6,497 research outputs found

    Covariant q-differential operators and unitary highest weight representations for U_q su(n,n)

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    We investigate a one-parameter family of quantum Harish-Chandra modules of U_q sl(2n). This family is an analog of the holomorphic discrete series of representations of the group SU(n,n) for the quantum group U_q su(n, n). We introduce a q-analog of "the wave" operator (a determinant-type differential operator) and prove certain covariance property of its powers. This result is applied to the study of some quotients of the above-mentioned quantum Harish-Chandra modules. We also prove an analog of a known result by J.Faraut and A.Koranyi on the expansion of reproducing kernels which determines the analytic continuation of the holomorphic discrete series.Comment: 26 page

    Development of scenarios for carbon capture and storage ECCO - European value chain for CO2

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    AbstractThis paper describes the process of scenario development under ECCO and presents six scenarios resulting from that process. The main objective of ECCO is to facilitate robust strategic decision making regarding early and future deployment of CO2 value chains. The ECCO project strategy is based on critical evaluation of several case studies that will enlighten various aspects of CCS and point out the most promising CO2 chain alternatives. Scenarios in ECCO help to define the background for the case studies. They describe the alternative future(s) in terms of political environment, public opinion, regulatory framework, technology and infrastructure development, and global economical situation

    Frequency Dependent Specific Heat from Thermal Effusion in Spherical Geometry

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    We present a novel method of measuring the frequency dependent specific heat at the glass transition applied to 5-polyphenyl-4-ether. The method employs thermal waves effusing radially out from the surface of a spherical thermistor that acts as both a heat generator and thermometer. It is a merit of the method compared to planar effusion methods that the influence of the mechanical boundary conditions are analytically known. This implies that it is the longitudinal rather than the isobaric specific heat that is measured. As another merit the thermal conductivity and specific heat can be found independently. The method has highest sensitivity at a frequency where the thermal diffusion length is comparable to the radius of the heat generator. This limits in practise the frequency range to 2-3 decades. An account of the 3omega-technique used including higher order terms in the temperature dependency of the thermistor and in the power generated is furthermore given.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, Substantially revised versio

    Developing a Pilot Case and Modelling the Development of a Large European CO<sub>2</sub> Transport Infrastructure -The GATEWAY H2020 Project

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    The H2020 GATEWAY project aims to develop a comprehensive model Pilot Case which, intentionally, will pave the ground for CCS deployment in Europe. It will result from the assessment of, technical, commercial, judicial and societal issues related to a future CO2 transport infrastructure. The Pilot Case derived on this basis, will emphasize a gateway for CO2 transport in the North Sea Basin. Four potential pilot cases have been evaluated through a combination of techno-economic modelling of the individual cases and evaluation against more qualitative criteria. The chosen Pilot Case, Rotterdam Nucleus, will be refined and developed during the remaining period of the GATEWAY project. To maximise impact, the GATEWAY project adapts its work to lay the foundation for a future application to a European ‘Project of Common Interest’ (PCI). Continuous dialogue with the most relevant stakeholders is an important part of GATEWAY, as a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) H2020 project

    Integrated production of tree biomass and piglets - Effect of paddock design on sow excretory behaviour

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    In systems with an integrated production of trees and piglets it is important that the lactating sows are motivated to urinate and defecate adjacent to the trees to reduce nutrient losses. Adding poplar trees in one end of individual pasture-based paddocks did not motivate the sows to choose the area with trees for elimination independent of paddock design. The location of feed and hut influenced the sows’ excretory behaviour and the effect differed between the different combination of feed and hut location. Future work should focus further on overall paddock design to optimize nutrient uptake and to ensure an outdoor system that from both a welfare- and environmentally point of view is sustainable

