113 research outputs found

    The integrated density of states of the random graph Laplacian

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    We analyse the density of states of the random graph Laplacian in the percolating regime. A symmetry argument and knowledge of the density of states in the nonpercolating regime allows us to isolate the density of states of the percolating cluster (DSPC) alone, thereby eliminating trivially localised states due to finite subgraphs. We derive a nonlinear integral equation for the integrated DSPC and solve it with a population dynamics algorithm. We discuss the possible existence of a mobility edge and give strong evidence for the existence of discrete eigenvalues in the whole range of the spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Supplementary material available at http://www.theorie.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~aspel/data/spectrum_supplement.pd

    Power laws and stretched exponentials in a noisy finite-time-singularity model

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    We discuss the influence of white noise on a generic dynamical finite-time-singularity model for a single degree of freedom. We find that the noise effectively resolves the finite-time-singularity and replaces it by a first-passage-time or absorbing state distribution with a peak at the singularity and a long time tail exhibiting power law or stretched exponential behavior. The study might be of relevance in the context of hydrodynamics on a nanometer scale, in material physics, and in biophysics.Comment: 10 pages revtex file, including 4 postscript-figures. References added and a few typos correcte

    Real-Time-RG Analysis of the Dynamics of the Spin-Boson Model

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    Using a real-time renormalization group method we determine the complete dynamics of the spin-boson model with ohmic dissipation for coupling strengths α0.10.2\alpha\lesssim 0.1-0.2. We calculate the relaxation and dephasing time, the static susceptibility and correlation functions. Our results are consistent with quantum Monte Carlo simulations and the Shiba relation. We present for the first time reliable results for finite cutoff and finite bias in a regime where perturbation theory in α\alpha or in tunneling breaks down. Furthermore, an unambigious comparism to results from the Kondo model is achieved.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    The three-dimensional random field Ising magnet: interfaces, scaling, and the nature of states

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    The nature of the zero temperature ordering transition in the 3D Gaussian random field Ising magnet is studied numerically, aided by scaling analyses. In the ferromagnetic phase the scaling of the roughness of the domain walls, wLζw\sim L^\zeta, is consistent with the theoretical prediction ζ=2/3\zeta = 2/3. As the randomness is increased through the transition, the probability distribution of the interfacial tension of domain walls scales as for a single second order transition. At the critical point, the fractal dimensions of domain walls and the fractal dimension of the outer surface of spin clusters are investigated: there are at least two distinct physically important fractal dimensions. These dimensions are argued to be related to combinations of the energy scaling exponent, θ\theta, which determines the violation of hyperscaling, the correlation length exponent ν\nu, and the magnetization exponent β\beta. The value β=0.017±0.005\beta = 0.017\pm 0.005 is derived from the magnetization: this estimate is supported by the study of the spin cluster size distribution at criticality. The variation of configurations in the interior of a sample with boundary conditions is consistent with the hypothesis that there is a single transition separating the disordered phase with one ground state from the ordered phase with two ground states. The array of results are shown to be consistent with a scaling picture and a geometric description of the influence of boundary conditions on the spins. The details of the algorithm used and its implementation are also described.Comment: 32 pp., 2 columns, 32 figure

    Absence of a metallic phase in random-bond Ising models in two dimensions: applications to disordered superconductors and paired quantum Hall states

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    When the two-dimensional random-bond Ising model is represented as a noninteracting fermion problem, it has the same symmetries as an ensemble of random matrices known as class D. A nonlinear sigma model analysis of the latter in two dimensions has previously led to the prediction of a metallic phase, in which the fermion eigenstates at zero energy are extended. In this paper we argue that such behavior cannot occur in the random-bond Ising model, by showing that the Ising spin correlations in the metallic phase violate the bound on such correlations that results from the reality of the Ising couplings. Some types of disorder in spinless or spin-polarized p-wave superconductors and paired fractional quantum Hall states allow a mapping onto an Ising model with real but correlated bonds, and hence a metallic phase is not possible there either. It is further argued that vortex disorder, which is generic in the fractional quantum Hall applications, destroys the ordered or weak-pairing phase, in which nonabelian statistics is obtained in the pure case.Comment: 13 pages; largely independent of cond-mat/0007254; V. 2: as publishe

