70 research outputs found

    Polymorphic Alu insertions within the Major Histocompatibility Complex class I genomic region: a brief review

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    Most polymorphic Alu insertions (POALINs) belong to a subgroup of the Alu multicopy retrotransposon family of short interspersed nucleotide elements (SINEs) that are categorized as AluYb8 and AluYa5. The number of AluYb8/ AluYa5 members (∼ 4,492 copies) is significantly less than the ∼ one million fixed Alu copies per human genome. We have studied the presence of POALINs within the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class I region on the short arm of chromosome 6 (6p21.3) because this region has a high gene density, many genes with immune system functions, large sequence variations and diversity, duplications and redundancy, and a strong association with more than 100 different diseases. Since little is known about POALINs within the MHC genomic region, we undertook to identify some of the members of the AluYb8/AluYa5 subfamily and to study their frequency of distribution and genetic characteristics in different populations. As a result of our comparative genomic analyses, we identified the insertion sites for five POALINs distributed within the MHC class I region. This brief review outlines the locations of the insertions and sequence features of the five MHC POALINs, their single site and haplotype frequencies in different geographic populations, and their association with different HLA class I genes and disease. We show that the MHC POALINs have a potential value as lineage and linkage markers for the study of human population genetics, disease associations, genomic diversity and evolution

    Polymorphic Alu insertions and their associations with MHC class I alleles and haplotypes in the Northeastern Thais

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    Polymorphic Alu insertions (POALINs) are known to contribute to the strong polymorphic nature of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). Previous population studies on MHC POALINs were limited to only Australian Caucasians and Japanese. Here, we report on the individual insertion frequency of the five POALINs within the MHC class I region, their HLA-A and B associations, and the three and four locus alpha block POALIN haplotype frequencies in the Northeastern (NE) Thai population. Of the five POALINs, the lowest frequency was 0.018 for AluyHF and the highest frequency was 0.292 for AluyHJ and AluyHG. The strongest positive associations between the POALINs and HLA class I alleles was between AluyMICB and HLA-B* 57, AluyHJ and HLA-A* 24 and HLA-A* 01, and AluyHG and HLA-A* 02, supporting previous findings in Caucasians and Japanese. Single POALIN haplotypes were found more frequently than multiple POALIN haplotypes. However, of the seven different POALIN haplotypes within the MHC alpha block, there were only two significant differences between the NE Thais, Caucasians and Japanese. This study confirms that the MHC POALINs are in linkage disequilibrium with HLA-A and -B alleles and that there are significant frequency differences for some of the POALINs when compared between NE Thai, Caucasians and Japanese

    ERVK9, transposons and the evolution of MHC class I duplicons within the alpha-block of the human and chimpanzee

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    The genomic sequences within the alpha-block (∼ 288-310 kb) of the human and chimpanzee MHC class I region contains ten MHC class I genes and three MIC gene fragments grouped together within alternating duplicated genomic segments or duplicons. In this study, the chimpanzee and human genomic sequences were analyzed in order to determine whether the remnants of the ERVK9 and other retrotransposon sequences are useful genomic markers for reconstructing the evolutionary history of the duplicated MHC gene families within the alpha-block. A variety of genes, pseudogenes, autologous DNA transposons and retrotransposons such as Alu and ERVK9 were used to categorize the ten duplicons into four distinct structural groups. The phylogenetic relationship of the ten duplicons was examined by using the neighbour joining method to analyze transposon sequence topologies of selected Alu members, LTR16B and Charlie9. On the basis of these structural groups and the phylogeny of the duplicated transposon sequences, a duplication model was reconstructed involving four multipartite tandem duplication steps to explain the organization and evolution of the ten duplicons within the alpha-block of the chimpanzee and human. The phylogenetic analysis and inferred duplication history suggests that the Patr/HLA-F was the first MHC class I gene to have been fixed and not required as a precursor for further duplication within the alpha-block of the ancestral species

    The association between non-melanoma skin cancer and a young dimorphic Alu element within the major histocompatibility complex class I genomic region

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    A non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) susceptibility locus within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I region was previously identified telomeric of the HLA-C gene using high-density microsatellite markers. Here, we have extended the previous microsatellite study by using the same DNA samples obtained from 154 NMSC patients and 213 normal controls from the town of Busselton in Western Australia and examined the relationship between five polymorphic Alu insertions (POALINs) within the MHC class I region and their association with NMSC. The genotype distribution of the AluyTF insertion that is located within the NMSC susceptibility region telomeric of the HLA-C gene was significantly increased according to the Fisher's exact test in the NMSC patients, and it was not in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in the control group. There was no difference between the cancer patients and controls for the genotypes of the AluyMICB locus within intron 1 of the MICB gene and the other three POALINs (AluyHJ, AluyHG and AluyHF) that are located within the genomic region of the HLA-A, -G and -F gene cluster. The test for significant linkage disequilibrium for 10 pairs of POALIN loci and estimations of two locus POALIN haplotype frequencies also revealed AluyTF differences between the cases and controls. In conclusion, the MHC class I POALIN, AluyTF, that is located within the NMSC susceptibility locus and near the HLA-C gene was strongly associated with NMSC. This finding, using five different polymorphic Alu insertion markers, supports the previous microsatellite association study that one or more genes located in close proximity to the AluyTF insertion has a potential role in NMSC

    The distribution of polymorphic Alu insertions within the MHC class I HLA-B7 and HLA-B57 haplotypes

