104 research outputs found

    Ultimate gravitational mass defect

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    We present a new type of gravitational mass defect in which an infinite amount of matter may be bounded in a zero ADM mass. This interpolates between effects typical of closed worlds and T-spheres. We consider the Tolman model of dust distribution and show that this phenomenon reveals itself for a solution that has no origin on one side but is closed on the other side. The second class of examples corresponds to smooth gluing T-spheres to the portion of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker solution. The procedure is generalized to combinations of smoothly connected T-spheres, FRW and Schwarzschild metrics. In particular, in this approach a finite T-sphere is obtained that looks for observers in two R-regions as the Schwarzschild metric with two different masses one of which may vanish.Comment: 9 pages. 1 reference added. To appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Ideal Stars and General Relativity

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    We study a system of differential equations that governs the distribution of matter in the theory of General Relativity. The new element in this paper is the use of a dynamical action principle that includes all the degrees of freedom, matter as well as metric. The matter lagrangian defines a relativistic version of non-viscous, isentropic hydrodynamics. The matter fields are a scalar density and a velocity potential; the conventional, four-vector velocity field is replaced by the gradient of the potential and its scale is fixed by one of the eulerian equations of motion, an innovation that significantly affects the imposition of boundary conditions. If the density is integrable at infinity, then the metric approaches the Schwarzschild metric at large distances. There are stars without boundary and with finite total mass; the metric shows rapid variation in the neighbourhood of the Schwarzschild radius and there is a very small core where a singularity indicates that the gas laws break down. For stars with boundary there emerges a new, critical relation between the radius and the gravitational mass, a consequence of the stronger boundary conditions. Tentative applications are suggested, to certain Red Giants, and to neutron stars, but the investigation reported here was limited to polytropic equations of state. Comparison with the results of Oppenheimer and Volkoff on neutron cores shows a close agreement of numerical results. However, in the model the boundary of the star is fixed uniquely by the required matching of the interior metric to the external Schwarzschild metric, which is not the case in the traditional approach.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Thermodynamics with long-range interactions: from Ising models to black-holes

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    New methods are presented which enables one to analyze the thermodynamics of systems with long-range interactions. Generically, such systems have entropies which are non-extensive, (do not scale with the size of the system). We show how to calculate the degree of non-extensivity for such a system. We find that a system interacting with a heat reservoir is in a probability distribution of canonical ensembles. The system still possesses a parameter akin to a global temperature, which is constant throughout the substance. There is also a useful quantity which acts like a {\it local temperatures} and it varies throughout the substance. These quantities are closely related to counterparts found in general relativity. A lattice model with long-range spin-spin coupling is studied. This is compared with systems such as those encountered in general relativity, and gravitating systems with Newtonian-type interactions. A long-range lattice model is presented which can be seen as a black-hole analog. One finds that the analog's temperature and entropy have many properties which are found in black-holes. Finally, the entropy scaling behavior of a gravitating perfect fluid of constant density is calculated. For weak interactions, the entropy scales like the volume of the system. As the interactions become stronger, the entropy becomes higher near the surface of the system, and becomes more area-scaling.Comment: Corrects some typos found in published version. Title changed 22 pages, 2 figure

    Hard-Sphere Fluids in Contact with Curved Substrates

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    The properties of a hard-sphere fluid in contact with hard spherical and cylindrical walls are studied. Rosenfeld's density functional theory (DFT) is applied to determine the density profile and surface tension Îł\gamma for wide ranges of radii of the curved walls and densities of the hard-sphere fluid. Particular attention is paid to investigate the curvature dependence and the possible existence of a contribution to Îł\gamma that is proportional to the logarithm of the radius of curvature. Moreover, by treating the curved wall as a second component at infinite dilution we provide an analytical expression for the surface tension of a hard-sphere fluid close to arbitrary hard convex walls. The agreement between the analytical expression and DFT is good. Our results show no signs for the existence of a logarithmic term in the curvature dependence of Îł\gamma.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Interior of a Schwarzschild black hole revisited

