24 research outputs found

    Carbon and hydrogen isotopic characterization of methane from wetlands and lakes of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, western Alaska

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    The total methane flux to the troposphere from tundra environments of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta is dominated by emissions from wet meadow tundra (~75%) and small, organic-rich lakes (~20%). The mean δ13C value of methane diffusing into collar-mounted flux chambers from wet meadow environments near Bethel, Alaska, was -65.82±2.21‰ (±1 sigma, n=18) for the period July 10 to August 10, 1988. A minimum ebullition estimated for the 5% of total Delta area comprised of small lakes ranges from 0.34 to 9.7 × 1010g Ch4yr-1, which represents 0.6% to 17% of the total Delta methane emission. The δ13C and δD values of this ebullitive flux are -61.41±2.46‰ (n=38) and -341.8±18.2‰ (n=21), respectively. The methane in gas bubbles from two lakes is of modern, bomb carbon enriched, radiocarbon age. Gas bubble δ13C values varied from 2 to 5‰ seasonally, reaching heaviest values in midsummer; no such variations in δD values were observed

    Radon 222 tracing of soil and forest canopy trace gas exchange in an open canopy boreal forest

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    A set of continuous, high-resolution atmospheric radon (222Rn) concentration time series and radon soil flux measurements were acquired during the summer of 1990 at a micrometeorological tower site 13 km northwest of Schefferville, Quebec, Canada. The tower was located in a dry upland, open-canopy lichen-spruce woodland. For the period July 23 to August 1, 1990, the mean radon soil flux was 41.1 ± 4.8 Bq m-2 h-1. Radon surface flux from the two end-member forest floor cover types (lichen mat and bare soil) were 38.8 ± 5.1 and 61.8 ± 15.6 Bq m-2 h-1, respectively. Average total forest canopy resistances computed using a simple "flux box" model for radon exchange between the forest canopy and the overlying atmosphere range from 0.47 ± 0.24 s cm-1 to 2.65 ± 1.61 s cm-1 for daytime hours (0900-1700 LT) and from 3.44 ± 0.91 s cm-1 to 10.55 ± 7.16 s cm-1 for nighttime hours (2000-0600) for the period July 23 to August 6, 1990. Continuous radon profiling of canopy atmospheres is a suitable approach for determining rates of biosphere/atmosphere trace gas exchange for remote field sites where daily equipment maintenance is not possible

    The Ecosystem Baseline for Particle Flux in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

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    Response management and damage assessment during and after environmental disasters such as the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill require an ecological baseline and a solid understanding of the main drivers of the ecosystem. During the DWH event, a large fraction of the spilled oil was transported to depth via sinking marine snow, a routing of spilled oil unexpected to emergency response planners. Because baseline knowledge of particle export in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and how it varies spatially and temporally was limited, we conducted a detailed assessment of the potential drivers of deep (~1400 m depth) particle fluxes during 2012–2016 using sediment traps at three contrasting sites in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: near the DWH site, at an active natural oil seep site, and at a site considered typical for background conditions. The DWH site, located ~70 km from the Mississippi River Delta, showed flux patterns that were strongly linked to the Mississippi nitrogen discharge and an annual subsequent surface bloom. Fluxes carried clear signals of combustion products, which likely originated from pyrogenic sources that were transported offshore via the Mississippi plume. The seep and reference sites were more strongly influenced by the open Gulf of Mexico, did not show a clear seasonal flux pattern, and their overall sedimentation rates were lower than those at the DWH site. At the seep site, based on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon data, we observed indications of three different pathways for “natural” oiled-snow sedimentation: scavenging by sinking particles at depth, weathering at the surface before incorporation into sinking particles, and entry into the food web and subsequent sinking in form of detritus. Overall, sedimentation rates at the three sites were markedly different in quality and quantity owing to varying degrees of riverine and oceanic influences, including natural seepage and contamination by combustion products

    Microbial activity in surficial sediments overlying acoustic wipeout zones at a Gulf of Mexico cold seep

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    Down core concentration gradients of dissolved methane and sulfate; isotope gradients of methane, dissolved inorganic carbon, and authigenic carbonate; and organic matter elemental ratios are incorporated into a vent evolution model to describe spatial and temporal variability of sedimentary microbial activity overlying acoustic wipeout zones at Mississippi Canyon (MC) 118, Gulf of Mexico. We tested the hypothesis that these zones indicate areas where sediments are exposed to elevated fluid flux and therefore should contain saturated methane concentrations and enhanced microbial activity from sulfate reduction (SR), anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), and methanogenesis (MP). Thirty surficial cores (between 22 and 460 cm deep) were collected from sediments overlying and outside the wipeout zones and analyzed for pore water and solid phase constituents. Outside the wipeout zones, sulfate and methane concentrations were similar to overlying-water values and did not vary with depth; indicating low microbial activity. Above the wipeouts, nine cores showed moderate activity with gently sloping sulfate and methane concentration gradients, methane concentrations <20 μM, and isotope depth gradients indicative of organic matter oxidation. In stark contrast to this moderate activity, four cores showed high microbial activity where sulfate concentrations were depleted by ∼50 cm below seafloor, maximum methane concentrations in the decompressed cores were above 4 mM, and down core profiles of δ13C-CH4 and δ13C-dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) indicated distinct depth zones of SR, AOM, and MP. Bulk organic matter analysis suggested that the high activity was supported by an organic source that was enriched in carbon (C:N ∼15) and depleted in d15N and δ13C compared to other activity groups, possibly due to the influx of petroleum or chemosynthetically fixed carbon. Within high activity cores, the δ13C-DIC values were similar to the δ13C-CaCO3 values, a result expected for authigenic carbonate recently precipitated. However, these values were dissimilar in moderate activity cores, suggesting that microbial activity was higher in the past. This study provides evidence that the fluid flux at MC 118 varies over time and that the microbial activity responds to such variability. It also suggests that sediments overlying wipeout zones are not always saturated with respect to methane, which has implications for the formation and detection of gas hydrate

