1,055 research outputs found

    An integrated sequence stratigraphic, palaeoenvironmental, and chronostratigraphic analysis of the Tangahoe Formation, southern Taranaki coast, with implications for mid-Pliocene (c. 3.4–3.0 Ma) glacio-eustatic sea-level changes

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    Sediments of the mid-Pliocene (c. 3.4–3.0 Ma) Tangahoe Formation exposed in cliffs along the South Taranaki coastline of New Zealand comprise a 270 m thick, cyclothemic shallow-marine succession that has been gently warped into a north to south trending, low angle anticline. This study examines the sedimentologic, faunal, and petrographic characteristics of 10 Milankovitch-scale (6th order), shallow-marine depositional sequences exposed on the western limb of the anticline. The sequences are recognised on the basis of the cyclic vertical stacking of their constituent lithofacies, which are bound by sharp wave cut surfaces produced during transgressive shoreface erosion. Each sequence comprises three parts: (1) a 0.2–2 m thick, deepening upwards, basal suite of reworked bioclastic lag deposits (onlap shellbed) and/or an overlying matrix supported, molluscan shellbed of offshore shelf affinity (backlap shellbed); (2) a 5–20 m thick, gradually shoaling, aggradational siltstone succession; and (3) a 5–10 m thick, strongly progradational, well sorted “forced regressive” shoreline sandstone. The three-fold subdivision corresponds to transgressive, highstand, and regressive systems tracts (TSTs, HSTs, and RSTs) respectively, and represents deposition during a glacio-eustatic sea-level cycle. Lowstand systems tract sediments are not recorded because the outcrop is situated c. 100 km east of the contemporary shelf edge and was subaerially exposed at that time. Well developed, sharp- and gradational-based forced regressive sandstones contain a variety of storm-emplaced sedimentary structures, and represent the rapid and abrupt basinward translation of the shoreline on to a storm dominated, shallow shelf during eustatic sea-level fall. Increased supply of sediment from north-west South Island during “forced regression” is indicated from petrographic analyses of the heavy mineralogy of the sandstones. A chronology based on biostratigraphy and the correlation of a new magnetostratigraphy to the magnetic polarity timescale allows: (1) identification of the Mammoth (C2An.2r) and Kaena (C2An.1r) subchrons; (2) correlation of the coastal section to the Waipipian Stage; and (3) estimation of the age of the coastal section as 3.36–3.06 Ma. Qualitative assessment of foraminiferal census data and molluscan palaeoecology reveals cyclic changes in water depth from shelf to shoreline environments during the deposition of each sequence. Seven major cycles in water depth of between 20 and 50m have been correlated to individual 40 ka glacio-eustatic sea-level cycles on the marine oxygen isotope timescale. The coastal Tangahoe Formation provides a shallow-marine record of global glacio-eustasy prior to the development of significant ice sheets on Northern Hemisphere continents, and supports evidence from marine δ18O archives that changes in Antarctic ice volume were occurring during the Pliocene

    A 10-GHz quasi-optical grid amplifier using integrated HBT differential pairs

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    Retrospective analysis of clinical outcomes in bilateral cleft lip and palate patients after secondary alveolar bone grafting and premaxilla osteotomy, using a new dento-maxillary scoring system

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    Evaluation of relevant clinical outcomes in patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP) after secondary aveolar bone grafting (SABG) and premaxilla osteotomy (PMO), through the use of a new scoring system. Data were collected retrospectively from all patients with BCLP who were operated on between 2004 and 2014, at the end of follow-up. The treatment protocol consisted of SABG + PMO in patients aged between 9 and 13 years. At the end of follow-up, the following parameters were scored: (un)interrupted dental arch, skeletal sagittal relationship, bone height using the Bergland/Abyholm criteria, and the presence of postoperative fistula. These parameters were combined to produce a dento-maxillary scoring system, giving a final score between 1 and 10. For statistical analysis, the independent t-test was used. Of 55 children, 45 were suitable for analysis. The mean age at time of surgery was 12.0 years (8.9–16.4 yrs), and the mean follow-up time was 11.7 years (5.8–15.8 yrs). The average number of surgeries executed under general anesthesia was 6 (range: 3–11). The average dento-maxillary score in this patient cohort was 7.6 (1–10; median: 8). Among these patients, 31 had an uninterrupted dental arch; the average Bergland/Abyholm score was 2.07; 30 patients exhibited an Angle class I incisor relationship; and, in 38 cases, the oronasal communication was closed after SABG + PMO treatment. A significant effect of fistulas was seen on dento-maxillary score (p = 0.001). Specifically, a significant effect of fistulas was seen on interrupted dental arch (p = 0.002) and on Bergland/Abyholm score (p = 0.037). The proposed dento-maxillary scoring system is a straightforward tool that can be used to describe and analyze the amount of dento-maxillary rehabilitation at the end of the treatment. Persistence of oronasal fistulas in patients with BCLP has a significant impact on interruption of the dental arch, and can influence dental results at the end of the second decade

    A 100-element HBT grid amplifier

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    A conceptual modeling methodology based on niches and granularity

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    This paper presents a methodology for conceptual modeling which is based on a new modeling primitive, the niche, and associated constructs granularity and reconciliation. A niche is an environment where entities interact for a specific purpose, playing specific roles, and according to the norms and constraints of that environment. Granularity refers to the relative level of power or influence of an entity within a niche. Reconciliation is a relationship from N entities onto one reconciled entity, and represents explicitly a situation where two or more different perspectives of the same entity have been reconciled, by negotiation, into a single consensus view. The methodology we propose provides a systematic method of designing conceptual models along with a process for normalising inappropriate relationships. Normalising is a prescriptive process for identifying and remedying inconsistencies within a model based on granularities. Drawing on a number of case studies, we show how niches and granularity make complexity easier to manage, highlight inaccuracies in a model, identify opportunities for achieving project goals, and reduce semantic heterogeneity