351 research outputs found
Transport properties of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at finite coupling
Gauge theory-string theory duality describes strongly coupled N=4
supersymmetric SU(n) Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature in terms of near
extremal black 3-brane geometry in type IIB string theory. We use this
correspondence to compute the leading correction in inverse 't Hooft coupling
to the shear diffusion constant, bulk viscosity and the speed of sound in the
large-n N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory plasma. The transport coefficients
are extracted from the dispersion relation for the shear and the sound wave
lowest quasinormal modes in the leading order alpha'-corrected black D3 brane
geometry. We find the shear viscosity extracted from the shear diffusion
constant to agree with result of [hep-th/0406264]; also, the leading correction
to bulk viscosity and the speed of sound vanishes. Our computation provides a
highly nontrivial consistency check on the hydrodynamic description of the
alpha'-corrected nonextremal black branes in string theory.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe
Heavy flavor diffusion in weakly coupled N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory
We use perturbation theory to compute the diffusion coefficient of a heavy
quark or scalar moving in N=4 SU(N_c) Super Yang-Mills plasma to leading order
in the coupling and the ratio T/M<<1. The result is compared both to recent
strong coupling calculations in the same theory and to the corresponding weak
coupling result in QCD. Finally, we present a compact and simple formulation of
the Lagrangian of our theory, N=4 SYM coupled to a massive fundamental N=2
hypermultiplet, which is well-suited for weak coupling expansions.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures; v3: error corrected in calculations, figures and
discussion modified accordingl
Schwinger-Keldysh Propagators from AdS/CFT Correspondence
We demonstrate how to compute real-time Green's functions for a class of
finite temperature field theories from their AdS gravity duals. In particular,
we reproduce the two-by-two Schwinger-Keldysh matrix propagator from a gravity
calculation. Our methods should work also for computing higher point Lorentzian
signature correlators. We elucidate the boundary condition subtleties which
hampered previous efforts to build a Lorentzian-signature AdS/CFT
correspondence. For two-point correlators, our construction is automatically
equivalent to the previously formulated prescription for the retarded
propagator.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, references added; to appear in JHE
The Second Sound of SU(2)
Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we calculate the transport coefficients of
a strongly interacting system with a non-abelian SU(2) global symmetry near a
second order phase transition. From the behavior of the poles in the Green's
functions near the phase transition, we determine analytically the speed of
second sound, the conductivity, and diffusion constants. We discuss
similarities and differences between this and other systems with vector order
parameters such as p-wave superconductors and liquid helium-3.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures; v2 ref added, typo fixe
The Hydrodynamics of M-Theory
We consider the low energy limit of a stack of N M-branes at finite
temperature. In this limit, the M-branes are well described, via the AdS/CFT
correspondence, in terms of classical solutions to the eleven dimensional
supergravity equations of motion. We calculate Minkowski space two-point
functions on these M-branes in the long-distance, low-frequency limit, i.e. the
hydrodynamic limit, using the prescription of Son and Starinets
[hep-th/0205051]. From these Green's functions for the R-currents and for
components of the stress-energy tensor, we extract two kinds of diffusion
constant and a viscosity. The N dependence of these physical quantities may
help lead to a better understanding of M-branes.Comment: 1+19 pages, references added, section 5 clarified, eq. (72) correcte
Diffusion in an Expanding Plasma using AdS/CFT
We consider the diffusion of a non-relativistic heavy quark of fixed mass M,
in a one-dimensionally expanding and strongly coupled plasma using the AdS/CFT
duality. The Green's function constructed around a static string embedded in a
background with a moving horizon, is identified with the noise correlation
function in a Langevin approach. The (electric) noise decorrelation is of order
1/T(\tau) while the velocity de-correlation is of order MD(\tau)/T(\tau). For
MD>1, the diffusion regime is segregated and the energy loss is Langevin-like.
The time dependent diffusion constant D(\tau) asymptotes its adiabatic limit
2/\pi\sqrt{\lambda} T(\tau) when \tau/\tau_0=(1/3\eta_0\tau_0)^3 where \eta_0
is the drag coefficient at the initial proper time \tau_0.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, minor corrections, version to appear in JHE
New results on superconformal quivers
All superconformal quivers are shown to satisfy the relation c = a and are
thus good candidates for being the field theory living on D3 branes probing CY
singularities. We systematically study 3 block and 4 block chiral quivers which
admit a superconformal fixed point of the RG equation. Most of these theories
are known to arise as living on D3 branes at a singular CY manifold, namely
complex cones over del Pezzo surfaces. In the process we find a procedure of
getting a new superconformal quiver from a known one. This procedure is termed
"shrinking" and, in the 3 block case, leads to the discovery of two new models.
Thus, the number of superconformal 3 block quivers is 16 rather than the
previously known 14. We prove that this list exausts all the possibilities. We
suggest that all rank 2 chiral quivers are either del Pezzo quivers or can be
obtained by shrinking a del Pezzo quiver and verify this statement for all 4
block quivers, where a lot of "shrunk'' del Pezzo models exist.Comment: 51 pages, many figure
Thermodynamics of AdS/QCD
We study finite temperature properties of four dimensional QCD-like gauge
theories in the gauge theory/gravity duality picture. The gravity dual contains
two deformed 5d AdS metrics, with and without a black hole, and a dilaton. We
study the thermodynamics of the 4d boundary theory and constrain the two
metrics so that they correspond to a high and a low temperature phase separated
by a first order phase transition. The equation of state has the standard form
for the pressure of a strongly coupled fluid modified by a vacuum energy, a bag
constant. We determine the parameters of the deformation by using QCD results
for and the hadron spectrum. With these parameters, we show that the
phase transition in the 4d boundary theory and the 5d bulk Hawking-Page
transition agree. We probe the dynamics of the two phases by computing the
quark-antiquark free energy in them and confirm that the transition corresponds
to confinement-deconfinement transition.Comment: 1+19 pages, 6 figures, references added, section 3 improve
Sound Waves in (2+1) Dimensional Holographic Magnetic Fluids
We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to study propagation of sound waves in
strongly coupled (2+1) dimensional conformal magnetic fluids. Our computation
provides a nontrivial consistency check of the viscous magneto-hydrodynamics of
Hartnoll-Kovtun-Muller-Sachdev to leading order in the external field.
Depending on the behavior of the magnetic field in the hydrodynamic limit, we
show that it can lead to further attenuation of sound waves in the (2+1)
dimensional conformal plasma, or reduce the speed of sound. We present both
field theory and dual supergravity descriptions of these phenomena. While to
the leading order in momenta the dispersion of the sound waves obtained from
the dual supergravity description agrees with the one predicted from field
theory, we find a discrepancy at higher order. This suggests that further
corrections to HKMS magneto-hydrodynamics are necessary.Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX; minor corrections, references added; an error in the
boundary conditions fixed, a slight change in the result
Low-lying gravitational modes in the scalar sector of the global AdS_4 black hole
We compute the quasinormal frequencies corresponding to the scalar sector of
gravitational perturbations in the four-dimensional AdS-Schwarzschild black
hole by using the master field formalism of hep-th/0305147. We argue that the
non-deformation of the boundary metric favors a Robin boundary condition on the
master field over the usual Dirichlet boundary condition mostly used in the
literature. Using this Robin boundary condition we find a family of low-lying
modes, whose frequencies match closely with predictions from linearized
hydrodynamics on the boundary. In addition to the low-lying modes, we also see
the usual sequence of modes with frequencies almost following an arithmetic
progression.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures; v2: typos corrected; v3: algebraic derivation of
hydrodynamic modes corrected, results unaltere
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