123 research outputs found

    Euclid preparation. The impact of relativistic redshift-space distortions on two-point clustering statistics from the Euclid wide spectroscopic survey

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    International audienceMeasurements of galaxy clustering are affected by RSD. Peculiar velocities, gravitational lensing, and other light-cone projection effects modify the observed redshifts, fluxes, and sky positions of distant light sources. We determine which of these effects leave a detectable imprint on several 2-point clustering statistics extracted from the EWSS on large scales. We generate 140 mock galaxy catalogues with the survey geometry and selection function of the EWSS and make use of the LIGER method to account for a variable number of relativistic RSD to linear order in the cosmological perturbations. We estimate different 2-point clustering statistics from the mocks and use the likelihood-ratio test to calculate the statistical significance with which the EWSS could reject the null hypothesis that certain relativistic projection effects can be neglected in the theoretical models. We find that the combined effects of lensing magnification and convergence imprint characteristic signatures on several clustering observables. Their S/N ranges between 2.5 and 6 (depending on the adopted summary statistic) for the highest-redshift galaxies in the EWSS. The corresponding feature due to the peculiar velocity of the Sun is measured with a S/N of order one or two. The Pℓ(k)P_{\ell}(k) from the catalogues that include all relativistic effects reject the null hypothesis that RSD are only generated by the variation of the peculiar velocity along the line of sight with a significance of 2.9 standard deviations. As a byproduct of our study, we demonstrate that the mixing-matrix formalism to model finite-volume effects in the Pℓ(k)P_{\ell}(k) can be robustly applied to surveys made of several disconnected patches. Our results indicate that relativistic RSD, the contribution from weak gravitational lensing in particular, cannot be disregarded when modelling 2-point clustering statistics extracted from the EWSS

    Euclid preparation. Sensitivity to non-standard particle dark matter model

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    International audienceThe Euclid mission of the European Space Agency will provide weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering surveys that can be used to constrain the standard cosmological model and its extensions, with an opportunity to test the properties of dark matter beyond the minimal cold dark matter paradigm. We present forecasts from the combination of these surveys on the parameters describing four interesting and representative non-minimal dark matter models: a mixture of cold and warm dark matter relics; unstable dark matter decaying either into massless or massive relics; and dark matter experiencing feeble interactions with relativistic relics. We model these scenarios at the level of the non-linear matter power spectrum using emulators trained on dedicated N-body simulations. We use a mock Euclid likelihood to fit mock data and infer error bars on dark matter parameters marginalised over other parameters. We find that the Euclid photometric probe (alone or in combination with CMB data from the Planck satellite) will be sensitive to the effect of each of the four dark matter models considered here. The improvement will be particularly spectacular for decaying and interacting dark matter models. With Euclid, the bounds on some dark matter parameters can improve by up to two orders of magnitude compared to current limits. We discuss the dependence of predicted uncertainties on different assumptions: inclusion of photometric galaxy clustering data, minimum angular scale taken into account, modelling of baryonic feedback effects. We conclude that the Euclid mission will be able to measure quantities related to the dark sector of particle physics with unprecedented sensitivity. This will provide important information for model building in high-energy physics. Any hint of a deviation from the minimal cold dark matter paradigm would have profound implications for cosmology and particle physics
