11 research outputs found

    7.3 Db Increase Of The Sbs Threshold In An Optical Fiber By Applying A Strain Distribution

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    We study experimentally and numerically the increase of the SBS-threshold in a 500m-DS fiber by applying two different strain distributions. A stair ramp distribution permits us to experimentally demonstrate a 7.3dB SBS-threshold increase. © 2003 Optical Society of America.95 A3537Korotky, S.K., Hansen, P.B., Eskildsen, L., Vaselka, J.J., Efficient phase modulation scheme for suppressing stimulated brillouin scattering IOOC 95, pp. 110-111Hansryd, J., Andrekson, P.A., Broad-band continuous-wave-pumped fiber optical parametric amplifier with 49 -dB gain and wavelength-conversion efficiency (2001) IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 13 (3)Tsujikawa, K., Nakajima, K., Miyajima, Y., Ohashi, M., New SBS suppression fiber with uniform chromatic dispersion to enhance four-wave mixing (1998) IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 10 (8)Shiraki, K., Ohashi, M., Tateda, M., SBS threshold of fiber with a brillouin frequency shift distribution (1996) J. Lightwave Technol., 14 (1), pp. 50-56Hansryd, J., Dross, F., Westlund, M., Andrekson, P.A., Knudsen, S.N., Increase of the SBS threshold in a short highly nonlinear fiber by applying a temperature distribution (2001) J. Lightwave Technol., 19 (11), pp. 1691-1697Yoshizawa, N., Imai, T., Stimulated brillouin scattering suppression by means of applying strain distribution to fiber with cabling (1993) J. Lightwave Technol., 11 (10), pp. 1518-1522Horiguchi, T., Kurashima, T., Tateda, M., Tensile strain dependence of brillouin frequency shift in silica optical fibers (1989) IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 1 (5

    64×10 Gb/s Dwdm System Using A Two-pump Fiber Optical Parametric Pre-amplifier

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    The performance of a 2P-FOPA as a preamplifier in a 64-channel dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) transmission system was studied. Sensitivities comparable with typical erbium amplifiers, low ripple, and no transient response when operated in the unsaturated regime were observed.2498499Marhic, M.E., Broadband fiber-optical parametric amplifiers and wavelength converters with low-ripple Chebyshev gain spectra (1996) Opt. Lett., 21, pp. 1354-1356Hansryd, J., Andrekson, P., Broadband CW pumped fiber optical parametric amplifier with 49 dB gain and wavelength conversion efficiency PD3, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Baltimore, USA, 2000Chávez Boggio, J.M., Demonstration of 26 dB on-off gain in two-pump fiber optical parametric amplifier ThGG18, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, USA, 200

    Mixing Of Signals In Two-pump Fiber Optic Parametric Amplifiers And Wavelength Converters

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    We measure four wave mixing tones generated by two signals within two pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers. Intensities of tones grow with length of fiber and signal power and show little dependence on signal separation. © 2003 Optical Society of America.95 A5355Hansryd, J., Andrekson, P.A., Broad-band continuous-wave-pumped fiber optical parametric amplifier with 49-dB gain and wavelength-conversion efficiency (2001) IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 13, pp. 194-196Torounidis, T., Sunnerud, H., Hedekvist, P.O., Andrekson, P.A., Amplification of WDM signals in fiber-based optical parametric amplifiers (2003) IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 15, pp. 1061-1063Marhic, M.E., Park, Y., Yang, F.S., Kazovslcy, L.O., Broadband fiber optical parametric amplifiers and wavelength converters with low-ripple Chebyshev gain spectra (1996) Opt. Lett., 21, pp. 1354-1356Chávez Boggio, J.M., Callegari, F.A., Tenenbaum, S., Rosolem, J.B., Debarros, M.R.X., Fragnito, H.L., Demonstration of 26 dB on-off gain of a two-pump fiber optical parametric amplifier Proc. of Optical Fiber Communication Conference, pp. 636-637. , OFC'2002, paper THGG18McKinstrie, C.J., Radic, S., Chraplyvy, A.R., Parametric amplifiers driven by two pump waves (2002) IEEE J Sel. Top. Quant. Electronics., 8, pp. 538-547Krastev, K., Rothman, J., Crosstalk in a fiber parametric amplifier (2001) European Conference on Optical Communication, 1, pp. 84-85. , ECOCBlows, J., Cross talk in a fibre parametric wavelength converter Proc of Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2, pp. 565-566. , OFC'2003, OSA Technical Diges

