48 research outputs found

    A new section of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from West Central Africa

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    Previous analyses of macromorphological and molecular data on the continental African species Begonia iucunda (Begoniaceae) suggest that it occupies an isolated phylogenetic position within a clade consisting otherwise of species in sections Cristasemen, Filicibegonia, Loasibegonia and Scutobegonia. Accordingly, the new monotypic section Chasmophila is here described. Its taxonomic position and relationship to other African sections are discussed and data on its distribution and ecology are presented

    Studies in Begoniaceae: VII

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    New data and field-observations on Trichilia Grandifolia Oliv. (Meliaceae)

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    Recently the, hitherto unknown or incompletely described, female flowers and mature fruits of T. grandifolia Oliv., a local, endemic species from the island of São Tomé, were collected and subsequently studied for an emended description of this taxon. Notes on the distribution, ecology and chromosome number (2n = 50) are added