70 research outputs found

    Reflexivity, the dual Radon-Nikodym property, and continuity of adjoint semigroups II

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    AbstractIn this paper we continue the investigation on the relation between the behaviour of the adjoint of a C0-semigroup and the structure of the underlying Banach space. The following results are proved: if X lacks the RNP then XβŠ™*/X is nonseparable, and if X* lacks the RNP then either X*/XβŠ™ or XβŠ™βŠ™/X is nonseparable. The results are applied to obtain a trichotomy theorem for adjoint semigroups. Also some applications to C0-groups are given

    Hahn-Banach type theorems for adjoint semigroups

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    Abstract multiplication semigroups

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    On the topology induced by the adjoint of a semigroup of operators

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