20 research outputs found

    First detection and molecular characterization of new apple scar skin viroid variants from apple and pear in Iran

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    Apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd) is one of the most destructive viroids of pome fruit. We report 12 new sequence variants of ASSVd from apple and pear trees in north-eastern Iran. The Iranian variants ranged in size from 329 to 334 nucleotides. They formed a cluster distinct from other reported ASSVd isolates, and showed sequence variations in specific regions of the viroid RNA. This is the first report of the identification and molecular characterization of ASSVd in Iran.Arezou Yazarlou, Behrooz Jafarpour, Nuredin Habili, John W. Randle

    Deep sequencing of viroid-derived small RNAs from grapevine provides new insights on the role of RNA silencing in plant-viroid interaction

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    Viroids are circular, highly structured, non-protein-coding RNAs that, usurping cellular enzymes and escaping host defense mechanisms, are able to replicate and move through infected plants. Similarly to viruses, viroid infections are associated with the accumulation of viroid-derived 21–24 nt small RNAs (vd-sRNAs) with the typical features of the small interfering RNAs characteristic of RNA silencing, a sequence-specific mechanism involved in defense against invading nucleic acids and in regulation of gene expression in most eukaryotic organisms. (GYSVd1) were sequenced by the high-throughput platform Solexa-Illumina, and the vd-sRNAs were analyzed. The large majority of HSVd- and GYSVd1-sRNAs derived from a few specific regions (hotspots) of the genomic (+) and (−) viroid RNAs, with a prevalence of those from the (−) strands of both viroids. When grouped according to their sizes, vd-sRNAs always assumed a distribution with prominent 21-, 22- and 24-nt peaks, which, interestingly, mapped at the same hotspots.These findings show that different Dicer-like enzymes (DCLs) target viroid RNAs, preferentially accessing to the same viroid domains. Interestingly, our results also suggest that viroid RNAs may interact with host enzymes involved in the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway, indicating more complex scenarios than previously thought for both vd-sRNAs genesis and possible interference with host gene expression

    New Iranian and Australian peach latent mosaic viroid variants and evidence for rapid sequence evolution

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    Peach latent mosaic viroid isolates from peach and plum in Iran have been compared with an Australian isolate from nectarine. Thirteen sequence variants 336-338 nt in size were obtained. All variants clustered phylogenetically with variants reported from several hosts and countries. A total nucleic acid extract, a slightly longer than full-length RT-PCR amplicon, and a recombinant plasmid clone from the Australian isolate were all infectious to, and symptomatic in, mechanically inoculated peach seedlings. The infectious clone generated two progeny viroid molecules, which each showed 10 different mutations compared with the parent clone inoculated 30 days previously.Arezou Yazarlou, Behrooz Jafarpour, Saeed Tarighi, Nuredin Habili and John W. Randle

    Replication of a pathogenic non-coding RNA increases DNA methylation in plants associated with a bromodomain-containing viroid-binding protein

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    Viroids are plant-pathogenic molecules made up of single-stranded circular non-coding RNAs. How replicating viroids interfere with host silencing remains largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the effects of a nuclear-replicating Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) on interference with plant RNA silencing. Using transient induction of silencing in GFP transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants (line 16c), we found that PSTVd replication accelerated GFP silencing and increased Virp1 mRNA, which encodes bromodomain-containing viroid-binding protein 1 and is required for PSTVd replication. DNA methylation was increased in the GFP transgene promoter of PSTVd-replicating plants, indicating involvement of transcriptional gene silencing. Consistently, accelerated GFP silencing and increased DNA methylation in the of GFP transgene promoter were detected in plants transiently expressing Virp1. Virp1 mRNA was also increased upon PSTVd infection in natural host potato plants. Reduced transcript levels of certain endogenous genes were also consistent with increases in DNA methylation in related gene promoters in PSTVd-infected potato plants. Together, our data demonstrate that PSTVd replication interferes with the nuclear silencing pathway in that host plant, and this is at least partially attributable to Virp1. This study provides new insights into the plant-viroid interaction on viroid pathogenicity by subverting the plant cell silencing machinery