    Nearly 100 Nm Bandwidth Of Flat Gain With A Double-pumped Fiber Optic Parametric Amplifier

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    We demonstrate double-pumped fiber-optical parametric amplifiers with flat and broadband gain spectrum. Using specially fabricated highly non-linear fibers having low variations of the zero-dispersion wavelength and low PMD we obtain flat gain (23.5±1dB) over ∼95nm. ©2007 Optical Society of America.Hansryd, J., Andrekson, P.A., Westlund, M., Li, J., Hedekvist, P.O., Fiber-based optical parametric amplifiers and their applications (2002) IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum. Electron, 10, pp. 506-520Gao, M.Y., Jiang, C., Hu, W., Wang, J., Two-pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers with three sections fiber allocation (2006) Optics and Laser Technol, 38, pp. 186-191Yaman, F., Lin, Q., Agrawal, G.P., Impact of dispersion fluctuations in dual-pump fiber-optic parametric amplifiers (2004) IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett, 16, pp. 1292-1294Radic, S., McKinstrie, C.J., Jopson, R.M., Centanni, J.C., Lin, Q., Agrawal, G.P., Record performance of parametric amplifier constructed with highly nonlinear fibre (2003) Electron. Lett, 39, pp. 838-839Chavez Boggio, J.M., Marconi, J.D., Fragnito, H.L., Double-pumped fiber optical parametric amplifier with flat gain over 47-nm bandwidth using a conventional dispersion-shifted fiber (2005) IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett, 17, pp. 1842-1844Chavez Boggio, J.M., Marconi, J.D., Fragnito, H.L., Bickham, S.R., Mazzali, C., Broadband and low ripple double-pumped fiber optical parametric amplifier and wavelength converters using HNLF (2006) Proc. Optical Amplifiers and their Applications, , Whistler, Canada, Jun

    Q Penalties Due To Pump Phase Modulation In Fopas

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    We investigate Q penalties in FOPAs arising from variations of the parametric gain originated by pump phase modulation. We show that these penalties are strongly reduced in fibers with large variations of the zero dispersion wavelength (λ0). © 2004 Optical Society of America.3293295Mussot, A., Durecu-Legrand, A., Lantz, E., Simonneau, C., Bayart, D., Maillotte, H., Sylvestre, T., (2004) Photon. Technol. Lett., 16, pp. 1289-1291Boggio, J.M.C., Tenenbaum, S., Fragnito, H.L., Four wave mixing induced changes in the noise spectrum in an optical fiber (2001) Conference Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) '01, , paper WDD24, Anaheim, Feb. (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 2001

    Demonstration Of 26 Db On-off Gain Of A Two-pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier

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    Two-pump fiber optical parametric amplifier (FOPA) having ≅26 dB on-off gain with ±1.5 dB ripple over 30 nm bandwidth was demonstrated. An on-off gain >0 dB was obtained over 50 nm. By removing Fabry-Perot filter the noise was also amplified and depleted the pumps when pump power was greater that 120 mW.70636637Hansryd, J., Andrekson, P., Broadband CW pumped fiber optical parametric amplifier with 49 dB gain and wavelength conversion efficiency (2000) PD3, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, , Baltimore, USAMarhic, M.E., Park, Y., Yang, F.S., Kazovsky, L.G., Broadband fiber-optical parametric amplifiers and wavelength converters with low-ripple Chebyshev gain spectra (1996) Opt. Lett., 21, pp. 1354-1356Yang, F.S., Ho, M.C., Marhic, M.E., Kazovsky, L.G., Demonstration of two-pump fibre optical parametric amplification (1997) Electron. Lett., 33, pp. 1812-1813Boggio, J.M.C., Tenenbaum, S., Fragnito, H.L., Four wave mixing induced changes in the noise spectrum in an optical fiber (2001) WDD24, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, , Anaheim, US

    Spurious Four Wave Mixing And Cross Gain Saturation Crosstalk In Parametric Amplifiers Using Dispersion Shifted Fibers With Large Or Small Variations Of λ0