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    There are five polymorphic Alu insertion (POALIN) loci within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I region that have been strongly associated with HLA class I alleles, such as HLA-A1, HLA-A2 and HLA-B57. In order to assess the variability and frequency of POALIN distribution within two common HLA-B haplotypes, we detected the presence of the MHC class I POALIN by PCR in a panel of 15 individuals with HLA-B57 and 47 homozygous individuals with 7.1 AH (HLA-B7, -Cw7, -A3) obtained from the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry, and also from four families (25 individuals) containing the HLA-B57 allele. Only two of the 47 HLA-B7 genotypes had a detectable POALIN, whereas all of the HLA-B57 genotypes had at least one or more POALINs present, confirming that certain MHC class I haplotypes are relatively POALIN-free and others are POALIN-enriched. Six distinct HLA-B57 haplotypes, based on differences at the HLA-A locus and three of five POALIN loci, were identified that appear to have evolved by different mechanisms, including either by shuffling different combinations of conserved alpha and beta blocks or by recombination events involving two or more previously generated HLA-B57 haplotypes

    An update of the HLA genomic region, locus information and disease associations: 2004

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    The human major histocompatibility (MHC) genomic region at chromosomal position 6p21 encodes the six classical transplantation HLA genes and many other genes that have important roles in the regulation of the immune system as well as in some fundamental cellular processes. This small segment of the human genome has been associated with more than 100 diseases, including common diseases - such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, asthma and various autoimmune disorders. The MHC 3.6 Mb genomic sequence was first reported in 1999 with the annotation of 224 gene loci. The locus and allelic information of the MHC continue to be updated by identifying newly mapped expressed genes and pseudogenes based on comparative genomics, SNP analysis and cDNA projects. Since 1999, new innovations in bioinformatics and gene-specific functional databases and studies on the MHC genes have resulted in numerous changes to gene names and better ways to update and link the MHC gene symbols, names and sequences together with function, variation and disease associations. In this study, we present a brief overview of the MHC genomic structure and the recent information that we have gathered on the MHC gene loci via LocusLink at the National Centre for Biological Information (http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/.) and the MHC genes' association with various diseases taken from publications and records in public databases, such as the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man and the Genetic Association Database

    Dimorphic Alu element located between the TFIIH and CDSN genes within the major histocompatibility complex

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    Most Alu members of the large SINE family are fixed within the human genome but some younger mobile members are dimorphic, that is, they are either present or absent in the genome. Four different dimorphic Alu insertions have been identified and characterized previously within the class I region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Here we report on (i) the identification and characterization of a new dimorphic Alu insertion, AluyTF, located between the transcription factor II H (TFIIH) and corneodesmosin (CDSN) genes within a region of the MHC that is telomeric of the human leukocyte antigen type B (HLA-B) locus and centromeric of the HLA-A locus, (ii) the haplotypic relationships between the AluyTF dimorphism and the HLA-A and -B loci within a panel of 48 IHW cell-lines representing at least 36 different HLA class I haplotypes, (iii) the AluyTF genotype, allele and haplotype frequencies present in the Australian caucasian and Japanese populations, and (iv) the frequency of association between the AluTF dimorphisms and HLA-A and -B alleles in 108 Australian caucasians and 99 Japanese. The AluyTF insertion was present at 27% in the IHW cell lines, and the gene frequency was 0.107 and 0.083 in the Australian caucasian and Japanese population, respectively. The Alu haplotype frequencies constructed from four different dimorphic Alu loci including AluyTF within the MHC were not significantly different (p > 0.05) between the two populations. There were no significant associations between the Alu insertion and either the HLA-A or -B alleles except for a moderately strong association with HLA-A29 in the Australians (71.7%). This polymorphic AluyTF element, along with the four other previously described polymorphic Alu elements within the class I region of the MHC, will be useful lineage and linkage markers in human population studies and for elucidating the evolution of HLA class I haplotypes

    Genomic and phylogenetic analysis of the S100A7 (Psoriasin) gene duplications within the region of the S100 gene cluster on human chromosome 1q21

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    The human S100 gene family encodes the EF-hand superfamily of calcium-binding proteins, with at least 14 family members clustered relatively closely together on chromosome 1q21. We have analyzed the most recently available genomic sequence of the human S100 gene cluster for evidence of tandem gene duplications during primate evolutionary history. The sequences obtained from both GenBank and GoldenPath were analyzed in detail using various comparative sequence analysis tools. We found that of the S100A genes clustered relatively closely together within a genomic region of 260 kb, only the S100A7 (psoriasin) gene region showed evidence of recent duplications. The S100A7 gene duplicated region is composed of three distinct genomic regions, 33, 11, and 31 kb, respectively, that together harbor at least five identifiable S100A7-like genes. Regions 1 and 3 are in opposite orientation to each other, but each region carries two S100A7-like genes separated by an 11-kb intergenic region (region 2) that has only one S100A7-like gene, providing limited sequence resemblance to regions 1 and 3. The duplicated genomic regions 1 and 3 share a number of different retroelements including five Alu subfamily members that serve as molecular clocks. The shared (paralogous) Alu S insertions suggest that regions 1 and 3 were probably duplicated during or after the phase of AluS amplification some 30–40 mya. We used PCR to amplify an indel within intron 1 of the S100A7a and S100A7c genes that gave the same two expected product sizes using 40 human DNA samples and 1 chimpanzee sample, therefore confirming the presence of the region 1 and 3 duplication in these species. Comparative genomic analysis of the other S100 gene members shows no similarity between intergenic regions, suggesting that they diverged long before the emergence of the primates. This view was supported by the phylogenetic analysis of different human S100 proteins including the human S100A7 protein members. The S100A7 protein, also known as psoriasin, has important functions as a mediator and regulator in skin differentiation and disease (psoriasis), in breast cancer, and as a chemotactic factor for inflammatory cells. This is the first report of five copies of the S100A7 gene in the human genome, which may impact on our understanding of the possible dose effects of these genes in inflammation and normal skin development and pathogenesis
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