    Lavbundsarealerne ved Fussingø

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    På engene ved Fussingø Hovedgård blev der i 1997-2001 gennemført en tværfaglig undersøgelse af forskellige græsmarksstrategier, som afgræsning, slæt eller driftsophør, ud fra ønsket om at kunne øge naturkvaliteten under miljøvenlig græsmarksdrift og samtidig forbedre landbrugsproduktionen under sådanne forhold. Med henblik på at få en generel beskrivelse af engarealerne er der indsamlet nøgledata vedrørende geologi, afstrømningsforhold, arealernes driftshistorie, klima, hydrologi og vegetationen på arealerne. Der er benyttet en kombination af ældre beskrivelser og nye registreringer. Engområdet er beliggende i en tunneldal, som stort set følger Skals å forløbet. Der er tørveaflejringer med mindre lag af ler og kalkgytje indlejret lokalt. I den øverste meter af jordlaget er humusindholdet ca. 60%. Der var et højt N-indhold i jorden, men med stor variation indenfor området (1,8-2,7%). Den potentielle netto kvælstof mineralisering var betydeligt højere end det niveau man normalt finder på mineraljord. Afstrømningsoplandet ved Fussingø er på 1948 ha, og det består af fire del-oplande, der afvander til Skals å systemet. Lavbundsarealet på 411 ha udgør 21% af det samlede oplandsareal. Lavbundsarealet består bl.a. af 44% vådområder, som ikke udnyttes landbrugsmæssigt, og af 20% vedvarende græsningsarealer. Engarealerne, som indgik i forsøget, blev i perioden før 1955 og i perioden efter 1987 drevet med græsmarksdrift. I den mellemliggende periode var der mere eller mindre intensiv drift af arealerne med både græsmarksdrift og salgsafgrøder. Klimaet i forsøgsperioden var specielt ved at nedbøren i forårsperioden var stigende gennem de år forsøget varede, og arealerne blev mere og mere fugtige i vækstperioden. Med hensyn til fugtighed var der betydelige forskelle i vandstand fra græsningsfold til græsningsfold. Vegetationen var kulturpræget på østarealet og naturpræget på vestarealet. En forklaring på dette forhold kan være, at der på østarealet var en højere N-mineralisering og et højere indhold af plantetilgængeligt K. Danske lavbundsarealer kan variere meget, og der er ikke grundige beskrivelser af alle lavbundsarealer som af arealerne på Fussingø. Man kan derfor ikke sige, hvor stor en del af de danske lavbundsarealer, der har samme forhold som arealerne, der indgik i undersøgelsen. Ud fra gamle kortoptegnelser er det tidligere vurderet, at en tredjedel af Danmarks lavbundsarealer har humusjord og dermed tilsvarende jordtype som engene ved Fussingø

    Ethnic Composition and Democratic Values: A Global Investigation of Citizens' Desire for Democracy, 1995-2014

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    There is a rich literature on public support for democracy. However, few have investigated the link between ethnic composition and citizens' desire for democracy. In this study we investigate the relationship between ethnic fractionalization and democratic attitudes in 91 countries in the period 1995-2014. We test this on a measure of public desire for democracy. The main independent variables are a time-variant ethnic fractionalization index and an index of ethnic polarization, based on time-series data from the Composition of Religious Ethnic Groups project. We make use of hierarchical modeling combining country- and individual-level data in order to approach this gap in the research. The main finding is that homogeneous societies show the largest degree of desire for a democratic society within established democracies while increased fractionalization and especially increased polarization is associated with a smaller desire for democracy

    All-optical phase-regenerative multicasting of 40 Gbit/s DPSK signal in a degenerate phase sensitive amplifier

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    We demonstrate all-optical 1-to-5 differential phase-shift keyed (DPSK) wavelength multicasting at 40 Gbit/s using a degenerate four-wave mixing (FWM) based phase sensitive amplifier (PSA). Phase regenerative properties are reported with a sensitivity improvement of more that 10 dB

    Saturation effects in degenerate phase sensitive fiber optic parametric amplifiers

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    We experimentally study saturation effects in degenerate phase sensitive amplifiers, revealing and explaining a gain regime suitable for all-optical signal processing functions such as phase regeneration