23 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic and experimental study of Tiî—¸Agî—¸Cu alloys

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    Cours : Istanbul, carrefour diplomatique : l’établissement des ambassades permanentes européennes La pénétration ottomane en Europe, à partir du milieu du xive siècle, s’accompagne, bien entendu, de relations de guerre avec les États chrétiens européens, mais aussi de relations qu’on peut qualifier de diplomatiques. Elles sont naturellement amenées par les limites des capacités militaires du conquérant, aux prises avec des adversaires qui ne sont pas inertes, qui nouent entre eux (ainsi d’ail..

    Stability and formation kinetics of TiN and silicides in the Ti/Si3N4 diffusion couple

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    Reactions in Ti/Si3N4 and TiN/Si diffusion couples annealed in the temperature range of 1000-1200°C were studied theoretically as well as experimentally with SEM/EPMA technique. Isothermal sections of the Ti-Si-N system were calculated using the most recent thermodynamic data. Calculations showed that TiN and Si react with each other and form Si3N4 and TiSi2, parallel to the experimental studies. Correspondingly, results from the Ti/Si3N4 couple were in good accordance with calculated phase equilibria

    Stability and formation kinetics of TiN and silicides in the Ti/Si3N4 diffusion couple

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    Reactions in Ti/Si3N4 and TiN/Si diffusion couples annealed in the temperature range of 1000-1200°C were studied theoretically as well as experimentally with SEM/EPMA technique. Isothermal sections of the Ti-Si-N system were calculated using the most recent thermodynamic data. Calculations showed that TiN and Si react with each other and form Si3N4 and TiSi2, parallel to the experimental studies. Correspondingly, results from the Ti/Si3N4 couple were in good accordance with calculated phase equilibria