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    Virtual rehabilitation for multiple sclerosis using a Kinect-based system: randomized controlled trial

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    ©Jose-Antonio Lozano-Quilis, Hermenegildo Gil-Gómez, Jose-Antonio Gil-Gómez, Sergio Albiol-Pérez, Guillermo Palacios-Navarro, Habib M Fardoun, Abdulfattah S Mashat. Originally published in JMIR Serious Games (http://games.jmir.org), 12.11.2014. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Serious Games, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on http://games.jmir.org, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.Background: The methods used for the motor rehabilitation of patients with neurological disorders include a number of different rehabilitation exercises. For patients who have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), the performance of motor rehabilitation exercises is essential. Nevertheless, this rehabilitation may be tedious, negatively influencing patients motivation and adherence to treatment. Objective: We present RemoviEM, a system based on Kinect that uses virtual reality (VR) and natural user interfaces (NUI) to offer patients with MS an intuitive and motivating way to perform several motor rehabilitation exercises. It offers therapists a new motor rehabilitation tool for the rehabilitation process, providing feedback on the patient s progress. Moreover, it is a low-cost system, a feature that can facilitate its integration in clinical rehabilitation centers. Methods: A randomized and controlled single blinded study was carried out to assess the influence of a Kinect-based virtual rehabilitation system on the balance rehabilitation of patients with MS. This study describes RemoviEM and evaluates its effectiveness compared to standard rehabilitation. To achieve this objective, a clinical trial was carried out. Eleven patients from a MS association participated in the clinical trial. The mean age was 44.82 (SD 10.44) and the mean time from diagnosis (years) was 9.77 (SD 10.40). Clinical effectiveness was evaluated using clinical balance scales. Results: Significant group-by-time interaction was detected in the scores of the Berg Balance Scale (P=.011) and the Anterior Reach Test in standing position (P=.011). Post-hoc analysis showed greater improvement in the experimental group for these variables than in the control group for these variables. The Suitability Evaluation Questionnaire (SEQ) showed good results in usability, acceptance, security, and safety for the evaluated system. Conclusions: The results obtained suggest that RemoviEM represents a motivational and effective alternative to traditional motor rehabilitation for MS patients. These results have encouraged us to improve the system with new exercises, which are currently being developed.This contribution was partially funded by the Generalitat Valenciana ("Ajudes per a la realitzacio de projectes d'I+D per a grups d'investigacion emergents", projecte GV/2012/069) and by the Fundacion Antonio Gargallo ("Ayudas financiadas por la Obra Social de Ibercaja de proyectos de investigacion 2013", proyecto 2013/B001).Lozano Quilis, JA.; Gil Gómez, H.; Gil-Gómez, J.; Albiol Pérez, S.; Palacios Navarro, G.; Fardoun, HM.; Mashat, AS. (2014). Virtual rehabilitation for multiple sclerosis using a Kinect-based system: randomized controlled trial. JMIR Serious Games. 2(2). https://doi.org/10.2196/games.2933Se1222Adamovich, S. V., Fluet, G. G., Tunik, E., & Merians, A. S. (2009). 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