci贸n Horizonte 2020 de la Uni贸n Europea -GenTORE- en virtud del acuerdo de subvenci贸n n.潞 727213, y del Gobierno de Arag贸n en virtud de la subvenci贸n Fondos Agrupados de Investigaci贸n (A14_17R). E. Mu帽oz-Ulecia tiene un contrato predoctoral del Gobierno de Arag贸n.Publishe

    Adopci贸n de innovaciones en las explotaciones extensivas de vacas de carne

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    En las 煤lt imas d茅cadas los sistemas ganaderos de zonas de monta帽a han experimentado notables cambios tanto en la orient aci贸n productiva como en las estructuras de producci贸n, el uso de los recursos y la organizaci贸n del trabajo. En este contexto de cambio, la adopci贸n de innovaciones suele mejorar la capacidad de respuesta de las explotaciones ante los diversos retos a los que se enfrentan Los objetivos de nuestro trabajo fueron analizar, en primer lugar, la intenci贸n de adopci贸n real de diversas innovaciones en las ganader铆as de vacuno de carne en zonas de monta帽a, y en segundo lugar, determinar el inter茅s de los ganaderos en las distintas 谩reas de innovaci贸n, y los factores que motivar铆an este int er茅s.Publishe