47 research outputs found

    Milieurisicogrenzen voor 2-propanol, formaldehyde en 4-chloormethylfenolen - herziening

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    In dit rapport worden milieurisicogrenzen (MTR, VR en SRC-eco) afgeleid voor de stoffen 2-propanol, formaldehyde en de twee 4-chloormethylfenolen, te weten PCOC (p-chloor-o-cresol; 4-chloro-2-methylfenol) en PCMC (4-chloor-m-cresol; 4-chloor-3-methylfenol). De risicogrenzen voor de 4-chloormethylfenol PCOC zijn gebaseerd op een door de EU opgestelde risico-analyse.In this report environmental risk limits (MPC, NC and SRC-eco) are derived for 2-propanol, formaldehyde, and the two 4-chloromethylphenols PCOC (p-chloro-o-cresol; 4-chloro-2-methylphenol) and PCMC (4-chloro-m-cresol; 4-chloro-3-methylphenol), respectively. The risk limits for the 4-chloromethylphenol PCOC are based on a European risk assessment report.VROM/DG

    Milieurisicogrenzen voor 2-propanol, formaldehyde en 4-chloormethylfenolen - herziening

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    In this report environmental risk limits (MPC, NC and SRC-eco) are derived for 2-propanol, formaldehyde, and the two 4-chloromethylphenols PCOC (p-chloro-o-cresol; 4-chloro-2-methylphenol) and PCMC (4-chloro-m-cresol; 4-chloro-3-methylphenol), respectively. The risk limits for the 4-chloromethylphenol PCOC are based on a European risk assessment report.In dit rapport worden milieurisicogrenzen (MTR, VR en SRC-eco) afgeleid voor de stoffen 2-propanol, formaldehyde en de twee 4-chloormethylfenolen, te weten PCOC (p-chloor-o-cresol; 4-chloro-2-methylfenol) en PCMC (4-chloor-m-cresol; 4-chloor-3-methylfenol). De risicogrenzen voor de 4-chloormethylfenol PCOC zijn gebaseerd op een door de EU opgestelde risico-analyse

    Criteria document PAH

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    Bij dit rapport behoort een Appendix onder hetzelfde nummer getiteld: Integrated criteria document Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH): Effects of 10 selected compounds. <br> <A HREF="http://www.rivm.nl/bibliotheek/rapporten/758474007A.pdf" target="append">Ga naar Bijlage (pdf 7810 kb)</a><br><br>Engelse versie van dit rapport is verschenen onder nummer 758474011<br>Dit rapport bevat een systematisch overzicht en een kritische evaluatie van de belangrijkste gegevens over de prioritaire stofgroep PAK ten behoeve van het effectgericht milieubeleid.DGM/SR /Cornet J

    Basisdocument PAK

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    Dit rapport vormt de Engelse editie van 758474007. Bij dit rapport behoort een Addendum getiteld: Integrated Criteria Documents PAH Effects of 10 selected Compound's (Republication of Addendum to report no 758474007, march 1989)<br>Dit rapport bevat een systematisch overzicht en een kritische evaluatie van de belangrijkste gegevens over de prioritaire stofgroep PAK ten behoeve van het effectgericht milieubeleid.DGM/SR/Cornet J

    Dutch Norms for the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory: Comparisons with other Western Countries

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    The Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) is one of the most widely used and well-validated parent rating scales for children’s disruptive behavior. This screening instrument is a short, targetted and easy to implement inventory with good psychometric properties and is normed for different countries, among which the United States, Spain, Sweden and Norway. The ECBI has been successfully used for research and clinical purposes, in several countries including The Netherlands. To date, Dutch studies have relied on Scandinavian or US norm scores. However, this may be problematic because of cross-cultural differences in the degree to which certain behaviors are seen as problematic by parents. The main goal of this paper therefore was to obtain norm scores for The Netherlands among 6462 Dutch children aged 4 to 8 years (M age = 6.37 years; SD = 1.32; 50.6% boys). In line with previous research, we found small differences on the mean sum scores across children of different ages (intensity scale) and gender (intensity and problem scale). Therefore, Dutch norm scores were provided age- and gender specific. Our results showed that disruptive behavior of children in the most rural areas was reported as occurring less frequently and was seen as less problematic by parents compared to the disruptive behavior of children in less rural areas. Finally, we found that Dutch norm scores on the ECBI were significantly lower than US norm scores, and significantly higher on the intensity scale (but not the problem scale) than Norwegian and Swedish norm scores