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    We experimentally analyze amplification performance of a two channel WDM system within a single-pumped fiber optic parametric amplifier. We show that fluctuations of the zero dispersion wavelength enhances spurious four wave mixing generation and crosstalk.2775776Tanemura, T., (2004) IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 16, pp. 551-553Uesaka, K., (2002) IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., 8, pp. 560-568Inoue, K., (2001) IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 13, p. 338340Torounidis, T., (2003) IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 15, pp. 1061-1063Blows, J.L., (2004) Optics Communication, 236, pp. 115-122Boggio, J.M.C., OFC 2001, , paper WDD2

    Parametric Amplifier For Mid-span Phase Conjugation With Simultaneous Compensation Of Fiber Loss And Chromatic Dispersion At 10 Gb/s

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    We demonstrate simultaneous compensation of loss and chromatic dispersion for 10-Gb/s transmission over 90-km of standard fiber using mid-span phase conjugation with a fiber-optic parametric amplifier that provides 9.4-dB gain over a bandwidth of 17 nm. The observed power penalty is less than 1.5 dB (at BER < 10-9) relative to back-to-back measurements. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.426503505Watanabe, S., Naito, T., Chikama, T., Compensation of chromatic dispersion in a single-mode fiber by optical phase conjugation (1993) IEEE Photon Technol Lett, 5, pp. 92-95Set, S.Y., Girardi, R., Riccardi, E., Olsson, B.E., Puleo, M., Ibsen, M., Laming, R.I., Geiger, H., 40 Gbit/s field transmission over standard fiber using midspan spectral inversion for dispersion compensation (1999) IEE Electron Lett, 35, pp. 581-582Watanabe, S., Takeda, S., Chikama, T., Interband wavelength conversion of 320 Gb/s (32 × 10 Gb/s) WDM signal using a polarization-insensitive fiber four-wave mixer (1998) ECOC'98, pp. 83-88. , MadridTani, M., Yamashita, S., Dispersion compensation with SBS-suppressed fiber phase conjugator using synchronized phase modulation (2003) IEE Electron Lett, 39, pp. 1375-1377Tani, M., Yamashita, S., Optical fiber four-wave mixing using synchronous modulation with a single phase modulator (2003) Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications, , Chtaru, paper WD3Radic, S., Jopson, R.M., McKinstrie, C.J., Gnauck, A.H., Chandrasekhar, S., Centanni, J.C., Wavelength division multiplexed transmission over standard single mode fiber using polarization insensitive signal conjugation in highly nonlinear optical fiber (2003) Optical Fiber Commun Conf, , Anaheim, CA, PD Paper 12Chávez Boggio, J.M., Tenenbaum, S., Fragnito, H.L., Four-wave mixing induced changes in the noise spectrum in an optical fiber (2001) Optical Fiber Commun Conf, , Optical Society of America Technical Digest, Washington, DC, paper WDD24Kylemark, P., Torounidis, T., Hedekvist, P.O., Sunnerud, H., Andrekson, P.A., Noise figure characterization of fiber optical parametric amplifier (2003) Euro Conf Opt Commun, , Granada, Spain, Paper We1.6.

    730-nm optical parametric conversion from near- to short-wave infrared band

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    A record 730 nm parametric conversion in silica fiber from the near-infrared to the short-wave infrared band is reported and analyzed. A parametric gain in excess of 30 dB was measured for a signal at 1300 nm (with corresponding idler at 2030 nm). This conversion was performed in a travelling single-pass one-pump parametric architecture and high efficiency is achieved by a combination of high peak power and a nonlinear fiber with a reduced fourth-order dispersion coefficient

    Optically Generated Quaternary Packets: Transmission Over The Kyatera Network

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    We demonstrate that fibre four-wave mixing may optically multiplex a binary payload and a binary label Into a single quaternary amplitude packet We also compare the payload and label BER performances after20 km of fibre propagation. © 2006 IEEE.557558Zhang, T., (2004) IEEE J. Light. Tech, 22, pp. 2523-2535Blumental, D.J., (2000) IEEE J. Light. Tech, 18, pp. 2058-2075Chi, N., (2003) IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett, 15, pp. 760-762T. Koonen et al ECOC'02, Paper 5.5.2, Copenhagen- Denmark, 2002Abbade, M.L.F., (2006) IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett, 18, pp. 331-333N. Shibata et al J. of Quantum Electron., QE23 (1987), 1205-121