813 research outputs found

    The Pomeron In Exclusive Vector Meson Production

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    An earlier developed model for vector meson photoproduction, based on a dipole Pomeron exchange, is extended to electroproduction. Universality of the non linear Pomeron trajectory is tested by fitting the model to ZEUS and H1 data as well as to CDF data on pˉp\bar pp elastic scattering.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    J/ψJ/\psi photoproduction at HERA

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    We revise and update an earlier model for J/ψJ/\psi photoproduction based on a dipole Pomeron exchange. We show that the H1 and ZEUS experimental data reported recently can be well fitted by a soft Pomeron alone.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, uses axodraw.sty; one figure added, minor changes in the tex

    GPDs of the nucleons and elastic scattering at high energies

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    Taking into account the electromagnetic and gravitational form factors, calculated from a new set of tt -dependent GPDs, a new model is built. The real part of the hadronic amplitude is determined only through complex ss. In the framework of this model the quantitative description of all existing experimental data at 52.8s1960 52.8 \leq \sqrt{s} \leq 1960 \ GeV, including the Coulomb range and large momentum transfers ($0.0008 \leq |t| \leq 9.75 \ GeVGeV^2),isobtainedwithonly), is obtained with only 3fittinghighenergyparameters.ThecomparisonwiththepreliminarydataoftheTOTEMCollaborationatanenergyof fitting high energy parameters. The comparison with the preliminary data of the TOTEM Collaboration at an energy of 7$ TeV is made.Comment: 14 pages, 21 figures, minor corrections (slightly brush English and removed two misprint in numbering

    Finite sum of gluon ladders and high energy cross sections

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    A model for the Pomeron at t=0t=0 is suggested. It is based on the idea of a finite sum of ladder diagrams in QCD. Accordingly, the number of ss-channel gluon rungs and correspondingly the powers of logarithms in the forward scattering amplitude depends on the phase space (energy) available, i.e. as energy increases, progressively new prongs with additional gluon rungs in the ss-channel open. Explicit expressions for the total cross section involving two and three rungs or, alternatively, three and four prongs (with ln2(s)\ln^2(s) and ln3(s)\ln^3(s) as highest terms, respectively) are fitted to the proton-proton and proton-antiproton total cross section data in the accelerator region. Both QCD calculation and fits to the data indicate fast convergence of the series. In the fit, two terms (a constant and a logarithmically rising one) almost saturate the whole series, the ln2(s)\ln^2(s) term being small and the next one, ln3(s)\ln^3(s), negligible. Theoretical predictions for the photon-photon total cross section are also given.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 2 EPS figures, uses axodraw.st

    First-order cosmological phase transitions in the radiation dominated era

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    We consider first-order phase transitions of the Universe in the radiation-dominated era. We argue that in general the velocity of interfaces is non-relativistic due to the interaction with the plasma and the release of latent heat. We study the general evolution of such slow phase transitions, which comprise essentially a short reheating stage and a longer phase equilibrium stage. We perform a completely analytical description of both stages. Some rough approximations are needed for the first stage, due to the non-trivial relations between the quantities that determine the variation of temperature with time. The second stage, instead, is considerably simplified by the fact that it develops at a constant temperature, close to the critical one. Indeed, in this case the equations can be solved exactly, including back-reaction on the expansion of the Universe. This treatment also applies to phase transitions mediated by impurities. We also investigate the relations between the different parameters that govern the characteristics of the phase transition and its cosmological consequences, and discuss the dependence of these parameters with the particle content of the theory.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures; v2: Minor changes, references added; v3: several typos correcte

    Nonperturbative and perturbative aspects of photo- and electroproduction of vector mesons

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    We discuss various aspects of vector meson production, first analysing the interplay between perturbative and nonperturbative aspects of the QCD calculation. Using a general method adapted to incorporate both perturbative and nonpertubative aspects, we show that nonperturbative effects are important for all experimentally available values of the photon virtuality Q2. We compare the huge amount of experimental information now available with our theoretical results obtained using a specific nonperturbative model without free parameters, showing that quite simple features are able to explain the data.Comment: 19 page