204 research outputs found

    Impacts of External Price Shocks on Malaysian Macro Economy-An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis

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    This paper examines the impacts of external price shocks in the Malaysian economy. There are three simulations are carried out with different degrees of external shocks using Malaysian Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) analysis. The model results indicate that the import price shocks, better known as external price shocks by 15% decreases the domestic production of building and construction sector by 25.87%, hotels, restaurants and entertainment sector by 12.04%, industry sector by 12.02%, agriculture sector by 11.01%, and electricity and gas sector by 9.55% from the baseline. On the import side, our simulation results illustrate that as a result of the import price shocks by 15%, imports decreases significantly in all sectors from base level. Among the scenarios, the largest negative impacts goes on industry sectors by 29.67% followed by building and construction sector by 22.42%, hotels, restaurants and entertainment sector by 19.45%, electricity and gas sector by 13.%, agriculture sector by 12.63% and other service sectors by 11.17%. However significant negative impact goes to the investment and fixed capital investment. It also causes the household income, household consumption and household savings down and increases the cost of livings in the economy results in downward social welfare.External Price Shocks, Applied General Equilibrium Analysis, Malaysian economy

    A CGE Analysis of the Economic Impact of Output-Specific Carbon Tax on the Malaysian Economy

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    Environmental pollution is an emerging issue in many developing countries and its mitigation is increasingly being integrated into national development policies. One approach to mitigate the problem is by implement pollution control policies in the form of pollution tax or clean technology incentives. Empirical studies for developed countries reveal that imposition of an carbon tax would decrease CO2 emissions significantly and do not dramatically reduce economic growth. However, the same result may not apply for small-open developing countries such as Malaysia. The objective of this study is to quantify the impact of pollution tax on the Malaysian economy under the backdrop of trade liberalization. To examine the economic impact and effectiveness of carbon tax, a single-country, static Computable General Equilibrium model for Malaysia is constructed. The model is extended to incorporate output-specific carbon tax elements. Three simulations were carried out using a Malaysian 2000 Social Accounting Matrix. The first simulation examines the impact of halving the baseline tariff and export duty while the second solely focused on the impact of output-specific carbon tax. The third simulation combines both former scenarios. The model results indicate that the Malaysian economy is not sensitive to further liberalization. The reason could be attributed to the fact that Malaysian export duty is already low. Additionally, simulation results also indicate that while imposition of carbon tax reduces carbon emission, it also results in lower GDP and trade.Trade, Air Emission, Environmental General Equilibrium, Malaysian Economy


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    Environmental pollution is now a serious problem in many developing countries. One approach to mitigate the problem is to implement various pollution control policies. However, due to a lack of adequate quantitative models, the economic impacts and effectiveness of many pollution control policies are still unknown. Therefore, there is a greater need to know whether economic liberalization, trade, environment and social welfare can be joined in one direction under environmental taxation and policies. Empirical studies for developed countries reveal that imposition of a carbon tax would decrease CO2 emissions significantly and might not dramatically reduce economic growth. To our knowledge there has not been any research done to simulate the economic impact of emission control policies in Malaysia. Studying the potential economic impact of emission control policies is very important because inappropriate policies that reduce carbon emission may at the same time reduce highly economic growth. It is thus important to find the correct pollution tax that could be imposed such that environmental pollution is reduced at the same time does not dampen economic growth. The method developed for this study is applied computable general equilibrium model (MYCGE) for imposing environmental taxation policies in the Malaysian economy. Three simulations were carried out using a Malaysian Social Accounting Matrix. The first simulation is related to the trade based and the last two are carbon based simulations. The model results indicate that further trade liberalization is not sensitive in the Malaysian economy. Particularly, the reasons could be attributed to the fact that Malaysian export duty is already low and Malaysian trade policy already highly liberalized. The carbon tax policy illustrates that a 1.21 percent reduction of carbon emission (via carbon tax) reduces the nominal GDP by 0.82 percent and exports by 2.08 percent; a 2.34 percent reduction of carbon emission reduces the nominal GDP by 1.90 percent and exports by 3.97 percent and a 3.40 percent reduction of carbon emission reduces the nominal GDP by 3.17 percent and exports by 5.707 percent.Trade, Air Emission, Environmental General Equilibrium, Malaysian Economy

    Macroeconomic effects of carbon dioxide emission reduction: a computable general equilibrium analysis for Malaysia