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    The Schwarzschild solution has played a fundamental conceptual role in general relativity, and beyond, for instance, regarding event horizons, spacetime singularities and aspects of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes. However, one still encounters the existence of misconceptions and a certain ambiguity inherent in the Schwarzschild solution in the literature. By taking into account the point of view of an observer in the interior of the event horizon, one verifies that new conceptual difficulties arise. In this work, besides providing a very brief pedagogical review, we further analyze the interior Schwarzschild black hole solution. Firstly, by deducing the interior metric by considering time-dependent metric coefficients, the interior region is analyzed without the prejudices inherited from the exterior geometry. We also pay close attention to several respective cosmological interpretations, and briefly address some of the difficulties associated to spacetime singularities. Secondly, we deduce the conserved quantities of null and timelike geodesics, and discuss several particular cases in some detail. Thirdly, we examine the Eddington-Finkelstein and Kruskal coordinates directly from the interior solution. In concluding, it is important to emphasize that the interior structure of realistic black holes has not been satisfactorily determined, and is still open to considerable debate.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, Revtex4. V2: Version to appear in Foundations of Physic

    All Static Circularly Symmetric Perfect Fluid Solutions of 2+1 Gravity

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    Via a straightforward integration of the Einstein equations with cosmological constant, all static circularly symmetric perfect fluid 2+1 solutions are derived. The structural functions of the metric depend on the energy density, which remains in general arbitrary. Spacetimes for fluids fulfilling linear and polytropic state equations are explicitly derived; they describe, among others, stiff matter, monatomic and diatomic ideal gases, nonrelativistic degenerate fermions, incoherent and pure radiation. As a by--product, we demonstrate the uniqueness of the constant energy density perfect fluid within the studied class of metrics. A full similarity of the perfect fluid solutions with constant energy density of the 2+1 and 3+1 gravities is established.Comment: revtex4, 8 page

    Strange Stars with a Density-Dependent Bag Parameter

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    We have studied strange quark stars in the framework of the MIT bag model, allowing the bag parameter B to depend on the density of the medium. We have also studied the effect of Cooper pairing among quarks, on the stellar structure. Comparison of these two effects shows that the former is generally more significant. We studied the resulting equation of state of the quark matter, stellar mass-radius relation, mass-central-density relation, radius-central-density relation, and the variation of the density as a function of the distance from the centre of the star. We found that the density-dependent B allows stars with larger masses and radii, due to stiffening of the equation of state. Interestingly, certain stellar configurations are found to be possible only if B depends on the density. We have also studied the effect of variation of the superconducting gap parameter on our results.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figs; v2: 25 pages, 9 figs, version to be published in Phys. Rev. (D

    Holography, Fractionalization and Magnetic Fields

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    Four dimensional gravity with a U(1) gauge field, coupled to various fields in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetime, provides a rich arena for the holographic study of the strongly coupled (2+1)-dimensional dynamics of finite density matter charged under a global U(1). As a first step in furthering the study of the properties of fractionalized and partially fractionalized degrees of freedom in the strongly coupled theory, we construct electron star solutions at zero temperature in the presence of a background magnetic field. We work in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory. In all cases we construct, the magnetic source is cloaked by an event horizon. A key ingredient of our solutions is our observation that starting with the standard Landau level structure for the density of states, the electron star limits reduce the charge density and energy density to that of the free fermion result. Using this result we construct three types of solution: One has a star in the infra-red with an electrically neutral horizon, another has a star that begins at an electrically charged event horizon, and another has the star begin a finite distance from an electrically charged horizon.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Springer Lecture Notes: Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields. v2: Updated references and adjusted some phrasing in the introductio

    The importance of the mixed phase in hybrid stars built with the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    We investigate the structure of hybrid stars based on two different constructions: one is based on the Gibbs condition for phase coexistence and considers the existence of a mixed phase (MP), and the other is based on the Maxwell construction and no mixed phase is obtained. The hadron phase is described by the non-linear Walecka model (NLW) and the quark phase by the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model (NJL). We conclude that the masses and radii obtained are model dependent but not significantly different for both constructions.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Equilibrium and stability of neutrino lumps as TOV solutions

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    We report about stability conditions for static, spherically symmetric objects that share the essential features of mass varying neutrinos in cosmological scenarios. Compact structures of particles with variable mass are held together preponderantly by an attractive force mediated by a background scalar field. Their corresponding conditions for equilibrium and stability are given in terms of the ratio between the total mass-energy and the spherical lump radius, M/RM/R. We show that the mass varying mechanism leading to lump formation can modify the cosmological predictions for the cosmological neutrino mass limits. Our study comprises Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff solutions of relativistic objects with non-uniform energy densities. The results leave open some questions concerning stable regular solutions that, to an external observer, very closely reproduce the preliminary conditions to form Schwarzschild black holes.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure
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