12 research outputs found

    The Analytic appeal of African philosophy

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    In rejecting ‘Analytic’ as a term effectively without content, Spurrett’s reasoning would likely be approved of by logical positivists.Contemporary African philosophy ranges over a number of debates, positions, and theoretical traditions. It can, however, be read as its own critical tradition of hard-won methodological refinements and substantive philosophical debates common to a body of philosophical work concerned with African philosophical resources elided by coloniality and postcoloniality. In this paper I argue for an account of Analytic philosophy as a style of philosophy, and trace a congruous approach in history of African philosophy, suggesting that these should not be characterised as antagonistic. I conclude by contrasting this style of philosophy with positions drawn from the work of Mogobe Ramose, arguing that the Analytic approach captures a set of questions worth pursuing in engagements with Ramose’s work.http://www.ajol.info/journal_index.php?jid=211am201

    Natural and improved natural pastures on the reproductive performance of first-calf beef cows Pastagens naturais e melhoradas no desempenho reprodutivo de vacas de corte primíparas

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    This work evaluated the reproductive performance of first-calf cows at three years of age, submitted or not to protein supplementation at yearling on natural pastures. After calving, cows were managed on natural or improved pastures. The feeding managements were the following: on natural pastures as yearlings and during pregnancy, post-calving period and breeding season; on natural pastures with protein supplement as yearlings and only natural pasture during pregnancy, post-calving and breeding season; on natural pastures as yearlings and during pregnancy and on improved natural pastures (Lolium multiflorum L., Trifolium repens cv. Yi and Lotus corniculatus cv. São Gabriel) during the post-calving period and breeding season; on natural pastures with protein supplement at yearling, on natural pastures during pregnancy, and on improved natural pasture during post-calving period and breeding season. Cows did not differ on body weight, but from calving to the beginning of breeding season, cows on improved natural pastures presented higher weight gain than those on natural pastures (0.203 vs. 0.109 kg/day). Cows in post-calving on natural pastures lost 1.0 point of body condition score during mating, determinant of the lowest pregnancy rate and later conception in relation to cows on improved natural pasture. Pregnant cows presented higher body weight (440 vs. 413 kg) and body condition score (4.14 vs. 3.66 points) than open cows at the end of the breeding season.<br>O trabalho avaliou o desempenho reprodutivo de vacas primíparas aos três anos de idade, submetidas previamente ou não à suplementação protéica no sobreano sobre pastagens naturais. Após o parto, foram manejadas em pastagens naturais ou naturais melhoradas. Os manejos alimentares foram: em pastagem natural na recria e nos períodos de gestação, pós-parto e reprodutivo; em pastagem natural com suplemento protéico na recria e somente pastagem natural durante os períodos de gestação, pós-parto e reprodutivo; em pastagem natural durante a recria e período de gestação, em pastagem natural melhorada (Lolium multiflorum L., Trifolium repens cv. Yi e Lotus corniculatus L. cv. São Gabriel) nos períodos pós-parto e reprodutivo; em pastagem natural com suplemento protéico na recria, em pastagem natural no período de gestação e em pastagem natural melhorada nos períodos pós-parto e reprodutivo. As vacas não diferiram em peso corporal, porém do parto ao início do acasalamento vacas em pastagem natural melhorada tiveram maiores ganhos de peso do que as vacas mantidas em pastagem natural (0,230 vs 0,109 kg/dia). Vacas no pós-parto em pastagens naturais perderam 1,0 ponto de condição corporal durante o acasalamento, determinante da menor taxa de prenhez e de concepções mais tardias em relação às vacas em pastagem natural melhorada. Vacas que conceberam apresentaram maior peso (440 vs 413 kg) e condição corporal (4,14 vs 3,66 pontos) no final do acasalamento do que as vacas não prenhes