4 research outputs found
Nonstationary Stochastic Resonance in a Single Neuron-Like System
Stochastic resonance holds much promise for the detection of weak signals in
the presence of relatively loud noise. Following the discovery of nondynamical
and of aperiodic stochastic resonance, it was recently shown that the
phenomenon can manifest itself even in the presence of nonstationary signals.
This was found in a composite system of differentiated trigger mechanisms
mounted in parallel, which suggests that it could be realized in some
elementary neural networks or nonlinear electronic circuits. Here, we find that
even an individual trigger system may be able to detect weak nonstationary
signals using stochastic resonance. The very simple modification to the trigger
mechanism that makes this possible is reminiscent of some aspects of actual
neuron physics. Stochastic resonance may thus become relevant to more types of
biological or electronic systems injected with an ever broader class of
realistic signals.Comment: Plain Latex, 7 figure
Nonstationary Stochastic Resonance
It is by now established that, remarkably, the addition of noise to a
nonlinear system may sometimes facilitate, rather than hamper the detection of
weak signals. This phenomenon, usually referred to as stochastic resonance, was
originally associated with strictly periodic signals, but it was eventually
shown to occur for stationary aperiodic signals as well. However, in several
situations of practical interest, the signal can be markedly nonstationary. We
demonstrate that the phenomenon of stochastic resonance extends to
nonstationary signals as well, and thus could be relevant to a wider class of
biological and electronic applications. Building on both nondynamic and
aperiodic stochastic resonance, our scheme is based on a multilevel trigger
mechanism, which could be realized as a parallel network of differentiated
threshold sensors. We find that optimal detection is reached for a number of
thresholds of order ten, and that little is gained by going much beyond that
number. We raise the question of whether this is related to the fact that
evolution has favored some fixed numbers of precisely this order of magnitude
in certain aspects of sensory perception.Comment: Plain Latex, 6 figure
Evidence of stochastic resonance in the mating behavior of Nezara viridula (L.)
We investigate the role of the noise in the mating behavior between
individuals of Nezara viridula (L.), by analyzing the temporal and spectral
features of the non-pulsed type female calling song emitted by single
individuals. We have measured the threshold level for the signal detection, by
performing experiments with the calling signal at different intensities and
analyzing the insect response by directionality tests performed on a group of
male individuals. By using a sub-threshold signal and an acoustic Gaussian
noise source, we have investigated the insect response for different levels of
noise, finding behavioral activation for suitable noise intensities. In
particular, the percentage of insects which react to the sub-threshold signal,
shows a non-monotonic behavior, characterized by the presence of a maximum, for
increasing levels of the noise intensity. This constructive interplay between
external noise and calling signal is the signature of the non-dynamical
stochastic resonance phenomenon. Finally, we describe the behavioral activation
statistics by a soft threshold model which shows stochastic resonance. We find
that the maximum of the ensemble average of the input-output cross-correlation
occurs at a value of the noise intensity very close to that for which the
behavioral response has a maximum.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in EPJ B (2008