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    This study analyzes the macroeconomic effects of limiting carbon emissions using computable general equilibrium (CGE) model in the Malaysian economy. Doing so, we developed an environmental computable general equilibrium model and investigate carbon tax policy responses in the economy applying exogenously different degrees of carbon tax into the model. Three simulations were carried out using a Malaysian Social Accounting Matrix. The carbon tax policy illustrates that a 1.21% reduction of carbon emission reduces the nominal GDP by 0.82% and exports by 2.08%; a 2.34% reduction of carbon emission reduces the nominal GDP by 1.90% and exports by 3.97%and a 3.40% reduction of carbon emission reduces the nominal GDP by 3.17% and exports by 5.71%. Imposition of successively higher carbon tax results in increased government revenue from baseline by 26.67%, 53.07% and 79.28% respectively. However, fixed capital investment increased in scenario 1a (1st) by 0.43% but decreased in scenarios 1b (2nd) and 1c (3rd) by 0.26% and 1.79% respectively from the baseline. According to our findings policy-makes should consider initial (1st) carbon tax policy. This policy results in achieving reasonably good environmental impacts without losing the investment, fixed capital investment, investment share of nominal GDP and government revenue.Emission; Environmental General Equilibrium; Malaysian Economy

    L’« Ego » : figure et instance discursive

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    Notre propos dans la prĂ©sente communication sert Ă  analyser, dans le film documentaire « Jesuis Palestine », paru en 2011, l’ « Ego » qui en traverse la trame narrative. Ainsi, l’Ego dontil s’agit est un « Ego » qui reprĂ©sente en premier lieu une personne, le journaliste, en secondlieu, un « Ego » qui dessine « La Route 60 », et qui n’est que la Cisjordanie, et finalement un« Ego », « JĂ©rusalem », symbole religieux, qui est Ă  l’origine du conflit israĂ©lo-palestinien.« Je suis tĂ©moin », « Je suis route 60 », « Je suis JĂ©rusalem » sont autant de figures qui sesubstituent, ce qui indique la prĂ©sence de plusieurs instances d’énonciation tout au long dudocumentaire. De ce fait, le propre d’un film documentaire ne serait-il pas de subvertir lesformes cognitives d’un discours courant par un effacement constant de l’ « Ego »

    Noms d’objet et noms d’action en arabe marocain : phĂ©nomĂšne de translation

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    L’arabe marocain prĂ©sente les marques d’une longue histoire et d’une Ă©poque dont noussommes tĂ©moins. Dans ce contexte, nous souhaitons examiner le phĂ©nomĂšne de la translation.Soit les deux exemples suivants : A/hmed kasul ( hmed (est) paresseux),B/hmed kelb( hmed(est) chien).A premiĂšre vue, dans l’exemple A, le terme « kasul=paresseux » est unqualificatif prĂ©dicatif, ou Ă©nonciatif ; par contre dans B, le mot «kelb = chien » est classĂ© dansle dictionnaire sous la rubrique des noms et dont nous avons tirĂ© un qualificatif. Cela Ă©tant, lenom « kelb=chien » a abandonnĂ© sa classification syntaxique et a subi sĂ©mantiquement untransfert de sens. La syntaxe de TESNIERE se caractĂ©rise par le fait de chercher Ă  Ă©tablir unerelation biunivoque entre fonctions et catĂ©gories lexicales, de telle façon qu'Ă  chaquecatĂ©gorie corresponde une seule fonction, et inversement. De ce fait, Le systĂšme syntaxiquede la translation est un systĂšme qui offre la possibilitĂ© Ă  une unitĂ© lexicale donnĂ©e de lanomenclature d’une langue donnĂ©e d’accĂ©der aux fonctions syntaxiques d'une autre unitĂ©lexicale sans que la partie du discours soit affectĂ©e. Dans ce sens nous avons relevĂ© deuxtypes de translation : la translation de fonction et la translation de nature ou« morphologique » et que nous avons appliquĂ©s sur les noms d’action et les noms d’objet.Alors comment un nom d’action peut devenir un complĂ©ment circonstanciel de maniĂšre et unnom d’objet un complĂ©ment circonstanciel de moyen

    Impacts of the western hemisphere free trade area on the international trade of soybean oil, soybean meal and soybeans

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    A major multi-county free trade agreement currently under negotiation is the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). The agreement is proposed to be operational by January 2005 and will encompass 34 countries in the Western Hemisphere. Soybeans and soybean products are important export commodities in the Western Hemisphere. It is expected that tariffs and duties on these commodities will be intensely negotiated. The purpose of this paper is to analyze effects of the FTAA implementation on international trade of soybean oil, soybean meal and soybeans. Emphases of investigations are on how the implementation of FTAA is afected by Brazil's soybean output expansion and China's accession into the World Trade Organization. The method of analysis is via the spatial equilibrium model that includes all countries in the Western Hemisphere and several regions outside the hemisphere. Four alternative trade scenarios were simulated and their results were compared with those from the baseline model. All scenarios indicated that the U.S. and Brazil would be able to at least expand their exports of soybean oil or soybean meal