    Carbon isotopic composition of methane in Florida Everglades soils and fractionation during its transport to the troposphere

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    The δ13C stable carbon isotopic composition of methane collected in bubbles from the submerged soils of specific environments within the Everglades wetland in southern Florida, United States, varied from −70‰ to −63‰ across the system while organic carbon in the soils and dominant plants varied from −28‰ to −25‰. A methane isotopic budget based upon the soil bubble isotope data and published methane flux measurements predicted a flux of isotopic composition −65‰, a value 5‐10‰ more depleted in 13C than the isotopic composition of methane emanating to the atmosphere. Emergent aquatic plants, which are known to be active methane transporters between soil and atmosphere in this ecosystem, were found to transport methane of δ13C content up to 12‰ different from the δ13C content of the soil methane bubble reservoir. Methane 14C content at one site was determined to be 108.6% modern (Δ14C = 83 ± 10‰)

    Assessment of groundwater discharges into West Neck Bay, New York, via natural tracers

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2006. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Continental Shelf Research 29 (2006): 1971-1983, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2006.07.011.A field experiment to compare methods of assessing submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) was held on Shelter Island, NY, in May 2002. We evaluated the use of radon, radium isotopes, and methane to assess SGD rates and dynamics from a glacial aquifer in the coastal zone. Fluxes of radon across the sediment-water interface were calculated from changes in measured surface water inventories following evaluation and correction for tidal effects, atmospheric evasion, and mixing with offshore waters. These fluxes were then converted to SGD rates using the measured radon concentration in the groundwater. We used the short-lived radium isotopes to calculate a horizontal mixing coefficient to assess radon loss by mixing between nearshore and offshore waters. We also made an independent calculation of SGD using the Ra-derived mixing coefficient and the long-lived 226Ra concentration gradient in the bay. Seepage rates were calculated to range between 0 and 34 cm.day-1 using the radon measurements and 15 cm.day-1 as indicated by the radium isotopes. The radiotracer results were consistent and comparable to SGD rates measured directly with vented benthic chambers (seepage meters) deployed during this experiment. These meters indicated rates between 2 and 200 cm.day-1 depending on their location. Both the calculated radon fluxes and rates measured directly by the automated seepage meters revealed a clear reproducible pattern of higher fluxes during low tides. Considering that the two techniques are completely independent, the agreement in the SGD dynamics is significant. Methane concentration in groundwater was very low (~30 nM) and not suitable as SGD tracer at this study site.The SGD intercomparison experiment was partially funded by SCOR, LOICZ, and UNESCO (IOC and IHP). W. C. Burnett acknowledges support from CICEET (Grant# 1368-810-41) and ONR (Grant# 1368-769-27). J. P. Chanton acknowledges support from Seagrant (R\C-E-44). The WHOI researchers acknowledge funding from CICEET (#NA07OR0351, NA17OZ2507)

    Microbial Communities Under Distinct Thermal and Geochemical Regimes in Axial and Off-Axis Sediments of Guaymas Basin

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    Cold seeps and hydrothermal vents are seafloor habitats fueled by subsurface energy sources. Both habitat types coexist in Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of California, providing an opportunity to compare microbial communities with distinct physiologies adapted to different thermal regimes. Hydrothermally active sites in the southern Guaymas Basin axial valley, and cold seep sites at Octopus Mound, a carbonate mound with abundant methanotrophic cold seep fauna at the Central Seep location on the northern off-axis flanking regions, show consistent geochemical and microbial differences between hot, temperate, cold seep, and background sites. The changing microbial actors include autotrophic and heterotrophic bacterial and archaeal lineages that catalyze sulfur, nitrogen, and methane cycling, organic matter degradation, and hydrocarbon oxidation. Thermal, biogeochemical, and microbiological characteristics of the sampling locations indicate that sediment thermal regime and seep-derived or hydrothermal energy sources structure the microbial communities at the sediment surface

    Characteristics and Evolution of sill-driven off-axis hydrothermalism in Guaymas Basin – the Ringvent site

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    The Guaymas Basin spreading center, at 2000 m depth in the Gulf of California, is overlain by a thick sedimentary cover. Across the basin, localized temperature anomalies, with active methane venting and seep fauna exist in response to magma emplacement into sediments. These sites evolve over thousands of years as magma freezes into doleritic sills and the system cools. Although several cool sites resembling cold seeps have been characterized, the hydrothermally active stage of an off-axis site was lacking good examples. Here, we present a multidisciplinary characterization of Ringvent, an ~1 km wide circular mound where hydrothermal activity persists ~28 km northwest of the spreading center. Ringvent provides a new type of intermediate-stage hydrothermal system where off-axis hydrothermal activity has attenuated since its formation, but remains evident in thermal anomalies, hydrothermal biota coexisting with seep fauna, and porewater biogeochemical signatures indicative of hydrothermal circulation. Due to their broad potential distribution, small size and limited life span, such sites are hard to find and characterize, but they provide critical missing links to understand the complex evolution of hydrothermal systems