661 research outputs found

    Regulation of transferrin receptor synthesis by human cytotrophoblast cells in culture

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    The aim of this study was to examine the capacity of the syncytiotrophoblast to regulate transferrin receptor (TfR) synthesis in response to modulations in maternal iron supply. The model used was the primary trophoblast cell culture. Trophoblast cells isolated from term human placentas were cultured in iron-poor (Medium 199), iron-depleted (desferrioxamine (DFO)) and iron supplemented (diferric transferrin (hTf-2Fe), ferric ammonium citrate (FAG)) medium. TfR synthesis was reduced in response to hTf-2Fe supplementation. FAC did not modulate TfR synthesis. Iron deprivation by DFO resulted in clear stimulation of TfR synthesis. These results show that the differentiating trophoblast cells respond to pertubations in the (transferrin-mediated) iron supply by adjustments in the rate of TfR synthesis. Taking syncytiotrophoblast in culture as model for the maternal/fetal interface in vivo, our results would suggest that the placenta is able to make short term adjustments of the capacity for iron uptake

    Transmission routes of respiratory viruses among humans

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    Respiratory tract infections can be caused by a wide variety of viruses. Airborne transmission via droplets and aerosols enables some of these viruses to spread efficiently among humans, causing outbreaks that are difficult to control. Many outbreaks have been investigated retrospectively to study the possible routes of inter-human virus transmission. The results of these studies are often inconclusive and at the same time data from controlled experiments is sparse. Therefore, fundamental knowledge on transmission routes that could be used to improve intervention strategies is still missing. We here present an overview of the available data from experimental and observational studies on the transmission routes of respiratory viruses between humans, identify knowledge gaps, and discuss how the available knowledge is currently implemented in isolation guidelines in health care settings

    Adaptive resource allocation for efficient patient scheduling

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    Objective Efficient scheduling of patient appointments on expensive resources is a complex and dynamic task. A resource is typically used by several patient groups. To service these groups, resource capacity is often allocated per group, explicitly or implicitly. Importantly, due to fluctuations in demand, for the most efficient use of resources this allocation must be flexible. Methods We present an adaptive approach to automatic optimization of resource calendars. In our approach, the allocation of capacity to different patient groups is flexible and adaptive to the current and expected future situation. We additionally present an approach to determine optimal resource openings hours on a larger time frame. Our model and its parameter values are based on extensive case analysis at the Academic Medical Hospital Amsterdam. Results and conclusion We have implemented a comprehensive computer simulation of the application case. Simulation experiments show that our approach of adaptive capacity allocation improves the performance of scheduling patients groups with different attributes and makes efficient use of resource capacity

    A Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for Surface Growth Simulations

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    We introduce an algorithm for treating growth on surfaces which combines important features of continuum methods (such as the level-set method) and Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations. We treat the motion of adatoms in continuum theory, but attach them to islands one atom at a time. The technique is borrowed from the Dielectric Breakdown Model. Our method allows us to give a realistic account of fluctuations in island shape, which is lacking in deterministic continuum treatments and which is an important physical effect. Our method should be most important for problems close to equilibrium where KMC becomes impractically slow.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Human clade A/H5N6 influenza virus lacks mammalian adaptation markers and does not transmit via the airborne route between ferrets

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    Since their emergence in 1997, A/H5N1 influenza viruses of the A/goose/ Guangdong/1/96 lineage have diversified in multiple genetic and antigenic clades upon continued circulation in poultry in several countries in Eurasia and Africa. Since 2009, reassortant viruses carrying clade hemagglutinin (HA) and internal and neuraminidase (NA) genes of influenza A viruses of different avian origin have been detected, yielding various HA-NA combinations, such as A/H5N1, A/H5N2, A/H5N3, A/H5N5, A/H5N6, and A/H5N8. Previous studies reported on the low pathogenicity and lack of airborne transmission of A/H5N2 and A/H5N8 viruses in the ferret model. However, although A/H5N6 viruses are the only clade viruses that crossed the species barrier and infected humans, the risk they pose for human health remains poorly characterized. Here, the characterization of A/H5N6 A/Guangzhou/39715/2014 virus in vitro and in ferrets is described. This A/H5N6 virus possessed high polymerase activity, mediated by the E627K substitution in the PB2 protein, which corresponds to only one biological trait out of the three that were previously shown to confer airborne transmissibility to A/H5N1 viruses between ferrets. This might explain its lack of airborne transmission between ferrets. After intranasal inoculation, A/H5N6 virus replicated to high titers in the respiratory tracts of ferrets and was excreted for at least 6 days. Moreover, A/H5N6 virus caused severe pneumonia in ferrets upon intratracheal inoculation. Thus, A/H5N6 virus causes a more severe disease in ferrets than previously investigated clade viruses, but our results demonstrate that the risk from airborne spread is currently low