    On random symmetric matrices with a constraint: the spectral density of random impedance networks

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    We derive the mean eigenvalue density for symmetric Gaussian random N x N matrices in the limit of large N, with a constraint implying that the row sum of matrix elements should vanish. The result is shown to be equivalent to a result found recently for the average density of resonances in random impedance networks [Y.V. Fyodorov, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32, 7429 (1999)]. In the case of banded matrices, the analytical results are compared with those extracted from the numerical solution of Kirchhoff equations for quasi one-dimensional random impedance networks.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A nonlinear hydrodynamical approach to granular materials

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    We propose a nonlinear hydrodynamical model of granular materials. We show how this model describes the formation of a sand pile from a homogeneous distribution of material under gravity, and then discuss a simulation of a rotating sandpile which shows, in qualitative agreement with experiment, a static and dynamic angle of repose.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, RevTeX4; minor changes to wording and some additional discussion. Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    The two-dimensional random-bond Ising model, free fermions and the network model

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    We develop a recently-proposed mapping of the two-dimensional Ising model with random exchange (RBIM), via the transfer matrix, to a network model for a disordered system of non-interacting fermions. The RBIM transforms in this way to a localisation problem belonging to one of a set of non-standard symmetry classes, known as class D; the transition between paramagnet and ferromagnet is equivalent to a delocalisation transition between an insulator and a quantum Hall conductor. We establish the mapping as an exact and efficient tool for numerical analysis: using it, the computational effort required to study a system of width MM is proportional to M3M^{3}, and not exponential in MM as with conventional algorithms. We show how the approach may be used to calculate for the RBIM: the free energy; typical correlation lengths in quasi-one dimension for both the spin and the disorder operators; even powers of spin-spin correlation functions and their disorder-averages. We examine in detail the square-lattice, nearest-neighbour ±J\pm J RBIM, in which bonds are independently antiferromagnetic with probability pp, and ferromagnetic with probability 1p1-p. Studying temperatures T0.4JT\geq 0.4J, we obtain precise coordinates in the pTp-T plane for points on the phase boundary between ferromagnet and paramagnet, and for the multicritical (Nishimori) point. We demonstrate scaling flow towards the pure Ising fixed point at small pp, and determine critical exponents at the multicritical point.Comment: 20 pages, 25 figures, figures correcte

    Bosonic Excitations in Random Media

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    We consider classical normal modes and non-interacting bosonic excitations in disordered systems. We emphasise generic aspects of such problems and parallels with disordered, non-interacting systems of fermions, and discuss in particular the relevance for bosonic excitations of symmetry classes known in the fermionic context. We also stress important differences between bosonic and fermionic problems. One of these follows from the fact that ground state stability of a system requires all bosonic excitation energy levels to be positive, while stability in systems of non-interacting fermions is ensured by the exclusion principle, whatever the single-particle energies. As a consequence, simple models of uncorrelated disorder are less useful for bosonic systems than for fermionic ones, and it is generally important to study the excitation spectrum in conjunction with the problem of constructing a disorder-dependent ground state: we show how a mapping to an operator with chiral symmetry provides a useful tool for doing this. A second difference involves the distinction for bosonic systems between excitations which are Goldstone modes and those which are not. In the case of Goldstone modes we review established results illustrating the fact that disorder decouples from excitations in the low frequency limit, above a critical dimension dcd_c, which in different circumstances takes the values dc=2d_c=2 and dc=0d_c=0. For bosonic excitations which are not Goldstone modes, we argue that an excitation density varying with frequency as ρ(ω)ω4\rho(\omega) \propto \omega^4 is a universal feature in systems with ground states that depend on the disorder realisation. We illustrate our conclusions with extensive analytical and some numerical calculations for a variety of models in one dimension